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作者(外文):Lin, Aislyn P.C.
論文名稱(外文):An Empathy-centric Counseling Chatbot System Capable of Sentimental Dialogue Analysis for Managing School Stress
指導教授(外文):Trappey, Amy J. C.
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yu-Kuang
Trappey, Charles V.
外文關鍵詞:counselingchatbotschool stresssentiment understandingvirtual therapy
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在這項研究中,我們將沉浸式虛擬實境 (Virtual Reality, VR) 技術與心理知識庫相結合,開發了一種以同理心為中心的虛擬實境諮商聊天機器人 (Virtual Reality Empathy-centric Counseling Chatbot, VRECC),它可以在諮商師無法提供即時支持時為陷入困境的學生提供輔助支持。通過與聊天機器人的多輪語音或文字對話,系統可以表現出同理心,並向用戶提供諮商師般的回應。研究期間,170多名學生被要求完成問卷調查,隨機抽取34名壓力程度高於平均的受試者進行VRECC實驗。結果顯示,實驗後受試者的平均壓力程度和心理敏感性得分下降。儘管該系統在生活適應得分(例如:行為變化和生理影響)方面沒有降低,但降低壓力程度和心理敏感性的顯著成果讓我們對繼續整合虛擬實境與人工智慧自然語言情感處理有了非常積極的展望,期透過VRECC 研究幫助學生改善他們在學校的心理健康和生活品質。
College students encounter a variety of stresses in school, such as academic and relationship problems, health problems, and future career problems. Some students are easily frustrated by failure, lack of experience or fear of dealing with setbacks. When these negative emotions accumulate and go unresolved, they can have a long-term negative impact on students' physical and mental health. Some potential health problems include depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Counseling services are often available at universities; however, due to the limited number of counselors/psychologists, demand often exceeds counseling capacity. As a result, students may not receive immediate counseling or treatment. If students do not receive treatment, some consequences may lead to severe abnormal behavior or even suicide. In this study, we combined immersive virtual reality (VR) technology with a psychological knowledge base to develop a VR empathy-centered counseling chatbot (VRECC) that can provide supplemental support to struggling students when counselors are unable to provide immediate support. Through multiple turns of verbal or text-based conversations with the chatbot, the system can demonstrate empathy and provide therapist-like responses to users. During the study, more than 120 students completed the questionnaire and 34 subjects with higher stress levels were randomly selected for the VRECC experiment. There is a decrease in the average stress level and psychological sensitivity scores of the participants after the experiment. Although the system did not improve in terms of life impact scores (e.g., behavioral and physical impact), the significant results in reducing stress levels and psychological sensitivity give us a very positive outlook on the continued research of VRECC to help students improve their mental health and quality of life in school.
摘要 I
Abstract III
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research purpose 2
1.3 Research framework 3
2. Literature review 5
2.1 Psychotherapy 5
2.1.1 Different psychotherapy approaches 5
2.1.2 Psychotherapy for student stress 6
2.2 Chatbot 8
2.2.1 NLP and chatbot 8
2.2.2 Counseling chatbot 12
2.3 Application of immersive technology in psychotherapy 12
2.3.1 Health care application & advantages 12
2.3.2 AR/VR application of psychotherapy 13
2.3.3 VR chatbot 14
3. Methodology 15
3.1 Module 1: Questionnaire design 15
3.2 Module 2: Chatbot 16
3.2.1 Psychological knowledge 16
3.2.2 Chatbot methodology 17
3.2.3 Issue and Sentiment Classification 20
3.3 Module 3: Avatar-Based Chatroom: A Virtual Classroom with a Real Counselor and Users 27
4. Experiment 29
4.1 System architecture 29
4.2 System verification 29
4.3 Questionnaire collection and participant selection 31
4.4 Experiment flow 32
5. Data Analysis and discussion 34
5.1 Questionnaire Result 34
5.2 Discussion of Experiment Outcome 39
6. Conclusions 42
References 45
Appendix 54
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