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作者(外文):Chang, Shun-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Synergistically Piezophototronic Effect of Ferroelectric Catalysts on the Decomposition of Organic Pollutant and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jyh-Ming
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Jien-Wei
Liu, Chuan-Pu
外文關鍵詞:Bi4Ti3O12 microplateshigh entropy oxidesferroelectric catalystpoling treatmentpiezo-photocatalystdye degradationhydrogen evolution
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本研究使用極化過後之鐵電材料開發了一套壓電光催化系統。一開始,因為鈦酸鉍 (Bi4Ti3O12) 具有獨特的光學和鐵電特性所以選擇其作為實驗材料。在僅有超音波振盪下,在2000伏特下極化之Bi4Ti3O12其產氫反應(HER)可在60分鐘內達到1349 µmol·g−1,與未極化之樣品比較高出了1.85倍。此外,通過同時施以超聲波震盪和光照,極化之 Bi4Ti3O12 的產氫產率可以提高到1465 µmol·g−1。除了公認的鐵電材料外,由於最近高熵材料的概念被引入用來研究電子陶瓷的新特性,也為鐵電催化劑的研究提供了一個充滿希望的方向。本研究採用溶膠凝膠自燃法合成了 CaZrYCeCrO2 高熵氧化物 (HEO),其中包含了具有鐵電性質之 Cr 摻雜 CaZrO3 析出在多孔螢石結構上。通過協同壓電光催化過程,38 at% 鈣含量的 HEO (38HEO) 可以在一小時內完全分解 MB 染料,相對應的速率常數達到0.074 min-1,分別是壓電催化和光催化過程的3倍和1.85倍。除此之外,經過1500 V的極化處理後,極化的 38HEO 與其他 HEO 相比在60分鐘內的產氫性能最高,為1081 µmol·g−1,分別比44 at% 鈣含量的 HEO 和未極化的 38HEO 高上2.2倍和1.3倍。這些結果表明具有內建電場的鐵電材料的催化性能可以有效地降低電子電洞對的複合率。由於施以極化過程會使鐵電域中之極化沿同一方向重新分佈,因此可以提高壓電催化性能。該研究顯示了極化處理對鐵電催化劑的重要性,並為開發用於壓電光催化的高熵氧化物提供了新的見解。
The piezo-photocatalytic system was developed in this work using ferroelectric material after the poling process. Initially, the bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) was chosen due to its unique optical and ferroelectric properties. Under only ultrasonic vibration, the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) of Bi4Ti3O12 poled under 2000 V can achieve 1349 µmol·g−1 in 60 minutes, which is 1.85 times higher than that of the unpoled one. In addition, the hydrogen generation yields of poled Bi4Ti3O12 can be enhanced to 1465 µmol·g−1 by simultaneously applying ultrasonication and light irradiation. Apart from the well-recognized ferroelectric material, the concept of high entropy materials was introduced recently to investigate novel electronic ceramics properties, which also provides a promising direction to research ferroelectric catalysts. In this study, CaZrYCeCrO2 high entropy oxides (HEOs), in which ferroelectric Cr-doped CaZrO3 were precipitated on the porous fluorite structure, were synthesized via sol-gel autocombustion method. Through the synergistic piezo-phototronic process, the HEO with 38 at% calcium (38HEO) can optimally decompose the MB dye completely in one hour and the corresponding rate constant reaches 0.074 min-1, which is 3 times and 1.85 times higher than that undergoing piezocatalytic and photocatalytic processes, respectively. Besides, after poling process applied with 1500 V, poled 38HEO exhibits the highest hydrogen evolution performance of 1081 µmol·g−1 within 60 minutes compared to other HEOs, which is 2.2 times and 1.3 times higher than HEO with 44 at% Ca and unpoled 38HEO. These results show the catalytic performance of ferroelectric material with built-in electric field to effectively reduce the recombination rate of electron-hole pairs. By applying the poling process, the piezocatalytic performance can be improved due to polarizations in ferroelectric domains redistributing along the same direction. This study reveals the importance of poling treatment on ferroelectric catalysts and provides new insights into developing high entropy oxides for piezo-photocatalysis.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction------------------------------1
1.1 Background------------------------------1
1.2 Motivation------------------------------2
CHAPTER 2 Literature review------------------------------5
2.1 Photocatalyst------------------------------5
2.1.1 Doping engineering for modification of photocatalyst-----------7
