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作者(外文):Fan, Chi-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Steering Actuation Control and Regenerative Braking Policy for Autonomous Racing Vehicle
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Ting-Jen
口試委員(外文):Yen, Ping-Lang
Liu, Cheng-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:electric vehicleautonomous drivingstudent formulaelectric power steeringregenerative brakingfour-wheel independent drivethermal management
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The goal of this study is divided into two parts. The first part involves the design of a self-driving race car steering actuation controller. A mechanical linkage model is established for the steering system of the TH07 Formula Student race car. After conducting basic tests to verify the correctness of the model, a controller is designed based on this model, and performance simulations are carried out. Finally, real-world experiments will be conducted on the Formula Student race car to validate the results.

The second part focuses on researching the impact of different regenerative braking strategies on energy efficiency and the electrical system. A four-wheel-drive electric race car model is developed, including elements such as vehicle dynamics, drivetrain and motor efficiency, and heat dissipation. Various regenerative policies are simulated to analyze their effects on power consumption and temperature changes in different driving environments. The goal is to identify the correlations between different variables and provide design guidelines for reinforcing reinforcement learning regenerative braking policies in the future. The aim is to achieve a more nuanced control over the timing and proportion of regenerative braking, thereby enhancing the energy
efficiency of electric vehicles and reducing the load on the electrical system.
摘要--------------------------------- i
Abstract---------------------------- ii
目錄------------------------------- iii
圖目錄------------------------------- v
表目錄------------------------------ vi
常用符號對照表--------------------- vii
1. 緒論------------------------------ 1
1.1. 研究動機------------------------ 1
1.2. 文獻回顧------------------------ 2
1.3. 論文概覽------------------------ 3
2. 轉向系統之硬體組成 --------------- 4
2.1. 轉向機構------------------------ 4
2.2. 轉向致動器---------------------- 6
3. 轉向系統之建模與控制 ------------- 8
3.1. 轉向系統模型建構---------------- 8
3.2. 模型合理性驗證 ----------------- 9
3.3. 轉向控制器設計 ---------------- 11
4. 用於回充策略設計之車輛建模------- 15
4.1. 車輛動態----------------------- 16
4.2. 車輪動態與輪胎特性------------- 17
4.3. 空氣阻力----------------------- 21
4.4. 電力系統效率------------------- 22
4.5. 驅動器散熱--------------------- 23
4.6. 剎車系統----------------------- 24
4.7. 行車工況與速度追蹤------------- 24
5. 實驗與模擬結果------------------- 26
5.1. 回充截止車速對能耗之影響------- 26
5.2. 扭矩比例分配對能耗之影響------- 27
6. 未來工作------------------------- 29
6.1. 轉向系統鑑別------------------- 29
6.2. 強化學習方法之設計與訓練------- 29
7. 參考文獻------------------------- 30
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