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作者(外文):Chen, You-Chiuan
論文名稱(外文):Generation of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Dictionary by Neural Network and Generative Adversarial Network
指導教授(外文):Peng, Hsu-Hsia
口試委員(外文):Liu, Yi-Jui
Juan, Chun-Jung
Huang, Teng-Yi
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI) 是一種定量化核磁共振影像的方法,病患接受定量化掃描有助於偵測癌症、水腫、硬化等疾病。但是因為其冗長的掃描時間以及掃描時間過長容易產生artifact等缺點,從醫院角度來看是比較不符合成本的。
核磁共振指紋 magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) 則是提供一個新的技術可以縮短掃描的時間,透過利用pseudo-noise的脈衝序列,使得不同組織所產生訊號的差異性變大,再透過Bloch equation simulator 創造出的字典去比對最相似的訊號。製作字典以及比對的過程會大幅度延長了影像重建的時間,導致要拿到real-time的影像是遙不可及的,雖然有許多方法致力於減少其演算法的複雜度,但仍然需要不少時間,如何減少影像重建的時間成為近年來 MRF 熱門研究項目。
在本研究中,我們使用四種不同的深度學習的模型,分別為最一開始的深度學習網路、生成對抗網路、基於 Wasserstein distance 生成對抗網路以及循環生成對抗網路,去自動產生MRF的字典,並使用超過1000組sequence和字典當作訓練資料。我們將脈衝序列的參數 (T1、T2、Repetition times、Echo times和flip angles) 當成網路模型的輸入,輸出則是經過Bloch equation simulator轉換後的訊號大小,希望透過深度學習模型去取代 Bloch equation simulator 創造核磁共振指紋字典。
透過本研究,我們成功的讓模型去預測從未看過的MRF sequence 所產生的訊號,並且能夠將超過16Gb的訓練資料集特徵壓縮至5Mb的深度學習模型之中,同時也將字典產生的時間從數十分鐘縮短至數秒鐘 ,大幅減少了產生字典所需的時間以及空間。
Quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI) provides an absolute scale of each pixel, which is aiming to reduce variable outputs from an image. Quantitative MRI also provides additional pathological information for diagnosis, such as cancer, edema and sclerosis. The importance of quantitative maps has been recognized. However, the clinical practice remains a challenge because of long scan time.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a relatively novel sequence to generate quantitative MRI, which reduces long scan time. MRF uses a pseudo-noise pulse sequence that causes tissue to generate special signal depending on their tissue properties. The MRF dictionary is a lookup table of simulated signal which is made by Bloch equation simulator. Then image reconstruction is to compare measured signal with each line in the dictionary. Though MRF reduces long scan time, the image reconstruction time is long. As a result, reducing MRF dictionary reconstruction time becomes a popular issue recently.
Deep learning is a method recently widely used in lots of fields, such as image coregistration, super resolution image, medical image classification and medical image segmentation. Deep learning method reduces the prediction time without sacrificing the performance. This feature is suitable for MRF image reconstruction.
In this study, we used four kinds of deep learning models, including artificial neural network (ANN), generative adversarial network (GAN), Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) and cycle generative adversarial network (cycle GAN), to generate MRF dictionary. We generated more than one thousand MRF sequences and dictionaries as our training data. We used MRF sequence parameters as model input to mimic Bloch equation simulator output and create MRF dictionary. We found that ANN model was more suitable than GAN, WGAN, and cycle GAN because MRF dictionary task didn’t need imaginary during the training process. We also found that the performance of simpler sequence was better since it was easier to learn.
The model successfully predicted the MRF signal that it had not seen. And the model compressed the training data from 16Gb to 5 Mb. The model reduced generation time from tens of minutes to several seconds. In conclusion, the memory requirement and generation time reduced through our model.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
序言及致謝 iv
Contents v
Figure viii
Table xix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1
1.1.1 Magnetic Resonance Image 1
1.1.2 Traditional Quantitative Imaging 1
1.1.3 Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting 2
1.2 Introduction to Deep Learning & Machine Learning 6
1.2.1 Optimizer Algorithm 8
1.2.2 Loss Function and Loss 12
1.2.3 Activation Function 15
1.2.4 Datasets 19
1.3 Neural Network model 20
1.3.1 Artificial Neural Network 20
1.3.2 Generative Adversarial Network 21
1.3.3 Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network 23
1.3.4 Cycle GAN 25
1.4 Deep Learning Related Works in MRF 28
1.4.1 Dictionary Generation 29
1.4.2 Image Reconstruction 34
1.5 Motivation…. 34
1.6 Dissertation Orientation 35
Chapter 2. Methods 37
2.1 Dataset Generation 37
2.1.1 Sequence Generation 38
2.1.2 Dictionary Generation 39
2.2 Dataset Split & Environment 40
2.3 Model 40
2.3.1 Neural Network 41
2.3.2 Generative Adversarial Network 42
2.3.3 Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network 43
2.3.4 Cycle Generative Adversarial Network 45
Chapter 3. Results 48
3.1 Five Sequences in ANN 49
3.2 Five Sequences in GAN 53
3.3 Five Sequences in WGAN 60
3.4 Five Sequences in Cycle GAN 67
Chapter 4. Discussion and Conclusion 70
4.1 MAE Loss of Five Sequences 71
4.1.1 Training Process 71
4.1.2 Difference Between Five Sequences 72
4.2 Difference of Architecture Between ANN, GAN and WGAN 74
4.2.1 GAN Lambda decision 74
4.2.2 WGAN Lambda Decision 75
4.2.3 Difference Between Three Models 75
4.2.4 Cycle GAN 76
4.3 Limitation and Future Work 76
4.4 Conclusion 77
Chapter 5. Appendix 78
5.1 Definition of Wasserstein Distance 78
5.2 Abbreviation List 78
5.3 Response of oral Defense 80
References 83


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