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作者(外文):Cheng, Sheng-Mao
論文名稱(外文):Smart Manufacturing Strategy and Empirical Research for Machine Tool Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Chou, Che-Wei
Ma, Kang-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Machine ToolSmart ManufacturingUNISONAHP
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Machine tool is the foundation of machinery manufacturing, and the competitiveness of machine tool industry is the key point of measuring a country’s industrial strength. The output value of machine tool industry in Taiwan reaches billion dollars per year, ranking 7th, and the value of export is ranking 5th. The competitiveness of machine tool in Taiwan is established by developing of industrial cluster, which applies horizontal division of labor. In addition, 90% of this cluster is located at Taichung area which is known as Golden Valley of machinery manufacturing. In recent years, due to the international situation such as U.S.-China trade war and COVID-19, and talent shortage problems in Taiwan, the competition between Taiwan and other nearby countries such as Japan, Korea and China is much fiercer. Therefore, it is very important to apply smart manufacturing strategy, not only maintain but also enhance the competitiveness of machine tool industry.
This research is based on UNISON framework and refers to PDCCCR manufacturing strategy and industrial 3.5 application framework. In addition, takes fundamental-objective hierarchy and define evaluation attribute as the core to build means objectives and techniques completely, then go a step further to provide decision makers blueprint for the transformation in smart manufacturing. By adopting Analytic Hierarchy Process to assign the priority of company’s smart manufacturing implementation, meanwhile, to build interior consensus and boost company’s competitiveness.
In the research, take one machine tool company in Taiwan as an empirical object. Applying the above-mentioned machine tool smart manufacturing strategy to conduct a survey of the company’s top executives, then analyze the significance of top three fundamental objectives and their evaluated properties, finally conclude the company’s group consciousness of smart manufacturing. As a conclusion, the capacity planning optimization is the priority target. Moreover, in order to enhance the abilities of understanding the real-time status of production line, optimize production planning and analyze the problem of short manpower in advance, we implement APS scheduling project and production status visualization project. Through this procedure, which can improve decision quality of enterprise’s resource utilization and verify validity and feasibility of this research.
Keywords: Machine Tool, Smart Manufacturing, UNISON, AHP

目錄 i
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景、動機與重要性 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 論文結構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 紫式決策架構與AHP層級分析法 6
2.2 工業3.5智慧製造與參考模型應用架構 9
第三章 研究架構 13
3.1 瞭解及定義問題(Understand and Define the right problem) 14
3.2 利基發掘(Niche Exploration) 16
3.2.1 PDCCCR製造策略 16
3.2.2 決策目標定義 17
3.3 架構影響關係(Influence relationships structuring) 17
3.4 客觀敘述(Sense and describe the results) 20
3.5 綜合判斷與權衡(Overall judgments for subjective assessment) 21
3.6 最適決策與執行(Make appropriate decision) 21
第四章 實證研究 22
4.1 實證研究問題之背景與情境說明 22
4.2 工具機廠智慧製造實證研究 24
4.2.1 瞭解及定義問題 24
4.2.2 利基發掘 25
4.2.3 架構影響關係 28
4.2.4 客觀敘述 30
4.2.5 綜合判斷與權衡 31
4.2.6 最適決策與執行 32
4.3 工具機廠智慧製造實證研究 33
4.3.1 資訊系統規劃與基礎建設 33
4.3.2 組裝產線MES系統 37
4.3.3 APS排程系統 39
第五章 結論 43
5.1 研究貢獻和限制 43
5.2 未來研究方向 44
參考文獻 45
附註一、數位轉型與智慧製造調查問卷 47

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