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作者(外文):Ching, Cheng-Chun
論文名稱(中文):Bi-Sb-Se-Te四元系統相平衡: 實驗量測與Calphad計算
論文名稱(外文):Phase equilibria of Bi-Sb-Se-Te quaternary system: Experimental measurements and Calphad calculation
指導教授(外文):Chen, Sinn-Wen
口試委員(外文):Wong, David Shan-Hill
Wang, Chao-Hong
Wojciech, Gierlotka
外文關鍵詞:thermoelectric materialphase diagramcalphadBi-Sb-Se-Teliquidus projectionisothermal section
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液相線投影圖的投影線代表著單一變數線(univariant line),也區隔著不同的首要析出相。在本研究實驗結果,發現Bi-Sb-Se三元系統中有七個首要析出相區,包含(Bi,Sb)、(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n、Bi2Se3、Se、Sb2Se3及本研究新發現的Bi3Sb5Se2以及Bi3Sb12Se5三元相。由於在本研究中難以區分兩三元相,故以Bi30-xSb55Sex相代表此兩相。從溫度與生成相的組成,推知Bi-Sb-Se三元系統具有五個不變反應(invariant reaction)。分別為: Liquid+Sb2Se3+Bi2Se3=Se (ClassШ)、Liquid+Bi2Se3=Sb2Se3+ (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassⅡ)、Liquid+Sb2Se3+ (Bi,Sb)= Bi30-xSb55Sex (ClassШ)、Liquid+Sb2Se3+Bi30-xSb55Sex =(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassШ)、Liquid+Bi30-xSb55Sex =(Bi,Sb)+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassⅡ)。經由熱分析的方式測得兩個不變反應溫度: Liquid+Sb2Se3+(Bi,Sb)= Bi30-xSb55Sex,反應溫度為520oC; Liquid+Bi2Se3 =Sb2Se3+ (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n,反應溫度為580oC。
本研究發現在Bi-Sb-Se 400oC有兩個三元相的存在:Bi3Sb5Se2以及Bi3Sb12Se5,並發現Sb對於(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n的溶解度高達38at.%。依據相關二元與三元系統的相平衡資料,Bi-Sb-Se在400oC具有8個單相: Bi2Se3、Sb2Se3、Bi3Sb5Se2、Bi3Sb12Se5、(Bi,Sb)、(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n、Liquid(Bi)以及Liquid(Se)。並有15個兩相區以及8個三相區。
在Bi-Sb-Se 相圖計算中,統整了文獻中對於三個二元子系統的熱力學參數,並根據本實驗的研究成果引入三元系統參數進行熱力學模型的修改。目前計算預測於400oC的熱力學平衡相與本研究所制定的相當接近。
在Bi-Se-Te 400oC等溫橫截面圖系統中並未發現三元相的存在。並發現(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n以及(Bi2)m(Bi2Te3)n可形成一同質互溶體(Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n。依據相關二元與三元系統的相平衡資料以及本研究成果,Bi-Se-Te在400oC下具有5個單相: Bi2(Se,Te)3、Liquid(Se,Te)、Solid(Se,Te)、Liquid(Bi)、(Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n,5個兩相區以及1個三相區。
Thermoelectric devices can improve energy usage efficiency by converting waste heat to electricity. They are mainly used in application such as waste heat recovery and cooling device. Therfore, thermoelectric materials and devices have attracted a lot of attention and discussion. Bi-Sb-Se-Te quaternary system is an important thermoelectric material system. It has various compounds of promising thermoelectric properties, including Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Se3, (Bi,Sb)2Te3, Bi2(Se,Te)3, (Bi,Sb)2Se3, Sb2(Se,Te)3, and (Bi,Sb)2(Se,Te)3, etc. Phase diagrams contain phase equilibria information which is fundamentally important for materials design and processing. This study determines the phase diagrams of Bi-Sb-Se-Te quaternary system and its constituent sub-systems by both experimental measurements and Calphad-type calculation.
