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作者(外文):Chen, Ying-Zheng
論文名稱(外文):Improve Appearance Defect on Thermosetting Resins Decorative Laminate by Using Six Sigma DMAIC Method
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
外文關鍵詞:Six sigmaTaguchi methodsorthogonal arrayThermosetting resinsDecorative Laminate
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  • 評分評分:*****
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S公司在熱固性樹脂裝飾板(俗稱美耐板)領域中為全球知名品牌,主要生產高壓層壓板(High Pressure Laminate,HPL)與低壓層壓板(Low Pressure Laminate,LPL),其應用於建築物裝潢裝修材料、隔間、系統櫃與木地板。由於個案公司於2019年由新公司收購,併入新集團體系後,公司對品牌與定價策略改變,要求產品的品質與低客訴,公司高層希望各旗下生產廠,訂定品質策略並提出生產改善計畫。
本研究透過導入六標準差中的DMAIC手法,系統化的解決S公司熱固性樹脂裝飾板外觀問題,針對客訴類別分析,客訴類別項目較多的外觀異常項目進行改善。個案公司組織六標準差團隊後,小組先以品質關鍵指標(critical to quality,CTQ),量化客戶的品質指標,針對品質指標建立量測系統,確認研究量測系統可靠度,在分析階段小組成員經腦力激盪後,找出可能的因子並以過往的經驗加上技術與研發部門的的建議,找出改善流程的變數,並且應用田口方法找出最佳的製程參數設定並改善。透過製程改善,個案公司大幅降低了產品的不良率與客訴率,大幅降低了不良衍生的製造成本與客訴成本,滿足了製造成本的降低並大幅提升客戶的滿意度。
The S company is famous for manufacturing the thermosetting resin decorative laminate which is also known as melamine decorative laminate. The production lines majorly involve high-pressure laminate (HPL) and low-pressure laminate (LPL) products which can be commonly seen in building materials, compartments, cabinets, and wooden flooring. Because S company was recently acquired by another new company, they decided to change its marketing strategy to adapt the incoming potential clients. Therefore, increasing the product quality and reducing customer complaints become the first priority.
This study mainly focuses on how to resolve the product appearance issue by using Six Sigma method. Through analyzing the categories of the customer complaints and the abnormal appearance on finish goods, a feasible plan can be proposed and evaluated. First of all, the organized project team sorts out the defective products from most customer complaints. After that, the Critical-to-quality characteristics (CTQ) is found out to quantify customer's quality indicators. The second step is to confirm the quality indicators and reliability in the measurement system. Per discussion from project team, the caused-and-effect analysis is used to select the factors. Furthermore, experiment can be set up by applying the Taguchi methods. According to the result of experiment, the critical control factor that mainly affects the product appearance issue can be confirmed. Finally, a control plan can be established to make sure the effectiveness and consistency in the production line. Owing to the Six Sigma project, the case company has greatly reduced operation cost.
第一章 緒論---------1
第二章 文獻探討------3
第三章 研究方法-----15
第四章 個案分析-----22
第五章 結論---------43

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