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作者(外文):Tseng, Bo-Xun
論文名稱(外文):Complex Packing Behavior of the Spherical Micelles of Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Blend
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hsin-Lung
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jiun-Tai
Chu, Che-Yi
外文關鍵詞:block copolymerself-assemblyhexagonal close-packed
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由高度非對稱組成的嵌段共聚物(bcp)形成的球形微胞藉由粒子間排斥力自組裝成晶格排列。微胞堆積成緊密堆積球(CPS)相包含面心立方(FCC)和六方密積(HCP)的現象在bcp系統中極為少見。在膠體粒子系統中,高度精準的模擬研究確認了FCC比HCP晶格為更穩定的緊密堆積晶格,然而近期的研究指出了在bcp系統中,HCP反而比FCC更穩定。除了常見的FCC與HCP晶格以外,CPS相中各式各樣的多型體在無機化合物原子形成的結晶中被觀測到,其中包含4H或由六方密積層(HCPLs)照著ABAC重複序列排列堆疊成的double HCP(DHCP)相。在我們的認知中,這些多型體在bcp系統中還未被發現。

在本論文中,我們利用由聚乙二醇和聚丁二烯組成的對稱嵌段共聚物poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(1,4-butadiene) (PEO-b-PB)混合分子量為300克/莫耳的聚丁二烯poly(1,2-butadiene) (h-PB)來探討CPS和Frank-Kasper(FK)相的形成。我們發現了在PEO體積分率為0.173的組成中,一旦從無序排列微胞(DM)相降溫會傾向於形成DHCP相。由於DHCP相在稀土金屬中被認為是由壓力誘導的結構,這個在bcp中不常見的CPS相的形成原因被歸為由於高溫下均聚物PB的揮發造成在填滿以及完全密封的樣品槽中內部壓力的增加。增加組成非對稱性至PEO體積分率0.146誘發了在菱形晶格單元中為三方晶體空間群R3 ̅m的變形FCC相形成。這個變形FCC相也被認為是壓力誘發的穩定結構,而不是在HCP轉變成FCC過程中產生的中間結構。

此混參系統在接近六角堆積圓柱的組成邊界形成FK 相。這個晶格的四方晶胞長寬比(c/a)被發現隨著降溫明顯的下降,這個現象在過去並未被發現。最後,混參樣品的初始結構對於隨後形成之緊密堆積晶格的選擇有所影響。在去除溶劑履歷期間產生的PEO層板結晶,熔化後還未回到平衡狀的球狀微胞形態而造成了r-HCP相的形成,且這個r-HCP升溫後會逐漸轉變成FCC相。從DM相浸泡在液態氮中來驟冷微胞造成結晶侷限在PEO相區,且這些微胞排無規則排列 (LLP),此LLP相在隨後升溫超過晶體熔點後傾向於轉化成HCP相。我們的研究結果闡釋了產生史無前例的球相的可行性、揭露了FK σ相的特殊相行為以及熱處理條件對於共聚物與均聚物的混參樣品產生之CPS相的動力學途徑影響,這些研究在軟物質冶金學領域有所貢獻。
Block copolymer (bcp) with large compositional asymmetry form spherical micelles that self-organize into long-range ordered lattices driven by the repulsive interparticle interaction. Close-packed sphere (CPS) phase with the micelles packed in face-centered cubic (FCC) or hexagonal close-packed (HCP) lattice is highly unusual among bcp systems. In hard colloidal crystals, highly accurate simulation studies have identified FCC as a more stable close-packed lattice than HCP, while recent works suggested that HCP is favored over FCC for the close packing of bcp micelles. In addition to the ordinary FCC and HCP lattice, a variety of polytypes of CPS phase have been observed in the atomic crystallization of inorganic compounds, including the 4H or double HCP (DHCP) phase constructed by the ABAC repeating sequence for the close stacking of the hexagonal close-packed layers (HCPLs). To our knowledge, these polytypes have not been found in bcp systems.
The present study investigates the CPS and FK phase formed in the blends of a compositionally symmetric poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(1,4-butadiene) (PEO-b-PB) and a poly(1,2-butadiene) homopolymer (h-PB) with the molecular weight of 300 g/mol. It was found that the blend with the overall PEO volume fraction fPEO = 0.173 tended to form DHCP phase upon cooling from the disordered micelle (DM) phase. As DHCP phase has been considered as a pressure-induced structure of rare-earth metal, the stability of this unusual CPS phase in bcp was attributed to the increase of internal pressure within the well-filled and firmly sealed sample cell due to the suppression of the evaporation of h-PB at high temperature. Increasing compositional asymmetry to fPEO = 0.147 induced the formation of a distorted FCC phase with trigonal space group R3 ̅m in rhombohedral unit cell. This distorted FCC phase was also considered as a pressure-induced stable structure rather than an intermediate structure associated with HCP-FCC transition.
The present blend system formed Frank-Kasper phase near the boundary of the hexagonally packed cylinder phase. The aspect ratio of the tetragonal unit cell, c/a, of this quasicrystal approximant was found to decrease drastically with decreasing temperature, which has not been found in the previous studies revealing the phase of bcps. Finally, the effect of initial structure of the blend on the subsequent selection of the close-packed lattice in the blend was examined. The recovery of the spherical micelles upon the melting of the PEO crystalline lamellae formed during solvent casting led to the formation of the r-HCP phase that further transformed into FCC phase on heating. Quenching the micelles in the DM phase into liquid nitrogen led to the crystallization confined within the PEO core and the micelles packed in a liquidlike packing phase which tended to organize into HCP phase upon subsequent heating above the crystal melting point. Our results demonstrate the accessibility of the unprecedented spherical phases and reveal a special phase behavior of the Frank-Kasper σ phase and the impact of thermal processing condition on the kinetic pathway pf CPS phase formation in bcp/homopolymer blends, which shall contribute to the basic understanding of the metallurgy of soft matter.
Abstract II
摘要 IV
Table of Contents VI
Figure Contents VII
Table Contents XII
Chapter 1. General Introduction and Literature Review 1
1.1 Background of Research 1
1.2 Phase behavior of diblock copolymer 3
1.2.1 Phase behavior of neat block copolymer 3
1.2.2 Phase behavior of diblock copolymer in block copolymer/homopolymer blends 9
1.3 Close-packed sphere phase (CPS) 17
1.4 Frank-Kasper phase (F-K phase) 26
1.5 Motivation and Objective of Research 33
Chapter 2. Complex Packing Behavior of the Spherical Micelles of Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Blends 36
Introduction 36
2.2 Experiment Section 43
2.2.1 Materials and sample preparation 43
2.2.2 Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Measurement 44
2.3.1 Emergence of quasi-HCP phase in PEO7.5k-b-PB5.5k/h-PB0.3k blends 46
2.3.2 Emergence of distorted FCC phase 54
2.3.3 Temperature-dependent lattice parameters and structural order of Frank-Kasper σ phase 62
2.3.4 Kinetic pathway of CPS phase formation 82
Chapter 3. Overall Summary 90
References 93

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