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作者(外文):Kan, Kai-Tsun
論文名稱(外文):A microsystem chip for the sorting and culturing of circulating tumor cell clusters
指導教授(外文):Liu, Cheng-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Chen, Kuo-Shen
Chang, Hwan-You
外文關鍵詞:microfluidic chipcirculating tumor cell clusterscollagenn, deterministic lateral displacementdielectrophoresiscell culture platform
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究開發之微流體晶片系統,結合三個主要部分,前段為確定性側向位移結構,中段為介電泳技術之特定頻率細胞篩選,後段建構出體外細胞培養平台,透過膠原蛋白(簡稱 Collagen ) 作為細胞支架,建構出細胞培養環境提供肺癌細胞在人體中的生長環境。
With the development of science and technology, the standard of living for humans has gradually improved. However, the bad habits of modern people, excessive work pressure and the deterioration of the environment have caused cancer to become a civilization disease in this society. In different patients, his gene sequence will also be different, thus causing individual differences. Humans are actively looking for in-vitro testing platforms, which has led to the generation of microfluidic chips. Compared with other traditional tools, microfluidic chips can simultaneously carry out multiple groups of experimental comparisons and collect a large amount of data to reduce human labor and errors.

The microfluidic chip system developed in this research combines three main parts. The front part is the deterministic lateral displacement structure. The middle part takes advantage of dielectrophoresis-induced cell sorting. The final part is an in-vitro cell culture platform using collagen as a cell scaffold. The cell culture environment is constructed to provide a growth environment for lung cancer cells.
The experimental results show that A549 can be effectively sorted from blood samples via deterministic lateral displacement and dielectrophoretic forces. A capture rate of 86% of circulating tumor cell clusters was achieved. After two days of culture on the chip, a cell viability rate of 90% was obtained. The patient blood sample is from Shuanghe Hospital under IRB number approval number. We demonstrated the features of our microsystem chip for the sorting, capturing and culturing of circulating tumor cells.
Abstract 2
摘要 3
致謝 4
目錄 5
圖表目錄 8
專有名詞表 10
第一章 緒論 12
1.1 前言 12
1.2 研究動機與目的 13
1.3 研究背景 14
1.3.1 生醫微機電系統與實驗室晶片 14
1.3.2 癌症 15
1.4 文獻回顧 18
1.4.1粒子操控技術 18
1.4.2 介電泳力晶片 22
第二章 系統理論與晶片設計 24
2.1 微流體晶片設計 24
2.1.1 詳細設計與功能介紹 24
2.1.2 電極板設計暨模擬與比較 34
圖2-13 電極設計比較圖,由上而下分別為電極設計形狀、電為電場分布圖、電流密度圖、粒子運動方向圖。 35
2.1.3 晶片預處理 36
2.1.4 運作流程 37
2.1.5 與前人文獻比較 37
2.2 系統理論 40
2.2.1 微流體晶片設計理論 40
2.2.2 確定性側向位移理論 (Deterministic lateral displacement) 43
2.2.3 粒子介電泳理論 ( Dielectrophoresis, DEP ) 47
第三章 微流道晶片製程 53
3.1 製作流程 53
3.1.1 介電泳電極晶片製程 53
3.1.2 微流道母模製程 55
3.1.2 PDMS晶片製程 56
3.2 晶片製程結果 58
第四章 實驗材料與方法 59
4.1 實驗材料 59
4.1.1 細胞培養 59
4.1.3 細胞螢光染劑 61
4.2 DEP 緩衝液配置 61
4.3 實驗設備 62
第五章 實驗結果與討論 63
5.1 細胞大小與分佈分析 63
5.2前段晶片:確定性側向位移分選模組 64
5.2.1 DLD參數設計 64
5.2.2 DLD全血之循環腫瘤細胞分選 64
5.2.3 目標細胞分選效率 66
5.3 中段晶片:介電泳微流體晶片分選模組 67
5.3.1 全血細胞受力移動分析 67
5.3.2 A549在全血中的聚集分析 68
5.3.3 相異電極結構比較 69
5.3.4 粒子運動週期篩選與分析 70
5.3.5 目標細胞分選效率 71
5.4 後段晶片:細胞培養平台模組 75
5.4.1 細胞捕捉效率 75
5.4.2細胞培養存活率分析 76
5.5 癌症病人血液測試 78
第六章 結論 80
第七章 參考文獻 81

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