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作者(外文):Yeh, I-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Study of Heteroepitaxial Growth of AlN on 4H-SiC (0001)
指導教授(外文):Gwo, Shangjr
Wei, Der-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Chen, David
Ahn, Hyeyoung
外文關鍵詞:Aluminum nitrideSilicon carbideMolecular beam epitaxy
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本研究中主要研究以電漿輔助分子束磊晶系統(Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy,PA-MBE)將氮化鋁磊晶於碳化矽上,以此方法成長氮化鋁薄膜可獲得較高品質的磊晶薄膜。由於碳化矽表面粗糙度影響其之後磊晶薄膜晶體品質,故研究中首先會先探討碳化矽平坦化之研究,除了比較以氫蝕刻前後之碳化矽表面形貌差異,也比較經良好化學機械拋光之碳化矽表面粗糙度。

接著,研究成長之氮化鋁薄膜結構、表面形貌及晶體品質。從成長結果分析可知氮化鋁薄膜有成功磊晶於碳化矽基板上,由於氮化鋁成長參數並未控制在氮鋁比為一,故在表面形貌上有凸起小顆粒,之後再分析晶體之差排密度,從巨觀XRC及微觀TEM之結果來看,我們自己成長的氮化鋁薄膜有較多水平缺陷;而商用氮化鋁薄膜表面形貌有許多凹洞,以SEM分析其凹洞大小平均 ~ 300 nm2,並可在TEM之剖面圖可以看見凹洞深度佔薄膜約三分之一,接著分析商用氮化鋁薄膜之差排密度,從巨觀XRC及微觀TEM之結果來看,商用氮化鋁薄膜存在較多垂直方向之缺陷。
The third-generation semiconductors have the characteristics of wide energy gap and high-temperature resistance, which are the development for high-power and high-frequency device applications. The aluminum nitride can develop deep ultraviolet optical components due to its direct bandgap. Besides, aluminum nitride is suitable as the epitaxial buffer layer of other nitrides. However, aluminum nitride epitaxial thin films are grown by heteroepitaxy due to the difficulty of large area. Therefore, heteroepitaxial aluminum nitride has a huge capability to solve this problem.

In this study, the high-quality epitaxial aluminum nitride was grown on two-inch silicon carbide by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE). We discuss the planarization of silicon carbide since the surface morphology of silicon carbide affects the quality of the epitaxial thin film. First, we analyze the surface morphology of silicon carbide without hydrogen etching and silicon carbide with hydrogen etching at high temperature. Second, we investigate the surface morphology of silicon carbide via good chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), and CMP with hydrogen etching.

After that, we study the crystal structure, surface morphology, and crystal quality of the aluminum nitride thin film. From the results, the aluminum nitride film was successfully grown on the silicon carbide substrate. However, the growth parameters of aluminum nitride are not well controlled. The ratio of aluminum and nitrides is not equal to 1, so there are small hills on the thin film surface. Then, we analyze the dislocation density of the thin film. The results of macro XRC and micro TEM show that the aluminum nitride film grown by ourselves has many horizontal defects. We analyze the commercial aluminum nitride on silicon carbide to know that the thin film quality we grew is better or not. The results show that commercial film has many holes which have an average size of ~ 300 nm2 by SEM. It can be seen in the TEM cross-section images that the depth of holes occupy about one-third of the film. Finally, we analyze the dislocation density of commercial aluminum nitride films from XRC and TEM; we find that commercial aluminum nitride films have more defects in the vertical direction. Hence, these aluminum nitride films have different defects due to different growth parameters and environments.
摘要 ..............................................................I
致謝 ............................................................III
目錄 .............................................................IV
圖目錄 .............................................................V
表目錄 ..........................................................VIII
第一章 簡介.........................................................1
1.1 簡介及原理......................................................1
1.1.1 碳化矽材料簡介................................................1
1.1.2 氮化鋁材料簡介................................................6
1.1.3 碳化矽表面平坦化..............................................12
1.1.4 晶體缺陷密度分析..............................................13
1.1.5 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之研究理論與文獻回顧..........................15
1.2 論文結構簡介...................................................16
第二章 儀器介紹....................................................17
2.1 氫蝕刻加熱系統.................................................17
2.2 電漿輔助分子束磊晶系統(Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy,PA-MBE).................................................................18
2.3 晶格結構及表面分析系統..........................................20
2.3.1 反射式高能電子繞射儀(Reflection high-energy electron diffraction,RHEED)..................................................20
2.3.2 高解析X光繞射儀(High resolution X-ray diffractometer,HRXRD).22
2.3.3 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force microscope,AFM)...................24
2.3.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning electron microscope,SEM)..........26
2.3.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (Transmission electron microscope,TEM)......28
第三章 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之研究及討論................................30
3.1 碳化矽經氫蝕刻之表面形貌分析.....................................30
3.2 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之步驟........................................37
3.3 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之高能量電子繞射分析............................39
3.4 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之X光繞射分析..................................40
3.5 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之表面形貌分析.................................47
3.6 碳化矽上成長氮化鋁之TEM分析.....................................51
第四章 結論及未來展望...............................................68
參考文獻 ..........................................................69

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