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作者(外文):Lin, Hsuan-Ting
論文名稱(中文):3,10 溴甲基-[5]菲烯在銀(111)的表面合成
論文名稱(外文):On-Surface synthesis of 3,10 Bis(Bromo Methyl)-[5] Phenacene
指導教授(外文):Germar, Hoffmann
口試委員(外文):Tang, Shu-Jung
Lin, Chun-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Scanning Tunneling Microscope/Spectroscopy (STM/STS)On-Surface synthesisMolecular wireUllmann CouplingWurtz reaction[5]Phenacene
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  • 評分評分:*****
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電子設備的微型化朝向二維材料和有機分子發展[1]。近年來,這些基於分子的器件已成功實現,但在電子遷移性和結構挑戰方面仍需要取得更多進展,而了解表面分子的結構和電子特性是相當重要的。藉由掃描隧道顯微鏡/光譜學 ,原子定義的金屬表面對分子的研究提供了一個獨特的平台 [2]。此外,自下而上合成的分子納米結構也是可能的,即所謂的表面合成[3]。不同的偶聯反應已經成功證實了其可行性,例如格拉澤耦合和烏爾曼耦合。但是化學中的一個著名反應“武茲反應”仍然是較為新穎的[4]。相較於烏爾曼耦合,該反應在表面耦合機制的溫度更為有利。本論文研究了3,10 溴甲基-[5]菲烯在銀(111)的武茲反應。這些菲烯類分子展現了有機半導體的高電子遷移率,並且可以藉由基板改變它們的性質[5]。進而與之前對金(111) 上相同分子的研究進行了比較。
Device miniaturization pushed electronics towards 2D materials and organic molecules [1]. These molecular based devices are successfully realized in recent years but demands progress in terms of electric mobility and structural challenges. It makes important to understand the structural and electronic properties of molecules on surfaces. Atomically defined metal surfaces provide a unique platform to study molecules with help of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy [2]. In addition, bottom-up synthesis of molecular nanostructures is also possible, so-called On-Surface Synthesis [3]. Different coupling reactions have been demonstrated successfully e.g. Glaser Coupling, and Ullmann Coupling. But a well-known reaction in Chemistry “Wurtz reaction” is still new to surfaces [4]. This reaction is advantageous over the temperature of on surface coupling mechanism in comparison to Ullmann coupling. In the thesis, the Wurtz reaction is studied on Ag(111) with help of 3,10 Bis(Bromo Methyl)-[5] Phenacene . These phenacene molecules represent a class of high electric mobility of organic semiconductors and can alter their properties with substrates[5]. Therefore, A comparison is made with previous studies of the same molecule on Au(111).
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Content iv
圖目錄 vi
Chapter1. Introduction 1
Chapter2. Instrumentation 2
2.1. Overview of the experimental setup 2
2.1.1. Load-lock chamber 3
2.1.2. Preparation Chamber 3
2.1.3. STM Chamber 4
2.1.4. Sample holder and scanning 6
2.2. Omicron VT-SPM 8
2.2.1. Quartz Crystal Resonator and Molecules evaporator 11
2.2.2. Quartz Crystal Resonator 12
2.2.3. Boltzmann distribution effect 13
2.2.4. Molecules' evaporation process 15
2.2.5. Evaporation of Picene on HOPG 16
Chapter3. Theory 21
3.1. Quantum Mechanic Potential Wall 21
3.2. Bardeen theory 23
Chapter4. Overview 24
4.1. On-surface synthesis and Ullmann coupling 24
4.2. Drift correct images 25
4.3. Crystallographic axes 28
4.4. 3,10-Bis(bromomethyl)picene on Au(111) 29
Chapter5. Experiment 30
5.1. Molecule characteristic 30
5.1.1. 3,10-Bis(Bromo-Methyl)-[5]Phenacene 30
5.2. Molecule preparation 30
5.3. 3,10-Bis(Bromo-Methyl)-[5]Phenacene on Ag(111) 31
5.3.1. Growth 31
5.3.2. Under different power annealing 32
5.3.3. Polymerization 35
5.3.4. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy 39
5.4. Ion gauge treatment with 3,10-Bis(Bromo-Methyl)-[5]Phenacene on Ag(111) 40
5.4.1. Self-assemble without ion-Gauge switch-ON. 40
5.4.2. Self-assemble first experiment after ion-Gauge switch-ON. 42
5.4.3. Self-assemble second experiment after ion-Gauge switch-ON. 46
Chapter6. Summary 48
Chapter7. Bibliography 49

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