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作者(外文):Hsieh, Yu-Siang
論文名稱(外文):Continuous isolation of platelet extracellular vesicles using immunoaffinity devices
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chih-chen
口試委員(外文):Takehiko, Kitamori
Chang, Hsin-Hou
外文關鍵詞:plateletextracellular vesicleimmunoaffinity paper-based deviceplatelet extracellular vesicle catcher
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Nowadays, medical institutions around the world will use platelet rich plasma to treat patients who have had some nature and nurture symptoms that have led to platelet insufficiency. But it can only store platelet at room temperature (25℃) that was because the low-temperature environment will prevent platelets from circulating in the body for a long time. Thus, the platelet was difficult to be used for the treatment of “congenital platelet function defects”. However, when the platelet was stored at room temperature, the platelet may be prone to bacteria contamination, which shortens the shelf life of the platelets and results in the waste of platelets. In this report, we suspected that the reason why platelets cannot be stored at low temperature may be partially due to extracellular vesicles (EV) derived from the platelet.
In the beginning, we have developed an immunoaffinity paper-based device that can isolate variable extracellular vesicles. So, in this study, we have used the paper-based device to continuously catch extracellular vesicles derived from the platelets and stored under different conditions to elucidate the relationship between platelet, platelet EV, and temperature. Then a final goal would be to solve the platelet storage problem.
After analysing the experiment results, we have discovered that the paper-based device itself would influence the platelet behaviour. Thus, a new design of immunoaffinity porous film would make by PDMS to replace the paper-based device. And we named it the platelet extracellular vesicle catcher (PEVC).
List of figures..iv
List of tables..vi
1-1 Extracellular vesicle..2
1-2 Platelet extracellular vesicle..5
1-3 Platelet characteristic..8
1-4 Cold-stored platelets physiology..10
1-5 Extracellular vesicle isolation process..11
1-6 Technology for Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic..13
1-7 Self-assembled monolayers technology..14
Chapter 2. Experiment design..17
2-1. Paper-based device fabrication and function test..18
2-2. Optimal the electron microscope experiment..20
2-3. Optimal PEV isolation process..20
2-4. EV absorption ability test for experiment instrument..20
2-5. Platelet aggregation test by spectrophotometer..21
2-6. Main experiment..21
2-7. PEVC fabrication and function test..23
Chapter 3. Experiment method..25
3-1 HEK293T PalmGP EV isolation..25
3-2 Paper-based device fabrication and function test..26
3-3 Scan electron microscope image for EV on paper-based device..32
3-4 Optimal PEV isolation process..34
3-5 EV absorption ability test for experiment instrument..36
3-6 Platelet aggregation test by spectrophotometer..38
3-7 Main experiment..39
3-8 PEVC fabrication, surface modification and function test..41
Chapter 4. Results and discussion..46
4-1. Function test of paper-based device by PE-biotin..46
4-2. Saturation test of paper-based device by PE-biotin..47
4-3. Paper-based device EV catching test..48
4-4. Scan electron microscope image for EV..49
4-5. Optimal PEV isolation process..51
4-6. EV absorption ability on 6-well plate..51
4-7. EV pass and absorption ability on the 1μm insert..52
4-8. Main experiment..53
4-9. PEVC fabrication and function test..58
Chapter 5. Summary..62
Chapter 6. Future work..64
Chapter 7. Reference..66

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