2.1.2. Heterojunction------------------------------14
2.2 Piezoelectric effect and piezocatalysis------------------------20
2.2.1 Mechanism of piezocatalysis: piezopotential-driven water splitting------------------------------23
2.2.2 Piezoelectric 2D transition metal dichalcogenides-------------25
2.2.3 Ferroelectric catalyst------------------------------31
2.3 Piezo-photocatalytic heterojunction----------------------------45
2.3.1 BiFeO3/TiO2 core-shell nanocomposite-------------------------46
2.3.2 BaTiO3/CuO heterojunction---------------------51
2.4 High entropy oxide (HEOs)---------------------57
2.4.1 High entropy effect---------------------57
2.4.2 Severe lattice distortion effect---------------------59
2.4.3 Sluggish diffusion effect---------------------59
2.4.4 Cocktail effect---------------------60
2.4.5 Sol-gel autocombustion method---------------------70
CHAPTER 3 Experimental methods---------------------73
3.1 Experimental procedures---------------------73
3.2 Synthesis---------------------73
3.2.1 Bi4Ti3O12 microplates---------------------73
3.2.2 CaZrYCeCrO2 HEO composites---------------------75
3.3 Instrument for characterization identification------------------78
3.3.1 Cold field scanning electron microscope (SEM)-----------------78
3.3.2 X-ray diffractometer (XRD)---------------------79
3.3.3 High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)------80
3.3.4 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)---------------------81
3.3.5 Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM)---------------------82
3.3.6 Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS)---------------------83
3.3.7 Ferroelectric hysteresis analyzer---------------------84
3.3.8 Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy------------------85
3.3.9 Fluorescence photoluminescence spectrophotometer--------------86
3.3.10 Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR)-----------87
3.4 Catalytic experiment---------------------89
3.4.1 Dye degradation trial---------------------89
3.4.2 Hydrogen evolution reaction---------------------90
3.5 Computational method---------------------91
3.5.1 DFT calculation---------------------91
3.5.2 COMSOL Multiphysics---------------------92
CHAPTER 4 Result and Discussion---------------------94
4.1 Characterization analysis---------------------94
4.1.1 Bi4Ti3O12 microplates---------------------94
4.1.2 CaZrYCeCrO2 high entropy oxide---------------------97
4.2 Ferroelectricity analysis---------------------104
4.2.1 PFM analysis of Bi4Ti3O12---------------------104
4.2.2 CaZrYCeCrO2 high entropy oxide---------------------106
4.2.2-1 Oxygen vacancy analysis---------------------106
4.2.2-2 Dynamic hysteresis measurement (DHM)---------------------107
4.2.2-3 PFM analysis---------------------109
4.3 DRS analysis---------------------111
4.4 TRPL analysis---------------------112
4.5 Environmental remediation---------------------113
4.5.1 Dye degradation test---------------------113
4.5.2 Hydrogen evolution reaction---------------------118
4.5.2-1 Bi4Ti3O12 microplates---------------------118
4.5.2-2 CaZrYCeCrO2 HEOs---------------------121
4.5.3 FL & EPR analysis---------------------124
4.5.3-1 Bi4Ti3O12 microplates---------------------124
4.5.3-2 CaZrYCeCrO2 HEOs---------------------126
4.6 Computational simulation---------------------128
4.6.1 Bi4Ti3O12 microplates---------------------128
4.6.2 CaZrYCeCrO2 high entropy oxide---------------------129
4.7 Working mechanism---------------------134
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion and future prospects---------------------140
5.1 Conclusion---------------------140
5.2 Prospects---------------------142
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