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作者(外文):Shin-Hong Lin
論文名稱(外文):Cobalt Sulfide Embedded Carved Carbon Nanoboxes Dispersed in Iron Single-Atom decorated Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Porous Structure as a Host Material for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shih-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Tsai, De-Hao
Lee, Chien Liang
外文關鍵詞:Iron Single-Atom CatalystsLithium-Sulfur BatteriesCobalt Sulfide
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為了提高現今商業電池的能量密度,鋰硫電池被視為一個非常有潛力的選擇。鋰硫電池擁有很高的理論重量能量密度(2500 Wh kg-1),其一般可達的重量能量密度也高達400~600 Wh kg-1,加上其對環境非常友善,且陰極材料成本低廉,因此被視為電化學儲能的明日之星。儘管鋰硫電池的前景看好,目前仍有些問題尚未解決。主要問題在於充放電過程中,會發生多硫化鋰穿梭效應,使電池中活性物質減少、電池壽命衰減、庫倫效率下降。
單原子金屬催化劑具有高活性。此種形式的催化劑是透過金屬原子高度分散於載體上來實現高活性,有助於吸附多硫化物,降低穿梭效應發生的機率以及催化多硫化鋰的轉換反應。本研究利用甲醯胺作為碳源以及氮源以熱溶劑法(solvothermal) 沉積於改質過的多壁奈米碳管表面,並將過渡金屬鹽類引入作為單原子金屬催化劑的前驅物。成功合成出含單原子鐵之氮化碳沉積於改質過多壁奈米碳管(SAFe-MWCNT)。同時製備含鈷硫化物的蝕刻碳奈米盒結構(S-Co@CCNB)。並將上述SAFe-MWCNT與S-Co@CCNB以特定比例混合,最後利用冷凍真空乾燥技術(freeze drying)使SAFe-MWCNT形成具高孔隙率的大孔固體泡沫(macroporous solid foam),且含鈷硫化物之蝕刻碳奈米盒被均勻分散於其中(Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT)。吾人期望透過結合多壁奈米碳管出色的導電性、金屬硫化物對於鋰多硫化物極強的化學吸附性質以及單原子鐵金屬催化劑強大的催化多硫化鋰轉換反應的特性來改善鋰硫電池目前所遇到的技術難點。最後再利用滲流法(melt-diffusion method)的方式將Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT與硫粉複合作為鋰硫電池的陰極材料(S-Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT)。發現在充放電速率為0.1 C下可以產生1432 mAh g-1的首圈比電容值,且當充放電速率增加至2 C時還能保有538 mAh g-1的比電容值。在鋰硫電池長效測試方面,充放電電流速率1 C下充放電500個循環後仍能維持550 mAh g-1的比電容值,是初始放電容值的 78.6 %,平均每次循環的比電容量衰減率為0.042 %。長效測試表明S-Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT具有優良的循環穩定性。吾人推測其可歸功於單原子鐵催化劑對多硫化鋰轉換反應的催化能力、多壁碳奈米管的良好導電性以及冷凍乾燥後形成的具高孔隙率的大孔固體泡沫,及含鈷硫化物之蝕刻碳奈米盒結構的孔隙率及對多硫化鋰的強化學吸附功能。
To further improve energy storage performances of today's commercial batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries emerge as a promising candidate. Lithium-sulfur batteries possess an ultrahigh theoretical energy density of 2500 Wh kg-1, with practically realized energy density as high as 400~600 Wh kg-1. In addition, its cathode material, sulfur, is eco-friendly and low cost. As stated above, it is regarded as one of the rising stars for electrochemical energy storage devices. Although the prospect of lithium-sulfur batteries is very promising, there are still technical issues to be resolved. The main problem is the shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides that occurs during the charging/discharging process. The shuttle effect decreases the sulfur amount at the cathode, lowers the Coulombic efficiency, and thus reduces the specific capacitance.
Single-atom metal catalysts possess high catalytic activities. This type of catalyst achieves high activities through highly dispersed metal atoms on substrates. It helps lithium-sulfur batteries to adsorb polysulfides, reduce the shuttle effect, and catalyze conversion reactions of polysulfides.
