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作者(外文):Hsu, Yu-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the internal dosimetry and external exposure in 177Lu-DOTATATE peptide receptor radionuclide therapy
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
口試委員(外文):Chang, Szu-Li
Lin, Ming-Wei
外文關鍵詞:177Lu-DOTATATEAnthropomorphic phantomInternal dosimetry assessmentExternal exposure protection
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針對體內劑量評估問題,本研究以現行核醫界常用之 MIRD方法為基礎,利用蒙地卡羅程式與擬人數值假體分別進行比吸收分率與 S 值之計算,以驗證程式與假體使用方法的可靠度。另選用 OLINDA/EXM 與 MIRDcalc 兩個程式針對兩種有興趣之放射性核種:177Lu及131I標記藥物評估患者接受單次診療時可能獲得之全身有效劑量,結果若是依據真實的藥物分佈,則單次注射7400 MBq之177Lu標記藥物造成患者之全身有效劑量約為0.02-1.09 Sv;而單次注射1110-7400 MBq之131I標記藥物造成患者扣除甲狀腺之全身有效劑量約為0.03-2.26 Sv。
PRRT drugs: 177Lutetium-DOTATATE (Lutathera®) was introduced to Taiwan at 2021 for the treatment of patients with GEP-neuroendocrine tumors. When patients receive radiopharmaceuticals for treatment or diagnosis, due to 177Lu’s physical properties, radiation will generate doses inside and outside the body. This study calculated and evaluated the internal dose and external radiation exposure of 177Lu-DOTATATE, established a complete and systematic analysis method, and compared the results with 131I treatment.
Aiming at the problem of internal dose assessment, this study is based on the MIRD method, which is commonly used in the nuclear medicine community. Uses the Monte Carlo program and the anthropomorphic phantom to calculate the specific absorption fraction and S value, to verify the program and the use of the reliability of the method. In addition, two programs , OLINDA/EXM and MIRDcalc, are used to evaluate the effective dose that obtained by patients. Based on a single injection of 177Lu-labeled drug and 131I-labeled drug, patients receive effective dose of about 0.024-1.09 Sv, and 0.03-0.22 Sv.
Regarding the protection of radiation exposure, this study reviewed the measurement data of three patients treated with 177Lu in the NTUCC. The effective half-life of 177Lu in the human body was calculated by different fitting methods, and the result was about 2-4 times lower than that of 131I. The dose rate measured at 1 meter at each time point was also several times lower than that of 131I . In addition, this study used point and line source models compared with simulation. It is found that the difference between the calculated and the measured value may mainly come from environmental scattering dose. In practical applications, it is important to evaluate cumulative dose of family members.
第一章 緒論----1
1.1 前言----1
1.2 文獻回顧----2
1.3 研究目的與動機----4
1.4 鎦-177物理特性及鎦-177-DOTATATE藥物特性----6
第二章 核子醫學概論及劑量理論----9
2.1 核子醫學----9
2.2 輻射劑量單位----11
2.3 體內劑量----13
2.4 體外曝露----17
第三章 研究材料與方法----22
3.1 擬人假體及MCNP程式介紹----22
3.1.1 擬人假體介紹----22
3.1.2 MCNP程式介紹----24
3.2 核醫藥物分佈----26
3.3 體內劑量計算----31
3.3.1 比吸收分率與S值之計算----31
3.3.2 體內劑量評估程式----37
3.4 體外曝露計算及測量----41
3.4.1 點、線射源計算模型----42
3.4.2 MCNP 6.2與擬人假體模擬----45
3.4.3 台大癌醫中心分院鎦-177-DOTATATE之劑量率測量----46
第四章 結果與討論----51
4.1 體內劑量計算結果----51
4.1.1 比吸收分率與S值之計算結果----51
4.1.2 器官等價劑量及全身有效劑量評估----75
4.2 體外曝露計算及測量結果----104
4.2.1 點、線射源計算模型結果比較----104
4.2.2 MCNP 6.2與擬人假體模擬結果比較----108
4.3 實務應用----125
4.3.1 病患之劑量----125
4.3.2 陪伴家屬之劑量----127
第五章 結論與未來工作----129
5.1 體內劑量評估----129
5.2 體外曝露評估----130
5.3 未來工作----131
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