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作者(外文):Lu, Po-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Femtosecond Photoionization-Photofragmentation Spectroscopic Studies of Charge Transfer Dynamics in Bifunctional Molecular Cations
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chou, Chia-Chun
Liu, Chen-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Femtosecond laser pulsePhotoionization-PhotofragmentationCharge Transfer
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在本篇論文中,我們利用飛秒激發-探測光游離-光裂解技術研究MNA (N-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-amine)與MPBA (methyl(4-phenylbutyl)amine)陽離子激發態的緩解動態學過程。我們使用波長266 nm的飛秒雷射,以1 + 1共振增強多光子游離技術將MNA及MPBA分子的苯環端局部游離,再根據實驗需求以波長798、771或399 nm的飛秒雷射作為探測脈衝,以偵測陽離子由D1 state緩解至D0 state動態學過程。我們以連續動力學模型擬合兩分子的離子損耗瞬時訊號並得到三個時間常數。我們指認τ1為陽離子在D1 state的初始分子內振動能重新分配過程;τ2為陽離子從D1 state緩解至D0 state的電荷轉移過程(τCT),其中MNA及MPBA離子的電荷轉移時間常數分別約為9.0及6.6 ps;而τ3為陽離子緩解至D0 state後的構型轉換再平衡過程。為了支持我們對2之指認,我們以相同技術研究無電荷轉移反應的PPN(3-phenylpropionitrile)陽離子,結果並沒有觀察到上述2時間量級的緩解過程,這強力支持了我們對2為電荷轉移時間常數之指認。另外,我們以理論計算估算兩分子的構型分佈及平均苯環中心至氮原子直線距離(Rave),並結合本論文與實驗室前人對一系列類似離子系統的實驗結果,發現電荷轉移反應速率與Rave的關係概略符合指數衰減趨勢。
In this thesis, we employed femtosecond pump-probe photoionization-photofragmentation technique to study the relaxation dynamics of N-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-amine (MNA) and Methyl(4-phenylbutyl)amine (MPBA) cations. These molecules are ionized by femtosecond pump pulse at 266 nm through 1+1 resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization to locally ionize their phenyl group. Depending on specific experimental conditions, femtosecond probe pulses at 798, 771 or 399 nm were used to probe the relaxation dynamic from cationic D1 state to D0 state. We used a consecutive reaction kinetics model to fit the ion depletion transients, and we obtained three time constants. We assigned τ1 to the initial intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution occurring in the initially ionized D1 state. τ2 was assigned to the charge transfer in the cations from the D1 state to D0 state, and it was found to be about 9.0 and 6.6 ps for MNA and MPBA ions, respectively. Lastly, τ3 was assigned to the re-equilibrium process among all conformers in the D0 state. To support our assignment regarding τ2, we also studied 3-phenylpropionitrile (PPN) cation, a system in which charge transfer is expected to be energetically impossible, using the same technique. The results showed no relaxation dynamics in the similar time scale to the above-mentioned 2. This fact strongly supports our assignment of τ2 being related to the ionic charge transfer. In addition, we performed theoretical calculations to estimate conformational distributions and the average straight-line distance between the center of the phenyl ring and the nitrogen atom of the amine group (Rave). Combining results presented in this thesis and those reported by former group members of our laboratory, we found that the dependence of charge-transfer rate on Rave roughly conforms with an exponential decay relation.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------1
第二章 實驗系統與技術--------------------------12
2.1激發-探測共振增強多光子游離技術 ---------------12
第三章 實驗結果討論-----------------------------45
3.1 MNA及MPBA分子的飛秒雷射光游離質譜--------------45
3.1.1 MNA分子質譜--------------------------------45
3.1.2 MPBA分子質譜-------------------------------48
3.1.3 母離子及碎片離子訊號對激發脈衝能量之依存性----49
3.2 MNA與MPBA陽離子之離子損耗瞬時訊號--------------51
3.2.1 MNA陽離子之離子損耗瞬時訊號 ----------------51
3.2.2 MPBA陽離子之離子損耗瞬時訊號-----------------56
3.3 MNA與MPBA陽離子時間解析質譜--------------------57
3.4 離子損耗瞬時訊號動力學模型分析------------------59
3.5 無電荷轉移對照組-------------------------------66
第四章 理論計算與結果分析-------------------------69
4.1 中性S0 STATE構型------------------------------69
4.1.1 MNA分子-------------------------------------70
4.1.2 MPBA分子------------------------------------74
4.2陽離子D0 STATE之構型----------------------------80
4.2.1 MNA陽離子D0 state構型------------------------80
4.2.2 MPBA陽離子 ----------------------------------82
第五章 結論---------------------------------------85
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1. 具剛性環烷基橋雙官能基陽離子之光游離誘發超快電荷轉移與構型緩解動態學研究
2. 以超快時間解析光分解光譜研究光游離誘發雙官能基陽離子電荷轉移動態學
3. 以超快時間解析光分解光譜研究具剛性環烷基橋雙官能基陽離子之電荷轉移與構型緩解動態學
4. 具烷基橋電子供體-受體陽離子電荷轉移與構型緩解動力學之超快光游離-光裂解光譜研究
5. 以超快時間解析光裂解光譜研究具烷基橋之電子供體-受體陽離子電荷轉移及構型緩解動力學
6. 利用飛秒雷射光譜技術研究丙酮與二甲基亞碸分子之三體光分解反應動態學
7. 大氣中小分子吸收光譜之研究 1. 利用共振腔振盪衰減法研究CO及CH3OO近紅外吸收光譜 2. 利用同步輻射光研究H2O及其同位素分子之真空紫外吸收光譜
8. 氣相飛秒化學反應動態學研究 1.二甲基亞碸之超快三體光解反應動態學 2.偶氮苯陽離子在異構化途徑之同調振動
9. 以時間解析螢光光譜研究苯乙烯比啶分子及其銥錯合物之光化學
10. 分子衍生物在溶液中單體與聚集體之光譜研究
11. 氣相飛秒瞬時吸收光譜之建立與應用
12. 1.反應S(3P)+OCS、S(3P)+O2、及O(3P)+SO2之高溫化學動力學研究。2.敏化InN/TiO2太陽能電池材料之研究
13. 利用簡併四波混頻光譜法在超音波射束中研究HS自由基之高預解離電子態A2Σ+
14. Coumarin 481在環糊精水溶液中的超快動態學研究
15. Hexa-Peri-Hexabenzocoronene (HBC)分子衍生物之單體、聚集體與奈米顆粒的研究
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