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作者(外文):Ji, Jun-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Flow Pattern and Pressure Drop Anylsis of Two-phase Segmented Flow with a Thermomagnetic Pump
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Yung
口試委員(外文):Liou, Tong-Miin
Liu, Yao-Hsien
Tien, Wei-Hsin
外文關鍵詞:Thermomagnetic pumpTwo-phase segmented flowImage analysis
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究使用溫度敏感磁性流體隨加熱改變磁化強度的特性,並建構一個只需依靠熱能和磁場即可運作的磁熱泵浦。而本研究成功將磁熱泵浦輔以一個針筒式幫浦,在流道高度為400 μm、主流道寬度2 mm、側流道寬度1 mm的T型接面流道生成氣-液與液-液兩相區段流,並使用CCD相機拍攝影像後進行影像處理對兩相區段流的流動模式進行分析。
In the present study, a thermomagnetic pump operated by temperature difference and magnetic field was fabricated with temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid (TSMF). The thermomagnetic pump was integrated with a syringe pump and a T-junction flow channel to generate gas-liquid and liquid-liquid two-phase segmented flow. The main channel of the T-junction flow channel was 400 μm high and 2 mm wide. The side channel of the T-junction was 1 mm wide. A CCD camera and the acquired images were used to analyze the flow pattern of the two-phase segmented flow.
Before the experiment started, the closed-loop flow rate measurement with TSMF only was conducted to ensure the pressure provided by the thermomagnetic pump was controlled as constant. An additional magnet was positioned at the buffer zone to separate the two-phase segmented flow and recycle the TSMF. It has been observed that the location of the separation magnet could change the flow pattern. The gas-liquid two-phase segmented flow experiment was investigated first with varying the magnet location, and the influence of the separation magnet to the gas bubble length was determined. As a result, the separation magnet was positioned the most far away from the exit.
The gas-liquid and liquid-liquid two-phase segmented flow experiments were implemented with air and water as the dispersed phases and TSMF as the continuous phase. It has been observed that the dispersed phase lengths were highly correlated to the ratio of the two-phase flow rate in both the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid segmented flow. On the contrary, the length of the continuous phase was highly correlated to the reciprocal of the flow rate ratio of the two-phase segmented flow. Linear equations could be used to fit with the above correlations. The bubble length increased from 1.75 to 3.28 channel width with two-phase flow rate ratio; and the droplet length increased from 1.45 to 1.79 channel width with two-phase flow rate ratio. The gas-liquid slug length decreased from 6.18 to 1.68 channel width with two-phase flow rate ratio; and the liquid-liquid slug length decreased from 18.67 to 6.43 channel width with two-phase flow rate ratio. The slopes of the linear equations in liquid-liquid segmented flow were larger than that of the gas-liquid segmented flow. The reason was that the blockage effect of water was more significant than air because of the high viscosity of water. The gas bubble velocity increased as the two-phase flow rate ratio increased. On the contrary, the liquid droplet velocity decreased with the two-phase flow rate ratio. The Reynolds number estimated with dispersed phase was increased from 0.67 to 1.07 in gas-liquid segmented flow and was decreased from 0.81 to 0.53 in liquid-liquid segmented flow. The reason could also be attributed to the high viscosity of water.
The pressure between the channel inlet and exit has also been investigated. The pressure drop increased with the increasing of flow rate ratio in the segmented flow. The reason was that the increment of interface number in the flow channel would increase the interfacial pressure drop.
摘要 II
Abstract IV
誌謝 VII
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XVII
符號說明 XVIII
第1章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 溫度敏感磁性流體 2
1.2.2 磁熱泵浦應用 6
1.2.3 兩相區段流(two-phase segmented flow) 17
1.3 研究目的 31
1.4 研究架構 32
第2章、 實驗原理 33
2.1 溫度敏感磁性流體性質 33
2.2 磁熱泵浦原理 36
2.3 兩相區段流分析原理 37
2.4 單相流理論壓降分析原理 40
第3章、 實驗方法 41
3.1 兩相區段流裝置架設 41
3.1.1 氣-液兩相區段流裝置 41
3.1.2 液-液兩相區段流裝置 43
3.2 磁熱泵浦製作 46
3.3 流道製作 47
3.3.1 矽晶圓流道母模製作 48
3.3.2 熱壓印壓克力流道製作 51
3.3.3 壓克力流道黏合 52
3.4 兩相區段流影像分析方法 54
第4章、 溫度敏感磁性流體搭配空氣或水形成兩相區段流流動分析 59
4.1 磁熱泵浦流率校正 59
4.2 兩相區段流生成過程觀察 62
4.3 兩相區段流性質探討 65
4.3.1 不同分離磁鐵位置下兩相區段流性質探討 66
4.3.2 氣-液兩相區段流流形探討 71
4.3.3 液-液兩相區段流流形探討 77
4.3.4 兩相區段流壓降量測結果 83
第5章、 結論與未來工作 86
5.1 結論 86
5.2 未來工作 88
參考文獻 90
附錄 94
A. Shearing regime 液滴生成模式 94
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