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論文名稱(中文):Rudolf Steiner講的是真的嗎?一個華德福音樂教師的教學困惑與探究
論文名稱(外文):Is Rudolf Steiner Telling the Truth? A Waldorf Music Teacher's Confusion and Inquiry
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Hsiao-Chin
中文關鍵詞:華德福音樂教育自我敘說音程感受測試Rudolf Steiner
外文關鍵詞:Rudolf SteinerWaldorf Music EducationSelf-NarrativeAction JourneysSound Journeys
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In the course of teaching music, I followed the valuable information from my predecessors and practiced on the spot. Because I did not know what I was doing and was worried that I would be labeled as an inappropriate Waldorf teacher, I mostly followed the same pattern for the first few years of my teaching career. As time went by I began to have doubts about myself and my own teaching. Later, I had the opportunity to study Steiner's books on music, the contents of which were very difficult for me to understand, and were different from the "music" I had known since I was a child. I was intrigued by Steiner's discussion of intervals, saying that giving third- and fourth-graders consistent experience with the major and minor thirds in a music program is beneficial to their development. So, I'm wondering if this is true? I took the self-narrative approach to find out why I was willing to teach in a Waldorf school despite my ambivalence. Another confusion was that I wanted to know if Steiner's statement of 100 years ago was still applicable to the children of Taiwan today. Before I conducted the Phonological Perception Test in three Waldorf schools, I thought that the results of the test would be a direct validation of Steiner's theory, but after one action research session after another, I found that the results were very diverse. At first, I suspected that there was a design error, and I adjusted the details of the design again and again, but after many testing sessions, I realized that the results still could not be verified directly. I also realized that by looking at the children's drawings, I was able to observe each child's current state of mind and needs because my understanding was supported by the results of my study of Steiner's theories. But I was still uncertain about the theories I had learned. In teaching, I see that everyone has their own unique spiritual qualities, including myself. In the process of teaching and inquiry, I try to organize the results in a coherent way. In the process, I've gained new insights over and over again, and of course, they've been the result of many layers of frustration. At this point, the focus was no longer on whether Steiner's statements were true or false; it was on what I was proving step by step in my teaching practice. Because in the process of practicing what he said, I received a living response from the students, "I see, that's how it is" continued to ring out, and the richness of these feelings far exceeded my confusion.
第一章.緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
壹.研究背景 1
貳.研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的與問題 7
壹.研究目的 7
貳.研究問題 10
叁.名詞釋義 11
第二章.文獻探討 13
第一節.Steiner成長經驗 17
壹.關於具有靈視能力的故事 17
貳.關於Steiner的教會及家教經驗 20
第二節.Rudolf Steiner關於音樂的理論 22
壹.音樂的本質 22
貳.音樂住在人之中 23
第三節.音樂三元素與人的三元關係 25
壹.人類的本體中有三種心理活動: 26
貳.音樂的三元素分別對應本體中的三種心理活動 27
叁.人自身就是最完美的樂器及音樂 33
第四節.音樂與人的四體關係 37
壹.什麼是人的四體 37
貳.關於人的音樂體驗 39
叁.從音階和音程中看見音充滿了整個人之中 40
第五節.關於華德福的音樂教學法 45
第三章.研究方法 49
第一節.自我敘述與對話 49
壹. 自我敘說 49
第二節.音程感受測驗 51
壹.施測對象 53
貳.最先擬定之施測計畫大綱 53
叁.與華德福音樂老師對話 55
第三節.研究倫理 57
第四章.研究歷程與研究發現 59
第一節.走入人智學及華德福教育的歷程 59
壹.自我歷程 59
貳.內在的轉變 66
叁.與台灣資深的音樂老師對話 70
第二節.華德福A學校音程感受測驗結果 74
第三節.華德福B學校音程感受測驗結果 98
第四節. 華德福C學校音程感受測驗結果 115
第五節.測驗的結果及總討論 129
第六節.與華德福A、B校音樂老師對話 136
第五章 研究結果與反思 141
第一節.研究歷程與摘要 141
第二節.以研究發現跟研究文獻對話 144
第三節.經過研究歷程後,對身為華德福老師的我的啟發與未來的做法 148
壹.對身為華德福教師的我,所得到的啟發 148
貳.未來的做法 150
第四節.研究限制與未來的教學研究期許 151
壹.研究限制 152
貳.對未來教學的期許 155
參考文獻 156
附件 158
Albert.Soesman (2011).十二感官。(呂理瑒譯)台北:琉璃光。(原著出版
Christoph.Lindenberg (2014).華德福教育之父(蔡慈晢譯)新北:心理。
Cynthea.A.Frongillo (2018).悅樂樂(李靜宜譯)宜蘭冬山:華德福教育協
Gudrun Burkhard(2022).運命(陳修平譯)宜蘭冬山:三元生活實踐社。(原
Ivor F. Goodson, Scherto R. Gill (2020).敘事教育學:生命是取向(丁奇
Reinhild Brass(2018).探索聽覺教育之路(車訊譯)台中;台灣人智學健康
Rudolf.Steiner (2009).人學(顏維震譯)台北:洪葉。(原著出版於1932
Rudolf.Steiner (2013).實用教學指引(林琦珊譯)台北:洪葉。(原著出版
Rudolf Steiner(2018).華德福教育的本質(李宜珊譯)。新北:小樹文化。
Rudolf Steiner(2021).色彩(林韋苓、蔡仁芳譯)宜蘭冬山:財團法人人質
Ivor F.Goodson, Scherto R. Gill(2020).敘事教育學 生命史取向(丁奇芳

Joscelyn.Godwin(1986). Music,Mysticism and magic. Arkana Publisher.
Martyn.Rawson, Tobias.Richter, &Kevin.Avison editors(2014). The
Tasks and Contant of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum. Floris
Books, UK Publisher.
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