For phase equilibria measurements. Quaternary Bi-Sb-Se-Te alloys are prepared with pure constituent elements and equilibrated at 400oC. Their equilibrium phases are determined based on the results of metallographical, compositional and XRD analysis. The phase diagrams are constructed based on the determined phase equilibria results and related phase diagrams from the literatures. The liquidus projection is constructed by thermal analysis and the study of primary solidification phase. The phase transformation temperature is measured by thermal analysis and the primary solidification phases are determined from the as-quenched alloys. For the construction of thermodynamic model, it is determined by the Calphad method and Pandat software developd by Computherm.
Bi-Sb-Se-Te quaternary system contains six constituent binary systems and four constituent ternary systems, including Bi-Sb, Bi-Se, Bi-Te, Sb-Se, Sb-Te, Se-Te,. Bi-Sb-Se, Bi-Sb-Te, Bi-Se-Te, and Sb-Se-Te. The information of the binary systems is relative complete in literatures. The most appropriate binary system phase diagram and thermodynamic model are selected from literatures in this study. For ternary systems, Bi-Se-Te and Sb-Se-Te ternaty system phase equilibria data and phase diagrams are relatively complete in the literatures. In this study, the ternary phase diagram of Bi-Sb-Se and Bi-Se-Te are determined by both experimental measurements and Calphad-type calculation. Bi-Sb-Se-Te 400oC isothermal section is determined based on the the isothermal section of Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3-Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 and the four constituent ternary systems in this study.
In this study, we determine the univariant line from different primary solidification phases. Seven primary solidification phases are observed in Bi-Sb-Se liquidus projection. Including (Bi,Sb), (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n, Bi2Se3, Se, Sb2Se3, Bi3Sb5Se2, and Bi3Sb12Se5 phases. However, Bi3Sb5Se2 and Bi3Sb12Se5 phases are difficult to distinguish in this stidy. These two phases’ region is represented by Bi30-xSb55Sex. Accroding to the phase transformation temperature and precipitation order of phases, there are five invariant reactions, Liquid+Sb2Se3+Bi2Se3=Se (ClassШ), Liquid+Bi2Se3=Sb2Se3+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassⅡ), Liquid+Sb2Se3 +(Bi,Sb)=Bi30-xSb55Sex (ClassШ), Liquid+Sb2Se3+Bi30-xSb55Sex=(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassШ), Liquid+Bi30-xSb55Sex =(Bi,Sb)+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassⅡ).
Two invariant reaction temperature are found by thermal analysis in this study. Liquid+Sb2Se3+Bi30-xSb55Sex=(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassШ) at 520oC and Liquid+Bi2Se3= Sb2Se3+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n (ClassⅡ) at 580oC.
Two ternary compounds, Bi3Sb5Se2 and Bi3Sb12Se5, are found in Bi-Sb-Se 400oC isothermal section. The solubility of Sb in (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n is 38at.%. Accroding to the relation information of phase diagram for this system. There are eight single-phase regions in this system, Bi2Se3, Sb2Se3, Bi3Sb5Se2, Bi3Sb12Se5, (Bi,Sb), (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n, Liquid(Bi), and Liquid(Se).
The calculation result of Bi-Sb-Se system is determined based on the three constituent binary systems from literatures and the experiment results in this study. In most case, the calculation result is in agreement with the experiment results.
Bi-Se-Te 400oC isothermal section is determined in this study. No ternary compounds are found in this system. The (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n and (Bi2)m(Bi2Te3)n form continuous solid solution (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n. Accroding to the relation information of phase diagram for this system. There are five single-phase regions, Bi2(Se,Te)3, Liquid(Se,Te), Solid(Se,Te), Liquid(Bi), and (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n in this system.
The calculation result of Bi-Se-Te system is determined based on the three constituent binary systems from literatures and the experiment results in this study. The calculation result shows in agreement with the experiment results in this study.
In Bi-Sb-Se-Te quaternary system, the experiment results show a wide single phase region in Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3-Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 isothermal section.
