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作者(外文):Lin, Li-Ya.
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Microdosimetric Characteristics of the Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter Used in Heavy-Particle Therapy Radiation Field
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Ching-Han
Hsu, Fang-Yuh
口試委員(外文):Yu, Cheng-Ching
Chen, Tou-Rong
外文關鍵詞:MicrodosimetryTEPCHeavy-Particle therapyBiological weighting functionRBE
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  • 點閱點閱:93
  • 評分評分:*****
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Compared with Japan and Germany, where the development of heavy ion therapy technology is relatively ripe, in 2021, Taipei Veterans General Hospital established the first heavy ion therapy facility to treat patients with carbon ion beams in Taiwan. The experience of practical measurement in carbon-ion therapy radiation field needs to be established from the base, and the ability to evaluate the quality of ionizing radiation is the primary purpose.
To evaluate the effect of heavy-particle radiation on cancer cells, it needs to be studied from the perspective of Microdosimetry. Therefore, this study uses the self-made 0.5-inch Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter to analyze and evaluate the stability of the detector. The beam quality of the heavy-particle therapy radiation field, and the relative biological effectiveness calculated using the biological weighting function, to provide a reference for radiation dose assessment for future clinical trials of carbon-ion radiotherapy facilities.
Using the gas filling system and measurement system, compare the stability of the energy calibration test results of the counter under different gas pressures, and find out the optimal measurement conditions and feasibility assessment of TEPC during the practical operation of the heavy ion therapy facility. The microdosimetric spectrum of dose lineal energy contribution at different energies was combined with the biological weighting function to evaluate the effective RBE and beam quality. To explore the microdosimetric characteristics of the radiation field. It is hoped that the related applications of carbon ion radiotherapy can be further expanded through this study.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 理論基礎 4
2.1 微劑量學 4
2.2 微劑量學參數 4
2.3 參數分布圖形化 8
2.4 相對生物效應 9
2.4.1 生物加權函數 9
2.4.2 改善的生物加權函數 11
2.5 臨床相對生物效應 14
第三章 實驗設備與方法 19
3.1 氣體充填系統 19
3.2 度量系統 21
3.3 組織等效比例計數器 22
3.3.1 組織等效塑膠 22
3.3.2 陽極 23
3.3.3 內建之校正射源 23
3.3.4 組織等效氣體 26
3.4 二維伺服馬達座標控制系統 26
3.5 實驗方法 28
3.5.1 模擬微小體積與組織等效氣體之氣壓 28
3.5.2 線性能量轉換法 29
3.5.3 微劑量學能譜表示法 36
3.5.4 吸收劑量轉換法 37
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1 TEPC穩定度分析之量測儀器參數設置 40
4.2 TEPC穩定度分析 42
4.3 TEPC模擬1微米細胞之線性能量與計數特性 43
4.4 TEPC模擬1微米細胞之鋂241微劑量學能譜與RBE 46
4.5 重粒子治療設施測試運轉之輻射場量測結果 48
4.5.1 碳離子射束之原始能譜 49
4.5.2 碳離子射束之微劑量學能譜分析 50
4.5.3 比較三種能量之微劑量學參數 52
4.6 水假體中不同深度之重粒子輻射場量測結果 54
4.6.1 射束能量153.1 MeV微劑量學能譜分析 56
4.6.2 射束能量188.8 MeV微劑量學能譜分析 60
4.6.3 射束能量228.0 MeV微劑量學能譜分析 62
4.6.4 百分深度劑量與有效相對生物效應 64
第五章 結論 69
參考文獻 70
附錄一 74
附錄二 75
附錄三 76
附錄四 77
附錄五 78
附錄六 79
附錄七 80
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