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作者(外文):Chen, Tzu-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical and High Temperature Tribological Properties of (AlCrNbTiB)N Multicomponent Nitride Coatings
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shou-Yi
Duh, Jenq-Gong
Hung, Hsueh-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Chen, Po-Yu
Chen, Yung-I
Tsai, che-wei
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究乃通過反應射頻磁控濺射鍍製多元合金氮化物薄膜,以改變硼靶材功率並固定多元合金靶材功率,製備不同硼含量之多元合金氮化物薄膜。隨著硼含量的增加,薄膜結構從柱狀結構變為緻密結構。與無硼塗層相比,硼摻雜使薄膜硬度提高了20%。在硼含量為 3.3 at.% 時,薄膜硬度和楊氏模量分別為 31.1 GPa 和 264.4 GPa。強化效果歸因於緻密結構、缺陷密度增加、晶粒細化和固溶強化。
此外,在室溫磨損試驗中,薄膜具有與基板相似的楊氏模量,減少磨損過程中出現的裂紋,從而降低了磨損率。高溫700 °C 磨損試驗結果顯示,含硼薄膜之磨損率降低三倍。
This study successfully fabricated AlCrNbTiBN coatings with different boron contents on Stainless Steel 304 and Si (100) substrates by reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering. As the boron content increases, the coating structure changes from a typical columnar structure to a dense, featureless structure. AlCrNbTiN coating is identified as a single FCC structure, while AlCrNbTiBN coatings are multiphase materials of amorphous BN and FCC structures. Boron occupies the interstitial site in the lattice, increasing lattice parameters. Meanwhile, boron doping increases the coating hardness by 20% as compared to the boron-free coating. At a boron content of 3.3 at.%, the hardness and Young's modulus of AlCrNbTiBN coating achieve 31.1 GPa and 264.4 GPa, respectively. The strengthening effect is attributed to dense structure, increased interstitial defect density, grain refinement, and solid solution strengthening. In the wear test at room temperature, the proximity of Young's modulus of AlCrNbTiBN and substrate reduces cracks occurred during wear, thereby reducing the wear rate. Coating without boron exhibited three times the wear rate than that of doped boron coatings in the wear test at 700 °C.
In this study, the multicomponent coating (AlCrNbTiBN) exhibits favorable mechanical and tribological properties. This implies that AlCrNbTiBN coatings present promising applicability in wear resistant applications at high temperatures. In addition, boron doping can increase the coatings mechanical properties and wear resistance, which can be applied to future anti-wear materials.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Surface engineering 5
2.2 Sputtering technique 9
2.2.1 Sputtering 9
2.2.2 Direct Current (DC) sputtering and Radio Frequency (RF) sputtering 12
2.2.3 Magnetron sputtering 15
2.3 Hard nitride coatings 17
2.3.1 Binary Nitride Hard coatings 17
2.3.2 Ternary Nitride Hard Coatings 18
2.3.3 Quaternary Nitride Hard Coatings 22
2.3.4 High Entropy Nitride Hard Coatings 24
2.4 Material characterizations of coating and Measuring technique 32
2.4.1 Chemical composition 32
2.4.2 Hardness and Young’s modulus 35
2.4.3 Wear mechanism 49
Chapter 3 Experimental procedures 62
3.1 Deposition fabrication 62
3.2 Measurements and analyses 63
3.2.1 Elemental composition analysis 63
3.2.2 Crystal structure 63
3.2.3 Cross-section and wear morphology 63
3.2.4 Mechanical properties measurement 64
3.2.5 Tribological performance measurement 65
Chapter 4 Results and discussion 66
4.1 Chemical composition 66
4.2 XRD identification, and microstructure of coatings 68
4.2.1 Crystal structure 68
4.2.2 Grain size of the coating 69
4.2.3 Film Microstructure 70
4.3 Residual stress 77
4.4 Hardness and Young’s modulus 80
4.5 Wear test 85
4.5.1 Wear test at room temperature 85
4.5.2 Wear test at high temperature 86
Chapter 5 Conclusions 95
References 97
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