摘要 ii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xxii
1. 前言 1
2. 文獻回顧 5
2-1 相圖 5
2-1-1 實驗建立相圖 7
2-1-2 計算建立相圖 8
2-2 二元系統回顧 9
2-2-1 Bi-Sb二元系統相平衡 9
2-2-2 Bi-Se二元系統相平衡 10
2-2-3 Bi-Te二元系統相平衡 13
2-2-4 Sb-Se二元系統相平衡 17
2-2-5 Sb-Te二元系統相平衡 20
2-2-6 Se-Te二元系統相平衡 23
2-3 三元系統回顧 25
2-3-1 Bi-Sb-Se三元系統相平衡 25
2-3-2 Bi-Sb-Te三元系統相平衡 27
2-3-3 Bi-Se-Te三元系統相平衡 30
2-3-4 Sb-Se-Te三元系統相平衡 33
3. 研究方法 35
3-1 金相實驗 35
3-2 相圖計算 38
4. 結果與討論 41
4-1 Bi-Sb-Se 液相線投影圖研究方法 41
4-1-1 (Bi,Sb)首要析出相區: 50
4-1-2 (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n首要析出相區 61
4-1-3 Bi2Se3 primary solidification phase section 71
4-1-4 Bi30-xSb55Sex primary solidification phase section 77
4-1-5 Sb2Se3 primary solidification phase section 84
4-1-6 Bi-Sb-Se三元系統熱分析 94
4-1-7 Bi-Sb-Se統整液相線投影圖 100
4-2 Bi-Sb-Se於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 102
4-2-1 Bi2Se3+Sb2Se3+Se三相區 108
4-2-2 Bi2Se3+Sb2Se3+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n三相區 110
4-2-3 Bi3Sb5Se2+Bi3Sb12Se5+(Bi,Sb)三相區 111
4-2-4 Bi3Sb5Se2+(Bi,Sb)+Liquid(Bi,Sb)三相區 114
4-2-5 Bi3Sb5Se2+(Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n +Sb2Se3三相區 116
4-2-6 (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n +Bi2Se3兩相區 118
4-2-7 Bi3Sb12Se5+(Bi,Sb)兩相區 120
4-2-8 Bi3Sb12Se5+ Sb2Se3兩相區 124
4-2-9 Bi3Sb5Se2+Liquid兩相區 127
4-2-10 (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n +Sb2Se3兩相區 130
4-2-11 (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n +Liquid兩相區 132
4-2-12 Bi2Se3+Sb2Se3兩相區 137
4-2-13 (Bi2)m(Bi2Se3)n單相區 138
4-2-14 Bi3Sb5Se2單相區 141
4-2-15 Bi-Sb-Se於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 143
4-3 Bi-Sb-Se 計算相圖 145
4-4 Bi-Se-Te 於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 154
4-4-1 (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n 單相區 158
4-4-2 (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n+Liquid(Bi)兩相區 163
4-4-3 Bi2(Se,Te)3+Liquid(Se,Te)兩相區 165
4-4-4 (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n+Bi2(Se,Te)3兩相區 168
4-4-5 Bi2(Se,Te)3+Solid(Se,Te)兩相區 170
4-4-6 (Bi2)m(Bi2(Se,Te)3)n+Liquid(Se,Te)+Solid(Se,Te)三相區 174
4-4-7 Bi-Se-Te於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 178
4-5 Bi-Se-Te計算相圖 180
4-6 Sb-Se-Te於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 188
4-6-1 Sb2Se3+Solid(Se,Te)兩相區 191
4-6-2 Sb2Se3+Sb2Te3+Solid(Se,Te)三相區 194
4-6-3 Sb2Te3+δ-(Sb2Te)兩相區 197
4-6-4 δ-(Sb2Te)+γ-(SbTe)兩相區 199
4-6-5 Sb2Te3單相區 200
4-6-6 Sb2Se3+δ-(Sb2Te)+γ-(SbTe)三相區 201
4-6-7 Sb-Se-Te於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 203
4-7 Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3-Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 於400oC下的等溫橫截面圖 205
4-7-1 (Bi,Sb)2(Se,Te)3單相區: 208
4-7-2 Sb2Se3-(Bi,Sb)2(Se,Te)3兩相區 216
4-7-3 Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3-Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3於400oC等溫橫截面相圖 217
4-7-4 Bi-Sb-Se-Te於400oC等溫立體相圖 218
5. 研究成果 219
6. 參考文獻 221
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