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作者(外文):Lim, Wei-Hng
論文名稱(外文):Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Simulations for Polymer Processing Products and Processes
指導教授(外文):Yao, Yuan
口試委員(外文):Wong, Shang-Hsiao
Kang, Jia-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Non-destructive testingPulsed thermographyPhysics-informed neural networkMold-filling simulationPolyurethane thermosetMaterial characterization
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機器學習過去實現了擬合輸入變數及輸出結果的目標,加上計算機速度近年來大幅提升,該領域成為當今學術研究炙手可熱的議題。不過,因為使用深度學習的類神經網路過去存在著黑箱的角色,與熱成像背後蘊含的物理意義仍不明確,也導致不受熱成像數據處理看好。在本文,我們使用一套具備物理導向功能的類神經網路,並由多組熱傳輸送統御方程式引導,將其運用到主動熱成像的數據後處理。此方法在學術界稱之為Physics-informed Neural Network(PINN)。此方法借用已知的物理訊息引導模型最終預測,有望提高預測的準確性。我們使用多個案例,展現其成功描述熱成像圖像的背景訊息。然後,從原圖像刪減背景所獲得的殘差圖像能獲得更好的缺陷偵測及降噪功能,解決不均勻樣品表面和不均勻脈衝加熱的問題。同時,我們也引入Principal component thermography(PCT)的方法,進行特徵提取達到數據壓縮降維的作用,能獲得更優良的缺陷偵測效果。我們使用兩個分別為碳纖維強化聚合物和古物鑲嵌的樣本,進行非破壞性檢測的脈衝熱成像方法後,獲得該樣本相關缺陷位置、形狀的訊息。此外,我們也生成模擬數據並使用PINN進行模型訓練,可獲得準確的樣本材料熱參數的數值。
在射出成型及IC封裝的領域中,短射和包封是非常常見的成型問題。近期有許多針對數值模擬方法,先是仿真真實模流流動和缺陷位置,然後進行優化作業及在前期通過設計降低前述的成型問題。此方法有望取代過去比較耗時耗成本的試誤法。因此,本文的第二個部分,我們針對當今興起的電子元件灌膠的製程工序進行相關研究。第一個部分,我們探討使用於灌膠的聚氨酯熱固性聚合物的特性分析,以及使用多個模型進行特性擬合。過去針對這種高分子材料的分析文獻非常少。因此,我們先是使用微示差掃描熱卡分析儀(DSC)的穩態和動態分析進行固化速率的比較。黏度隨溫度、時間、剪切速率和固化程度則可以使用流變儀,並以Cross-castro Macosko Model進行擬合。在固化膠點以後,模數的影響更大,所以我們也使用動態機械分析(DMA)方法探討材料的固態黏彈性,並使用Generalized Maxwell Model進行擬合。材料的表面分析和熱參數也可以通過動態接觸量測儀和DSC進行分析。獲得正確的材料參數後,我們就能在第二個部分進行非牛頓流體的灌膠模流模擬的數值分析。通過比較實驗和模擬結果,可以同時驗證第一部分的材料分析手法可靠性和模型參數的準確性,也同時可以達到仿真的效果,以便後續能有進行優化分析和可靠度分析。
Polymer is one of the most important materials in our economic activities, which can be subdivided into elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoset matrix is widely applied in aerospace, electronics packaging, automotive and medical industry. For example, prepregs have been used in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) to substitute other materials such as alloys and natural materials due to its excellent tensile strength, high resistance, low density and low costs. Thermoset resins have been applied as a molding compound in electronics packaging and encapsulation at the end of the production line.
Faults during polymer processing and in end products inevitably arise and efforts have been made to reduce reliability issues. In a CFRP matrix, defects may be hidden in the subsurface layers which undermine the structural integrity and expected performance of the material. To achieve better quality control and safety, non-destructive testing methods have been employed to facilitate defect detection on expensive and precious products. Many thermographic data analysis methods have been proposed to refine and enhance defect detection in the work of active thermography where complex relationships between variables and outputs exist. In the first part of our work, we aim to improve the effectiveness of thermographic data analysis using a novel machine learning method.
