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作者(外文):Li, Meng-Jhen
論文名稱(外文):A Study and Implementation of a STEAM Learning Scheme for Integrating Learning Game and Hardware Application
指導教授(外文):Ou, Kuo-Liang
Su, Jun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Tarng, Wern-Huar
Chen, Ken-Zen
外文關鍵詞:STEAMComputational ThinkingPortfolio AnalysisLearning HardwareElementary high-grade students
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  • 評分評分:*****
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STEAM教育(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics)與運算思維(Computational Thinking)強調跨科整合學習以培養動手實作與問題解決的知識整合運用能力而受到廣泛重視。然而,兒童普遍缺乏學習動機與自律學習能力,學習過程如遇問題卻無輔助恐難自學。雖然遊戲與玩具已被證實能有助於學習動機,但如缺乏有意義的學習設計與策略將不利於學習。因此,此研究提出整合學習遊戲(Scratch-based Learning Game, SLG)、學習硬體(Arduino-based Learning Kit, ALK)、與歷程分析(Portfolio Analysis, PA)的SLG-ALK-PA整合學習機制,並基於此研發STEAM學習遊戲與主題式硬體應用,稱為植物農場(STEAM-Plant Farm),以輔助學生學習與落實做中學,進而提高學習動機與學習成效。實際透過9位學習者(大學生)進行研究設計概念之可用性測試,學習成效雖有進步但無顯著差異。在滿意度問卷回饋上,使用者給予高度滿意評價,高度認同本研究所研發的整合學習應用在學習動機與成效輔助上是具有效益的。此外,透過歷程分析也確實能發現到學習者潛在的知識學習問題與課程設計問題,有助於學習遊戲之設計修正,以提升學習輔助效果。
STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) and Computational Thinking emphasize cross-disciplinary integration of learning to cultivate practical skills and problem-solving abilities. However, children generally lack motivation for learning and self-learning abilities, and face difficulties in self-learning when encountering problems without assistance. Games and toys have been proven to be helpful for learning motivation, but a lack of meaningful learning design and strategies can be detrimental to learning. Therefore, this study proposes a SLG-ALK-PA learning scheme to integrate learning game (Scratch-based Learning Game, SLG), learning hardware (Arduino-based Learning Kit, ALK), and portfolio analysis (PA). Based on SLG-ALK-PA, a STEAM learning game and theme-based hardware application, called STEAM-Plant Farm, are designed and developed to assist students in learning and implementing learning by doing for improving learning motivation and learning outcomes. Through usability testing of design concepts with 9 learners (university students), there was an improvement in learning outcomes, but no significant difference was found. In the satisfaction questionnaire feedback, users gave a high satisfaction rating and strongly agreed that the proposed learning scheme and application in this study was beneficial in assisting with learning motivation and outcomes. Additionally, portfolio analysis can effectively identify potential knowledge learning problems and course design issues for learners, which is helpful to the design and modification of learning games to improve the effectiveness of learning assistance.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究議題 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 STEAM教育與運算思維 7
2.2 自律學習與學習歷程分析 9
2.3 遊戲式學習與學齡兒童學習 11
2.4 情境式學習活動設計與學習系統 13
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 整合學習機制 16
3.2 基於SLG-ALK-PA的STEAM學習應用 19
3.2.1 學習概念設計 19
3.2.2 遊戲設計、學習活動、與硬體實作之整合架構 24
3.2.3 學習遊戲設計情境 27
第四章 開發與實踐 29
4.1 整合學習成品 29
4.2 學習硬體套件 33
4.2.1 電機硬體與機構硬體 33
4.2.2 種植硬體 35
4.2.3 組裝硬體 36
4.3 遊戲式學習活動 37
4.3.1 遊戲情境 37
4.3.2 學習活動 44
4.3.3 硬體實作 52
第五章 實驗與分析 53
5.1 實驗設計 53
5.2 學習成效 54
5.3 滿意度問卷 56
5.3.1 問卷設計 56
5.3.2 問卷分析 58
5.4 歷程分析 60
第六章 結論與未來研究 71
6.1 結論 71
6.1.1 議題討論 71
6.1.2 總結 73
6.2 未來研究 74
參考文獻 75

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