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作者(外文):Chen, Ching-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Impact of EMBA & MBA on re-entrepreneurship opportunity recognition
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chuan-Kai
口試委員(外文):Chen, Pao-Lien
Hung, Shih-Chang
外文關鍵詞:Educational capitalOpportunity recognitionMaster of Business Administration, MBAExecutive Master of Business Administration, EMBAre-entrepreneurship
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近年隨著創業活動的興起,創業家採取創業行動的契機也日益受到重視,但面對 市場趨勢的變動以及高度不確定性等因素,創業家可能因錯失良機導致創業失敗。過 去研究表示,具有經驗的創業家未來再次創業的機會高,原因是更有市場洞察及辨識 機會的能力。機會識別是創業過程的第一步,也被視為創業成功的重要能力之一,相 關研究指出若創業家擁有機會識別的能力,更能適時的進入市場並開啟新事業(Baron & Shane, 2008)。而許多具有實務經驗的創業家,在創業成功後仍會選擇回到學校接受 商管在職教育(Fayolle et al., 2006),而台灣目前有多所大學皆設立商管在職教育課程 (EMBA/MBA)提供創業家或企業家再次進校園累積新知識及能力的機會,進而對自己 的企業有所轉變或突破。
因此本研究以 Bourdieu (1986)資本觀點出發,結合 Marino (2019)針對教育資本所 做的定義與解釋,探討創業家的教育資本是如何透過學校的商管在職教育獲得增加, 並結合質化、量化兩階段的研究方法,第一階段以個案研究法討論商管在職教育的內 涵以及創業家從中的收穫,接著第二階段再以台灣各校 EMBA 與 MBA 的創業家們作 為測量對象,並分析這些教育資本對於創業家未來進行再次創業的機會識別是否有正 向影響,驗證商管在職教育與創業機會識別的關係。
With the rise of entrepreneurial activities nowadays, the opportunity for entrepreneurs to take entrepreneurial actions has also been paid more and more attention. However, in the face of changes in market trends and high uncertainty, entrepreneurs may fail due to missed opportunities. In the past, some research has shown that experienced entrepreneurs have higher possibility of starting a new business in the future because of their better market insight and ability to identify opportunities. Opportunity recognition is the first step in the entrepreneurial process, and it is also regarded as one of the important capabilities for entrepreneurial success. Relevant studies have pointed out that if entrepreneurs have the ability to identify opportunities, they can enter the market and start new businesses in a timely manner (Baron & Shane, 2008). Many entrepreneurs with practical experiences still back to school to receive on-the-job education in business management after successful entrepreneurship (Fayolle et al., 2006). Therefore, many universities in Taiwan have set up on-the-job education courses in business management (EMBA/ MBA) provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to re-enter the campus again to accumulate new knowledge and capabilities, and then make changes or breakthroughs in their enterprise activities.
This study starts from Bourdieu's (1986) perspective of capital, and combines Marino's (2019) definition of educational capital to explore how entrepreneurs' educational capital is increased through school's business management education. The research methods cover two- stage combined with qualitative and quantitative. The first stage discusses the connotation of business management executive master of business administration education and the benefits of entrepreneurs through case studies. Then, in the second stage, EMBA and MBA entrepreneurs from various schools in Taiwan are used as the measurement objects, and the analysis is carried out. Whether these educational capitals have a positive impact on the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities in the future, and verify the relationship between business management education and entrepreneurial opportunity identification.
摘要 2
目錄 4
圖目錄 5
表目錄 6
第一章 緒論 7
第一節 研究背景與動機 7
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 8
第三節 研究流程 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 教育資本(Educational Capital) 11
第二節 商管在職教育與教育資本的關係 28
第三節 機會識別(Opportunity Recognition) 31
第四節 教育資本與機會識別的關係 33
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 研究架構 36
第二節 研究設計 37
第四章 研究分析與結果 44
第一節 第一階段:個案研究分析 44
第二節 第二階段:問卷調查分析 56
第五章 結果與討論 69
第一節 研究發現 69
第二節 結論 72
參考文獻 75
附錄一:「EMBA/MBA 教育對再創業機會識別之影響」研究問卷 79
附錄二: 個案訪談內容 83
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