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作者(外文):Huang, Chia-Min
論文名稱(外文):Survival of polarization entanglement against the decoherence
指導教授(外文):Chuu, Chih-Sung
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Bang
Kuo, Chang-Hao
外文關鍵詞:polarization entanglementquantum correlationquantum communicationquantum channelBell-nonlocalityEPR-steering
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本篇論文在研究探討我們一般在做量子通訊(Quantum communication)時所遭遇到環境擾動的問題,像是分層的空氣流速不同或是不同區域溫度的差異,都會影響空氣的折射率分布,因而形成流體力學中的所謂亂流(Turbulence),這樣的擾動也會影響到光的狀態。
In this thesis, we aim to solve the problem of environment disturbance that people usually confront when implementing Quantum communication, such as the difference of air fluid velocity between layers or temperature between different regions. These factors will lead to a distribution of refractive index and form the phenomenon in fluid dynamics—Turbulence. The disturbance will also affect the state of light.
Moreover, since the polarization direction of light is the most common encoding method, we established a system to simulate the disturbance of polarization under such degrees of freedom. The system can rotate polarization of light just like when we transmit light in an optical fiber. And it can produce man-made modulation imitating disturbance of fluid. So we also call it Turbulent System. Besides, it is also important to clarify the property of a channel transmitting information in quantum communication. Therefore, I try to use this system to investigate the evolution of the polarization state of photons and even two-photon correlations under the degrees of freedom of polarization. Also use the system as a transmission channel to analyze the survival of polarization correlation under the influence of decoherence.
In the past experiments, we saw decrease of concurrence for Bell-states in our Turbulence System, which means entanglement get weaker when going through our system. Therefore, we want to focus on other measurements of correlations and observe the influence between different indexes. For these phenomena, we also try to analyze them from the perspective of quantum channels, so as to further understand the entire turbulent system.
From the results of experiments, we found that no matter which index we take care of, the anti-symmetric Bell-state will always survive. Moreover, we construct a physical model. Through calculating from this model, we can predict the decreasing of degree of entanglement when each bell state passing through our turbulence device. In addition, we also find some defect for the usage of our system. By fixing these problem, we are able to improve our theoretical model and experiment setup.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 研究動機 1
第二章 簡介 3
2.1 量子相干性(Quantum coherence)與關聯(correlation) 3
2.1.1 單光子(Single photon)與雙光子(biphoton) 3
2.1.2 量子糾纏及並發值(Concurrence) 4
2.1.3 CHSH貝爾不等式(Bell-CHSH inequality) 6
2.1.4 量子可操控性(Quantum steering) 8
2.2 亂流(Turbulence)系統 11
2.2.1亂流系統架構 11
2.2.2 亂流系統的運作模式 15
第三章 量子關聯性實驗與分析方法 17
3.1 亂流(Turbulence)大小判斷依據 17
3.1.1 量子態的建構 17
3.1.2 保真度(Fidelity) 18
3.1.3 純度(Purity) 19
3.2 量子關聯性實驗 20
3.2.1 亂流模式的選擇 20
3.2.2 實驗結果分析 31
第四章 亂流模型優化 40
4.1 光子統計誤差 40
4.2 利用古典參考光 46
4.2.1 以理想作用子還原各別元件 46
4.2.2 轉換矩陣的建立 54
4.2.3 實驗模型還原 59
4.3 量子光優化法 60
第五章 量子通道分析 66
5.1 數學模型 66
5.1.1 不變的糾纏態 67
5.1.2 糾纏態的操控 68
5.2 物理圖像 68
5.2.1 Bloch Sphere上單光子的演化 68
5.2.2 雙光子的糾纏度 71
第六章 結論 74
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