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作者(外文):Chen, Yuan-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Interactions between Parkinson's disease-related genes and Melanogenesis-related genes using Maximum Spanning Tree and Gene Ontology
指導教授(外文):Yao, Yuan
口試委員(外文):Wong, Shan-Hill
Wen, Ya
外文關鍵詞:Parkinson's diseasemelanomagene interactionsMaximum Spanning TreeGene Ontology
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根據過去在流行病學上的研究發現,帕金森症患者患多種癌症的風險通常 較低,但患黑色素瘤的風險卻較高。而黑色素瘤患者患帕金森症的風險也比預 期還高,因此在帕金森症和黑色素瘤這兩種病症之間存在雙向關聯,此篇研究 的目的就是期望藉由最大生成樹和基因本體,分析兩種病症相關基因間的互動,以便更深入探討此兩種病症的關聯。
首先,我們從 NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog 中得到和帕金森症相關的基因, 從 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)得到和黑色素生成作用相關的基因,再從 GeneMANIA 中得到這些基因間的互動關係。
最後,我們可視化了重要基因互動,並將其和黑色素生成路徑圖結合在一起。 透過這張圖,我們可以知道帕金森症相關基因與黑色素生成作用相關基因的互動可能集中在黑色素生成路徑上的哪些地方。
According to past epidemiological studies, patients with Parkinson's disease are usually at a lower risk of multiple cancers, but at a higher risk of melanoma. The risk of melanoma patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease is also higher than expected. Therefore, there is a bidirectional association between Parkinson’s disease and melanoma. The purpose of this research is to use Maximum Spanning Tree (MST) and Gene Ontology (GO) to analyze the interactions between genes related to the two diseases in order to further explore the relationship between the two diseases.
First, we got the genes related to Parkinson's disease from the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog and the genes related to melanoma from Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and then got the interactions between these genes from GeneMANIA.
Next, we analyzed the association between Parkinson’s disease-related genes and melanogenesis-related genes from two different perspectives, Gene Ontology and gene interactions.
From the viewpoint of Gene Ontology, we know that the interactions between Parkinson’s disease-related genes and melanogenesis-related genes may be focused on 5 functional categories of Molecular Function (MF) and 2 functional categories of Biological Process (BP).
From the viewpoint of gene interactions, we used MST to screen out important gene interactions and found that which gene interactions may be important, and through which functions these genes interact.
Finally, we visualized the combination of important gene interactions and melanogenesis pathway map. Through this map, we can know where the interactions of Parkinson's disease-related genes and melanogenesis-related genes may be concentrated on the melanogenesis pathway.
Table of Contents---------------------------------------4
List of Figures-----------------------------------------5
List of Tables------------------------------------------6
1. Introduction-----------------------------------------7
2. Methods----------------------------------------------10
2.1 Gene Identification-------------------------------10
2.2 Gene Interactions from GeneMANIA------------------11
2.3 Gene Ontology-------------------------------------11
2.4 Maximum Spanning Tree-----------------------------15
2.5 Combination of MST and GO-------------------------15
3. Discussion-------------------------------------------29
4. Conclusion-------------------------------------------33

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