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作者(外文):Ng, Chow-Yong
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Multi-Robot Dynamic Task Allocation and Pathfinding
指導教授(外文):Chen, Rongshun
口試委員(外文):Bai, Ming-Sian
Cheng, Teng-Hu
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:360
  • 評分評分:*****
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Under precedence and temporal constraints, dynamic task allocation and pathfinding for multi-robot system is to optimize an objective function by assigning tasks and plan paths for robots. In this thesis, a framework based on greedy search and ant colony optimization algorithm, a metaheuristic algorithm, is proposed to deal with the task allocation for multi-robot. Pathfinding is optimally solved through conflict-based search algorithm. With the priority-based objective function, the proposed framework first optimizes the utility of the tasks and then, the makespan of the overall system is optimized. Simulations and experiments are conducted and the results are compared with those from greedy-based algorithm to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework.The results illustrate the improvement in the qualities of the solutions and the ability to handle dynamics in the environment.
List of Figures------------------------vii
List of Tables-------------------------xi
Chapter 1: Introduction----------------1
1.1 Background and Motivation-------1
1.2 Literature Review---------------2
1.3 Outline-------------------------7
Chapter 2: DTAPF Problem Formulation---9
2.1 Dynamic MRTA/TOC----------------10
2.2 MAPF----------------------------15
2.3 Dynamic Re-­planning-------------16
Chapter 3: DTAPF framework Design------19
3.1 MRTA/TOC------------------------19
3.1.1 Greedy­-based Search-----------20
3.1.2 Ant Colony Optimization-------23
3.2 MAPF----------------------------27
3.3 Dynamic Re­-planning-------------31
Chapter 4: Robot System Architecture and Localization-----35
4.1 Robot System Architecture-------35
4.1.1 Differential Drive Robot------35
4.1.2 Trajectory Tracking-----------38
4.2 Vision Based Localization-------40
4.2.1 Landmark Based Localization---40
4.2.2 Camera Calibration------------42
4.2.3 Extended Kalman Filter--------45
Chapter 5: Simulation and Experimental Results-----47
5.1 Experiment Design---------------47
5.2 Simulation Results--------------49
5.2.1 Proposed Framework Results----49
5.3 Experimental Results------------60
5.3.1 Localization Results----------64
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Future Work-69
6.1 Conclusions---------------------69
6.2 Future Work---------------------70
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