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作者(外文):Zhao, Jia-He
論文名稱(外文):The Micro-Revolution in Art, Technology and Communication
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Chih-Yung
口試委員(外文):Tao, Ya-Lun
Chiang, Chen-Wei
外文關鍵詞:everyday liferelational aestheticsMaker Movementsocial mediamicro-revolution
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  • 評分評分:*****
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After realizing that the alienation of capitalism has permeated into people’s daily life, the revolutionary path to resist capitalism also turned from the class struggle of the political and economic system to the artistic revolution of daily life. Situationist International and Relational Aesthetics have spawned, suggesting the micro-revolutionary potential of art. Subsequently, DIY culture, hacker culture, and the Maker Movement, from the perspective of technology, empowered every ordinary public with direct rights, and formed a participatory culture that brought these grassroots forces together. The development of media technology, by breaking the single source of information, building interaction and re-creation space, enables the audience and the author to have a pre-existing equality, gaining the power of questioning and resistance, but also triggers new crises such as post-truth, spectacle, and information cocoons.
This research responds to the above-mentioned micro-revolution in art, technology, and communication through the works "Little Nian", "Pat", and the video channel "Cao Grass". Against the background of the epidemic and studying away from home, "Little Nian" connected the artist and her family during the Spring Festival, and "Pat" relieved the artist's insomnia and anxiety. Both works take the perspective of artistic creation and the approach of the maker, liberating the creativity of everyday life. The "Eavesdropping" series of the "Cao Grass" channel demonstrated the realization of micro-creation through free interpretation; the "Creation Notes" series put personal creation in an active online space and reached a wider audience. In the end, the feedback was extremely rich.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 在日常構築微型烏托邦 3
第二節 以自造者為手段 8
第三節 媒介的樂觀與警惕 12
第四節 相關作品探討 17
第三章 創作論述 27
第一節 〈小年獸〉 27
第二節 〈拍拍我〉 35
第三節 〈小草格拉斯〉影片頻道運營 40
第四章 結論 48
第一節 總結與反思 48
第二節 未來計畫 49
參考文獻 50

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