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作者(外文):Chiang, Yu-Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):An integrated algorithm deep learning model to improve interpretability and performance: An empirical study
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Shiu, Be-Yuan
Wang, Zhi-Xuan
外文關鍵詞:Explainable ModelsDeep LearningClustering AlgorithmsSimilarity AlgorithmsDigital Transformation
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  • 點閱點閱:262
  • 評分評分:*****
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自動化檢測是數位轉型的重要過程,雖然深度學習模型已經廣泛應用於自動化檢測當中,但深度學習模型不能客觀地解釋結果,稱為低可解釋性。當深度學習模型是低可解釋性的狀態,發生判斷錯誤時人類難以找出錯誤的根本原因,更無法加以修正來提高模型的準確率,只能透過漫無目的訓練模型來祈禱下一次深度學習模型不會犯錯。本研究提出一種整合方法,將物件偵測的實例分割深度學習模型、分群演算法、相似度演算法與計數演算法整合,來實現可解釋的自動化檢測過程。本研究透過一個球鞋鞋底的實際研究案例表明,可解釋的檢測方法可以快速調整錯誤並提高準確率,顏色檢測方面最終測試的績效為F1 score 96.89%,噴墨點檢測方面為MAPE 0.9081%。本研究解決了數位轉型中自動化檢測的挑戰,第一,提高深度學習模型的可解釋性;第二,加強深度學習模型的可修正性。實際應用方面,可以結合遮罩面積計算物體尺寸、利用圖像相似度找出對稱配雙的產品,以及使用遮罩形狀判斷數字、字母。
Automated detection is an important process in digital transformation. Although deep learning models have been widely used in automated detection, deep learning models cannot objectively explain the results, which is called low interpretability. When the deep learning model is in a state of low interpretability, it is difficult for humans to find the root cause of the error when a judgment error occurs, and it is impossible to correct it to improve the accuracy of the model. Only by training the model aimlessly to pray for the next deep learning Models don't make mistakes. This study proposes an integration method that integrates instance segmentation deep learning models, clustering algorithms, similarity algorithms, and counting algorithms for object detection to achieve an interpretable automated detection process. This study shows through a real-world case study of sneaker soles, that interpretable detection methods can quickly adjust for errors and improve accuracy, with final test performances of 96.89% for color detection and 0.9081% for MAPE for inkjet dot detection. This study addresses the challenges of automated detection in the digital transformation, first, improving the interpretability of deep learning models; second, enhancing the correctability of deep learning models. In practical applications, it is possible to calculate the size of objects along with the area of the mask, use the image similarity to find products with symmetrical pairs and use the shape of the mask to judge numbers and letters. For example: matching pairs of sneakers of the same size, quality grading with fruit spots, etc.
第一章 介紹…………………………………………………......................................6
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………......................................8
2-1. 數位轉型………………………………........................................8
2-2. 模型可解釋性………………………………................................8
2-3. 小結………………………………..............................................11
第三章 研究方法………………………………........................................................11
3-1. 資料前處理………………………………..................................13
3-2. 模型訓練………………………………………………………..14
3-2-1. 卷積運算網路………………………………..14
3-2-2. 區域提案網路和RoIAlign…...……………...14
3-2-3. 輸出層………………………………………..15
3-3. 分群演算法……………………………………………………..16
3-4. 分析及整合……………………………………………………..18
3-4-1. 相似度演算法………………………………..18
3-4-2. 計數演算法…………………………………..19
3-5. 衡量指標………………………………………………………..20
第四章 案例研究……………………………………………………………………21
4-1. 資料前處理……………………………………………………..22
4-2. 模型訓練………………………………………………………..23
4-3. 分群演算法……………………………………………………..24
4-4. 分析及整合……………………………………………………..25
4-4-1. CIEDE2000……………………………………25
4-4-2. 計數演算法…………………………………..26
4-5. 績效評估......................................................................................27
4-6. 討論……………………………………………………………..29
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………………………31
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