In this study, formamide was used as both the carbon source and nitrogen source to coat the modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a solvothermal method, and transition metal salts were introduced as precursors of single-atom metal catalysts. Iron single-atom loaded modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SAFe-MWCNT) were successfully synthesized with iron single-atoms stabilized on a carbon nitride layer. Furthermore, cobalt sulfide embedded carved carbon nanoboxes (S-Co@CCNB) were fabricated. The above-mentioned SAFe-MWCNT were mixed with S-Co@CCNB in a specific mass ratio, followed by freeze drying to afford a composite for accommodation of sulfur. The composite was composed of S-Co@CCNB well dispersed in the macroporous solid foam of SAFe-MWCNT of high porosities. We aim to combine the excellent electrical conductivity of MWCNTs, the excellent chemisorption property of metal sulfides toward lithium polysulfides, and the high catalytic efficiency of iron single-atoms for lithium polysulfide conversion reactions, to achieve a high performance host material for sulfur. Finally, S-Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT was compounded with sulfur powder with a melt-diffusion method to serve as the cathode of the lithium-sulfur battery. A high initial charge specific capacity of 1432 mAh g-1 was achieved at 0.1 C, with a decent specific capacity of 538 mAh g-1 maintained at 2 C. For long-term stability tests, a specific capacity of 550 mAh g-1 was maintained after 500 cycles of charging/discharging at 1 C, which was 78.6 % of the initial discharge capacity. The average capacity decay rate per cycle was only 0.042 %, indicating the excellent cycling stability of the cathode. The success may be attributed to the high catalytic efficiency for conversion of lithium polysulfides of iron single-atoms, excellent conductivity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, high degree dispersion of S-Co@CCNB in the macroporous solid foam of SAFe-MWCNT, and strong sorption capability of S-Co@CCNB toward lithium polysulfides.
摘要 i
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
式目錄 xvi
第 1 章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 鋰硫電池 2
1-2-1 鈕扣電池結構簡介: 2
1-2-2 鋰硫電池的工作原理 4
1-2-3 電解液的選擇 6
1-3 鋰硫電池遇到的挑戰 6
1-4 單原子金屬觸媒 7
1-5 研究動機 9
第 2 章 文獻回顧 11
2-1 概述 11
2-2 有機金屬框架 18
2-3 單原子金屬催化劑應用在鋰硫電池 20
2-4 多壁奈米碳管以及冷凍乾燥技術應用在鋰硫電池 26
第 3 章 實驗方法與儀器 32
3-1 實驗藥品 32
3-2 實驗儀器 34
3-3 分析儀器 36
3-4 實驗步驟 39
3-4-1 含鈷硫化物的蝕刻碳奈米盒材料(S-Co@CCNB)製備 39
3-4-2 含單原子鐵之氮化碳沉積於改質過多壁奈米碳管(SAFe-MWCNT)材料製備 41
3-4-3 含鈷硫化物之蝕刻碳奈米盒分散於負載單原子鐵催化劑之多壁奈米碳管(S-Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT)材料製備 42
3-4-4 多硫化鋰吸附實驗 42
3-4-5 鋰硫電池電極片製作與全電池組裝 43
3-4-6 電化學測試與分析 43
第 4 章 結果與討論 44
4-1 含鈷硫化物的蝕刻碳奈米盒材料(S-Co@CCNB)之材料鑑定與分析 44
4-2 含單原子鐵之氮化碳沉積於改質過多壁奈米碳管(SAFe-MWCNT)材料之材料鑑定與分析 55
4-3 含鈷硫化物的蝕刻碳奈米盒分散於負載單原子鐵催化劑之多壁奈米碳管材料(S-Co@CCNB/SAFe-MWCNT)之材料鑑定與分析 69
4-4 所合成之含鈷硫化物的蝕刻碳奈米盒分散於負載單原子鐵催化劑之多壁奈米碳管材料電化學性能測試與分析 76
4-5 本研究與鋰硫電池文獻之性能比較 96
第 5 章 結論 98
第 6 章 參考資料 99

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