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作者(外文):Cheng, Hsiang-Lung
論文名稱(外文):Reducing Brain Infarct and Neuronal Protection after Ischemic-Stroke Reperfusion by Focused Ultrasound with Oxygen-Loaded Microbubbles
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Chih-Kuang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Lin-Yi
Chu, Li-An
Ho, Yi-Ju
外文關鍵詞:ischemic stroke reperfusion injuryultrasoundoxygen-loaded microbubblesneuroprotectionbrain infarct
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缺血性中風藉由溶栓使血液再度流通來治療。當血液再灌注於缺血組織時,會產生大量活性氧對細胞與神經造成損傷,此損傷稱為缺血性中風再灌注(IR)損傷。現今治療IR損傷以各式神經保護劑、血管擴張劑與高壓氧治療,來抑制細胞凋亡並提升組織氧含量。但此種全身性治療,可能造成系統性的副作用,減少治療部位之藥物累積量。聚焦式超音波搭配微氣泡(MB)已被廣泛運用於腦部局部治療。微氣泡可在腦部複雜細小的血管中穿梭,受到超音波刺激後產生穴蝕效應,並釋放出搭載在微氣泡上的藥物或氣體,達到局部治療的效果。因此,本研究使用微氣泡搭載氧氣(OMB),在IR受損區域進行局部給氧的治療,以調控炎症與凋亡因子,降低梗塞區域並保護神經。小鼠以光血栓產生腦中風,接著搭配溶血栓劑,形成小鼠IR損傷模型。OMB經靜脈注射後,將聚焦式超音波(1-MHz,300 kPa,1000 cycle,PRF 1 Hz)置於腦部IR受損區域,刺激OMB產生穴蝕效應並釋放氧氣。相較於未治療的對照組,OMB治療能提升小鼠腦部血管氧分壓10±2% (19±4 mmHg),梗塞面積再治療1、7、14天後,分別減少了2.5±0.2、2.4±0.2、9.4±4.7倍。藉由組織切片染色分析,OMB治療後可提升M2抗炎型態的小膠質細胞、神經元與星狀膠質的分布,並減少M1促炎型態的小膠質細胞數量。藉由蛋白質與mRNA表現量的檢測,發現OMB治療後,可減少促炎因子(HIF-1α、NF-κB、MMP-9)的表現,並提升抗炎、抗凋亡因子(Bcl-2、BDNF)的表現。此外,因OMB穴蝕作用增加的血管內皮剪切力,可促進血管舒張因子(eNOS)的活化,避免二次血栓的發生。本研究證明使用OMB搭配超音波可局部釋放氧氣,抑制炎症與凋亡反應,藉此保護神經與減少腦梗塞面積,治療IR損傷。
Ischemic stroke is treated by thrombolysis to let blood reperfusion, however, which would generate a lot of reactive oxygen species at reperfused site to damage cells and neurons, known as ischemic stroke-reperfusion (IR) injury. To prevent IR injury, neuron protect agents, vasodilators, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are applied to reduce cell apoptosis and enhance tissue oxygenation. Nevertheless, this systemic therapy might reduce drug accumulation at target site and cause systemic side effects. Focused ultrasound with microbubbles has been widely applied in the local brain therapy. During ultrasound stimulation, the intravascular microbubbles start to cavitate and release the drugs or gas which be carried by microbubbles for accomplishing the local triggered therapy. Hence, our study used oxygen-loaded microbubbles (OMB) with focused ultrasound to process local oxygen therapy for preventing IR injury. The mice IR model was produced via photothrombosis and thrombolysis. After intravenous injection of OMBs, the local cavitation effect and oxygen release at IR sites were triggered by focused ultrasound (1-MHz, 300 kPa, 1000 cycle, PRF 1 Hz). Relative to the untreated control group, OMB treatment enhanced 10±2% partial oxygen pressure (19±4 mmHg) at IR site. The size of brain infarct reduced 2.5±0.2, 2.4±0.2, 9.4±4.7 folds after OMB treatment 1, 7, 14 days, respectively. Histological assessment revealed the increase in M2 microglia (anti-inflammatory type), neuron, and astrocyte distribution, and decrease in M1 microglia (inflammatory type)after OMB treatment. The protein and mRNA expressions were evaluated to show the high level in anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic factors (Bcl-2, BDNF), and low level in inflammatory factors (HIF-1α、NF-κB、MMP-9). Moreover, the vascular endothelial shear stress enhanced by OMB cavitation also promoted the activation of eNOS to induce vasodilation for avoiding secondary thrombosis. Our study demonstrated that the use of OMB combined with focused ultraosund can locally release oxygen to inhibit inflammatory and apoptotic responses, thereby protecting neuron and reducing infarct size for preveting IR injury.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 缺血性中風再灌注損傷 1
1.1.1 缺血性中風與治療 1
1.1.2缺血性中風再灌注損傷 3
1.2缺血再灌注損傷之治療途徑 6
1.2.1神經藥物治療 6
1.2.2高壓氧治療 8
1.2.3目前缺血性中風再灌注損傷之治療困境 9
1.3超音波 10
1.3.1超音波顯影劑微氣泡 10
1.3.2微氣泡於缺血再灌注損傷之應用 11
1.3.3帶氧氣微氣泡之應用 13
1.4研究目的與內容 14
第2章 材料與方法 15
2.1緒論 15
2.2微氣泡之製備 15
2.2.1帶氧微氣泡製備 15
2.2.2粒徑量測 18
2.2.3體外穩定性量測 18
2.2.4微氣泡擊破閥值量測 20
2.2.5穴蝕效應劑量量測 22
2.2.6氧分壓量測 25
2.3小鼠腦部缺血性中風再灌注損傷模型 27
2.3.1缺血性中風模型 27
2.3.2缺血性中風再灌注模型 29
2.3.3帶微氣泡治療之安全性測試 29
2.3.4帶氧微氣泡治療流程 31
2.4動物行為測試 32
2.4.1 獨木橋試驗 32
2.4.2 線掛測試 32
2.4.3梗塞面積染色 33
2.5帶氧微氣泡治療之生理機制調控 34
2.5.1免疫組織化學染色 34
2.5.2酵素結合免疫吸附分析法 36
2.5.3定量即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應 38
2.6治療時間點之調控 41
2.7統計分析 42
第3章 結果與討論 43
3.1帶氧微氣泡物理特性分析 43
3.1.1粒徑分析 43
3.1.2體外穩定性 44
3.1.3微氣泡擊破閥值 45
3.1.4 ICD、SCD分析 46
3.1.5氧分壓測試 48
3.2小鼠腦部缺血再灌注損傷模型與治療 50
3.2.1缺血性中風模型血流血氧與梗塞面積變化 50
3.2.2缺血再灌注損傷模型血流血氧與梗塞面積變化 53
3.2.3帶氧微氣泡治療參數安全性測試 55
3.2.4帶氧微氣泡治療結果 56
3.3梗塞區域與動物行為追蹤 59
3.3.1獨木橋試驗之分析 59
3.3.2線掛測試之分析 60
3.3.3長時間梗塞面積變化 62
3.4治療缺血再灌注損傷組織相關因子分析 64
3.4.1細胞分布 64
3.4.2蛋白質表現量 67
3.4.3 mRNA表現量 69
3.5調控治療時間點之梗塞面積變化 71
第4章 結論與未來工作 72
4.1結論 72
4.2未來應用與發展 73
參考文獻 75

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