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作者(外文):Lu, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Meldrum’s acid-based Polymeric Thin Film Composite (TFC) Membranes via Interfacial Polymerization for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration
指導教授(外文):Liu, Ying-Ling
口試委員(外文):Sun, Yi-Ming
Hu, Chien-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Interfacial polymerizationThin film composite (TFC) membraneMeldrum’s acid-based polymerOrganic Solvent Nanofiltration
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為了以熱醯亞胺化的方式製備多孔聚醯亞胺(PI)基材膜,實驗中先以蒸氣誘導式相分離法(Vapor induced phase separation, VIPS)處理聚醯胺酸膜,使表面出現連續且排列平均的孔洞,避免熱環化時表面孔洞坍塌的現象。另外以全反射傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀、掃描電子顯微鏡、原子力顯微鏡、水接觸角測量儀等鑑定基材表面,同時也確認界面聚合後MADA-TMC聚醯胺選擇層之形成;接著透過熱處理使米氏酸結構熱開環,其表面選擇層會變得更加均勻且緊密,於Methyl orange(分子量=327 Da)/IPA系統中有93%的阻擋率,可見開環後截留分子量(Molecular weight cut-off)有下降的趨勢,但通量同時也因緻密的結構而有所下降。綜合以上,本研究成功利用VIPS法製備出熱醯亞胺化之PI多孔膜作為基材,並以界面聚合法開發出含米氏酸官能基之高分子複合薄膜,探討米氏酸官能基對複合薄膜性能之影響。
Insoluble polyimides are ideal materials for organic solvent nanofiltration membranes. In this research, PMDA/ODA PI has been developed as a substrate for a thermally stable composite membrane. The PI membrane was prepared by thermal imidization of polyamic acid membrane, which underwent vapor induced phase separation (VIPS) process first to prevent pore collapsing during the high imidization temperature(300°C). Then the polyamide thin-film composite membranes were developed via interfacial polymerization of Meldrum’s acid-based diamine (MADA) and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) on the PI substrates treated with PEG. Furthermore, taking advantages of the reaction diversity of Meldrum’s acid-based polyamide selective layer, the highly reactive ketene groups could carry out self-dimerization to form crosslinked structures after thermal treatment. The higher crosslinking degree after thermal treatment made polyamide selective layer more stable. These composite membranes showed a permeation flux of 0.18 L m− 2 h− 1 bar− 1 with 93% rejection to methyl orange in isopropanol, and also exhibited good mechanical properties and stable performance in organic solvent, which implied the great potential for the separation processes under harsh organic environments. Moreover, Meldrum’s acid-based functional groups could provide more reactive site for the polymer modification, which might expand the application possibilities. 
第一章 緒論.....................................1
第二章 文獻回顧.................................16
第三章 實驗方法.................................42
3-3-2合成含有米氏酸官能基之雙胺分子MADA........... 50
第四章 結果與討論...............................53
4-3 奈米過濾測試.................................73
第五章 結論.....................................83
第六章 參考文獻.................................84
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