Machine learning has shown promises in being able to universally approximate complex functions of inputs to outputs, and its computational speed has improved exponentially in the recent century. However, its limitation as a purely data-driven “white-box” has long been a subject of research. We introduce to the field of thermography the application of a deep learning method that is constrained by known heat transfer phenomena described by a series of governing equations, also known in the literature as physics-informed neural network (PINN). This family of neural network is able to incorporate a priori physical knowledge, guiding the predictions within the boundaries of physical phenomena in chemical engineering. This is demonstrated by its ability to accurately reconstruct the background information from the thermograms. As a result, residual thermograms formed from removing background from the original images facilitate identification of subsurface defects and reduction in noises caused by uneven background and heating. Principal component thermography (PCT) is incorporated and performed on residual data to further enhance the contrast and saliency of subsurface defects. We illustrate the method’s feasibility through experimental results obtained after performing pulsed thermography (PT) on a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) specimen and an ancient marquetry sample. We also identify important quantitative material parameter using PINN trained on a simulated dataset.
Aside from defect formation, short shot and air traps in molded plastic products is also a common engineering challenge in the molding and packaging industry. Numerical simulation of melt front development in mold-filling process has seen increased use in recent years due to advancement in simulation technology, where optimization and realization of design via traditional trial-and-error experimental studies can potentially be replaced by three-dimensional numerical simulation of the full process. In the second part of our work, the molding process of a potted electronic is studied. This is done in two parts. In the first part, we investigated the methodologies for characterizations and modeling of properties of polyurethane thermosets. Experimental study on the properties of this material has previously been limited. Isothermal and dynamic analysis of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were compared, indicating different curing kinetics. The reactive viscosity was studied via temperature sweep and modeled after Cross-Castro Macosko Model. Viscosity becomes irrelevant after gel point, in which case modulus becomes prominent. We performed experiments on structural viscoelasticity described by Generalized Maxwell Model which is parametrized by modulus data obtained via dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). In the second part, numerical simulation of non-Newtonian flow in a potting process is established. By studying the melt front development of the experimental and simulated results, the chemorheological behaviors of the materials were verified, confirming the suitability of our experimental procedures.
Abstract II
摘要 V
Table of content VII
List of figures X
List of tables XIV
First Part 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1 Preface 2
1.2 Literature review 4
1.3 Motivation 7
1.4 Thesis structure 9
Chapter 2 Thermographic Data Analysis 10
2.1 Physics-informed Neural Network 10
2.2 Physics-informed Gated Recurrent Unit and Long Short-term Memory 17
2.3 Principal Component Thermography 22
Chapter 3 Experimental Setups 26
3.1 Experiment 27
3.1.1 Specimen 1 (CFRP) 28
3.1.2 Specimen 2 (Ancient Marquetry) 29
3.2 Simulation setup 31
3.2.1 Specimen 3 (Simulated CFRP) 31
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 34
4.1 Specimen 1 37
4.2 Specimen 2 43
4.3 Specimen 3 47
4.4 SNR comparisons 49
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 62
Second Part 63
Chapter 1 Introduction 64
1.1 Preface 64
1.2 Literature review 66
1.3 Motivation 68
1.4 Thesis structure 69
Chapter 2 Theories and Principles 70
2.1 Overview of potting process 70
2.2 Curing kinetics 72
2.3 Viscosity 74
2.4 Surface tension and contact angle 76
2.5 Viscoelasticity 77
Chapter 3 Simulation Analysis 84
3.1 Principles 84
3.2 Governing Equations 85
3.3 Meshing 89
Chapter 4 Experimental Setups 91
4.1 Experiment 91
4.1.1 Curing kinetics 91
4.1.2 Viscosity 92
4.1.3 Surface tension 93
4.1.4 Contact angle 93
4.1.5 Specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity 93
4.1.6 Viscoelasticity 93
4.2 Simulation setup 96
Chapter 5 Results and Discussions 98
5.1 Material characterization results 98
5.1.1 Curing kinetics 98
5.1.2 Viscosity 101
5.1.3 Contact angle 105
5.1.4 Surface tension 106
5.1.5 Specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity 107
5.1.6 Viscoelasticity 109
5.2 Simulated mold-filling results 114
5.2.1 Case study 1 114
5.2.2 Case study 2 118
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 124
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