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作者(外文):SUN, JIA-YOU
論文名稱(外文):Ultrathin Self-Assembled Monolayer as an Effective Ru Diffusion Barrier
指導教授(外文):Keng, Pei-Yuin
口試委員(外文):Hung, Wei-Hsiu
Lu, Ming-Yen
外文關鍵詞:BEOLSelf assemble monolayerDiffusion barrier
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隨著積體電路(IC)尺寸持續微縮,傳統銅製程金屬內連線的電阻逐漸上升,並且在尺寸微縮下,電阻-電容延遲時間上升,及可靠性也更為重要。其中一種方式是用釕代替銅,因為釕具有較低的電阻上升率。而隨著IC的尺寸微縮,擴散阻擋層也需要在2 nm以下。在本碩士論文中,我們開發了一種末端基團為苯環席夫鹼的自組裝分子(SAM),能夠以高親和力和選擇性螯合釕。我們從市售的(3-氨基丙基)三乙氧基硅烷(APTES) 和苯甲醛通過當作前體,並透過簡單的席夫鹼鍵反應設計了一種新型芐亞胺三乙氧基矽烷 (BITES)。 BITES的結構通過FTIR和1H NMR分析。通過表面接觸角、AFM、橢圓儀和 AR-XPS 對 BITES 在矽上的沉積、官能基化進行了優化和定性分析。並藉由物理氣性沉積的方式沉積釕,在預定溫度和時間下對Ru/Si、Ru/APTES/Si和Ru/BITES/Si進行退火來進行擴散阻擋層的實驗。檢測片電阻和X射線衍射以確認釕和矽之間的相變化狀態。
As the scaling for integrated circuit (IC) components continue to shrink, conventional copper interconnect exhibited a marked increase in electrical resistivity, and dimensional break down leading to the resistor-capacitor circuit (RC) delay and reliability issues. One strategy is to replace Cu with Ru since the resistivity of Ru is less dependent on thickness. The diffusion barrier is needed to increase the reliability of the device. Due to the dimension shrinking of IC, the diffusion barrier also needs to be below 2 nm. Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) offer a unique approach due to their ease of preparation, selective and strong bonding with the substrate, and their ability to modify the surface chemistry and topography. In this Master Thesis, we developed a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) with a benzylimine terminal group capable of chelating Ru with high affinity and selectivity. Thus, we design a novel benzyliminetriethoxysilane (BITES) from a commercially available precursor aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and benzaldehyde via a simple Schiff base bond reaction. The structure of BITES was confirmed by FTIR and 1H NMR. The functionalization of BITES onto silicon was optimized and thoroughly characterized via contact angle analysis, AFM, ellipsometer, and AR-XPS. The diffusion barrier study was conducted by annealing Ru/Si, Ru/APTES/Si, and Ru/BITES/Si at a predetermined temperature and time. The sheet resistance and XRD were conducted to confirm the state of phase transformation of ruthenium and silicon.
Abstract 2
Table of Content 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 10
1.1 Executive summary 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 12
2.1 Dimension Shrink of integrated circuit 12
2.2 Diffusion barrier in dimension shrink. 15
2.3 Self-assemble monolayer 16
2.4 Benzylimine moiety for the chelation of metal ion 25
Chapter 3 Preparation and Design of Experiments 28_Toc112184962
3.1 Preparation of the benzyliminetriethoxysilane (BITES) 28
3.2 Functionalization Silicon by using BITES 29
3.3 Characterization of BITES and BITES modifying silicon. 30
3.4 Diffusion barrier sample preparation and characterization 31
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 34
4.1 The characterization of synthesis BITES 34
4.2 The characterization of BITES modifying silicon 37
4.3 Diffusion barrier test 47
4.4 Auger depth profiling and TEM observation of the Ru/Si interface 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion 63
Chapter 6 Prospective 65
Reference 68
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