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作者(外文):Feng, Pin-Rui
論文名稱(外文):Integrate Computer Vision and physiological information to establish an intelligent driving warning system
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:deep learningYOLOv5driving safety detectiondriving behaviorcar accident preventionphysiological information
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目前多數研究僅針對分心、疲勞進行個別的研究,但僅討論這兩點肇事因素無法完全的解釋及避免所有車禍因素。且目前研究應用生理資訊大多屬於後續分析,並未將生理資訊做到即時處理的應用,也缺乏整合電腦視覺與生理資訊的智能警示系統。為了解決這一問題並增加實務上與生理資訊即時的應用,本研究使用YOLOv5電腦視覺進行偵測,YOLOv5除了考量分心與疲勞外,也列入情緒這項因素(Alkinani et al., 2020),並透過生理資訊(EEG、HRV)的即時輔助判斷,建立智能警示系統,以更全面地解釋車禍因素。同時也解決過往駕駛安全研究中缺乏整合分心、疲勞和情緒的不足。然而,目前公開資料集缺乏整合分心、疲勞和情緒之資料集應用於汽車安全領域,因此本研究也在駕駛模擬環境中自行建立一泛化程度良好之資料集進行訓練。研究中使用深度學習之YOLOv5對駕駛者臉部及肢體動作特徵的影像,並透過生理資訊的即時處理,輔助偵測駕駛情緒與駕駛疲勞,建立個人化的智能駕駛警示系統,使用警鈴方式給予駕駛者更具實用性的車載警示系統。本研究透過一系列的實驗設計分析30位受試者的駕駛行為與問卷結果,探討本研究提出之智能警示系統是否有助於提升駕駛安全性,並分析三大不安全駕駛行為之嚴重性。從結果可以得知,本研究提出之智能警示系統準確率達98.4%,同時在偵測速度上也最高也達125FPS/秒。最後,本研究提出電腦視覺之不安全駕駛行為檢測輔以生理資訊的及時應用,致使該系統在具有快速的判斷的優勢下,仍然擁有精確的準確率,同時也解決了過往研究在準確率、個人化與實用性不足的問題。
At present, most studies only conduct individual studies on distraction and fatigue, but only discussing these two accident factors cannot fully explain and avoid all car accident factors. In addition, most of the current research and application of physiological information belongs to the follow-up analysis, and the application of physiological information is not realized in real time, and there is also a lack of intelligent warning system integrating computer vision and physiological information. In order to solve this problem and increase the application of real-time practical and physiological information, this study uses YOLOv5 computer vision for detection. In addition to considering distraction and fatigue, YOLOv5 also includes emotion as a factor (Alkinani et al., 2020), and through the real-time auxiliary judgment of physiological information (EEG, HRV), an intelligent warning system is established to more comprehensively explain the factors of traffic accidents. It also addresses the lack of integration of distraction, fatigue, and emotion in previous driving safety research. However, there is currently a lack of public datasets that integrate distraction, fatigue, and emotion for use in the field of automotive safety. Therefore, this study also builds a well-generalized dataset for training in a driving simulation environment. In the research, YOLOv5 of deep learning is used to image the driver's facial and body movement characteristics, and through the real-time processing of physiological information, it can assist in detecting driving emotions and driving fatigue, and establish a personalized intelligent driving warning system. A more practical vehicle warning system for the driver. This study analyzed the driving behaviors and questionnaire results of 30 subjects through a series of experimental designs to explore whether the intelligent warning system proposed in this study can help improve driving safety, and to analyze the severity of the three major unsafe driving behaviors. It can be seen from the results that the accuracy rate of the intelligent warning system proposed in this study is 98.4%, and the detection speed is also up to 125FPS/sec. Finally, this study proposes that computer vision for unsafe driving behavior detection is supplemented by the timely application of physiological information, so that the system still has accurate accuracy despite the advantages of rapid judgment. The problem of lack of personalization and practicality.
摘要 ii
誌謝 i
1 緒論 2
2 文獻回顧 5
2.1 生理資訊與統計問卷量表於駕駛安全檢測 5
2.2 人工智能在駕駛安全的應用 7
2.3 小節 11
3 研究方法 12
3.1 資料蒐集與前處理 13
3.1.1 資料蒐集與標註 13
3.1.2 資料增強 14
3.2 模型訓練與驗證 16
3.2.1 YOLOv5模型訓練 16
3.2.2 YOLOv5模型驗證 19
3.3 生理資訊檢測 22
3.3.1 主觀檢測量表 22
3.3.2 客觀儀器測量 26
3.4 整合智能駕駛警示系統 29
3.5 驗證 31
3.5.1 實驗設計 31
3.5.2 資料分析 32
4 案例實證 37
4.1 資料集使用與資料前處理 37
4.2 YOLOv5模型訓練 38
4.3 驗證 45
4.3.1 使用者生理資訊分析 50
4.3.2 使用者體驗分析 54
4.3.3 智能警示系統有效性分析 59
4.3.4 分心、疲勞與情緒嚴重性分析 60
4.3.5 駕駛行為統計分析 63
4.4 討論 63
5 結論 68

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