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作者(外文):Lan, Chieh-Ning
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Writing Performance of the Children with Written Language Disorders in Taiwan by Integrating the Tablet Computer Intervention in Writing Strategies
指導教授(外文):Young, Shelley Shwu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Yang, Jie-Chi
Chiang, Huey-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Written language disorderWriting interventionTablet APP
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「書寫困難(Written language disorder)」是在識字流暢性、閱讀理解、拼字或寫作能力上與同齡兒童相比有顯著困難之個案。書寫能力及品質不佳不僅會影響學童學業表現,也可能影響兒童自尊的建立、情緒及社交互動的發展。而書寫能力發展的好壞及進程能透過有效的書寫教學來改善。在過去復健治療領域中,針對漢字書寫表達困難的兒童之教學策略以增加識字量、增加易讀性或是提升書寫時自我監測的能力為主要介入目標。介入形式主要以紙本練習為主,缺乏行動載具科技的應用。雖也有少數的治療師使用不同書寫媒材及策略教學,但受限於書寫困難族群的異質性高、受試者稀少,其實證研究的結果對書寫治療策略之成效仍十分有限。本研究旨在融入平板APP書寫輔助系統於書寫策略教學中,以台灣具書寫困難之國小學齡兒童為對象,探討在書寫策略教學中利用平板電腦做為台灣書寫困難族群治療方案的可行性,並比較在紙本教學與平板電腦輔助教學的學習者其書寫學習成效差異及其家長態度。研究對象包含21位具書寫表達困難之台灣國小學齡兒童及其家長,研究設計採平衡對抗實驗設計,將受試者依照讀寫能力配對分為兩組,兩組會分別先後輪流接受平板APP/紙本的教學,介入劑量為每週兩堂課程,共6週。研究利用自編前後測書寫測驗、課堂觀察紀錄及家長問卷訪談來實施三角驗證法,深度了解書寫障礙族群在平板電腦輔助下的學習成效及學習動機。研究結果顯示,全體受試者在介入後其漢字結構知識、識字量及寫字正確率的表現皆有立即效果。且紙本組與平板APP組在12堂課後的書寫學習表現未達組間差異,僅在前6堂課後,紙本組之寫字正確率表現顯著優於平板APP組。而家長對平板APP作為教學媒材的介入方式普遍持正面態度,支持使用平板電腦輔助書寫教學的可行性。
A disorder of written language (Written language disorder, WLD) involves a significant impairment in fluent word recognition, reading comprehension, written spelling, or written expression. In addition to writing development, the quality of handwritng not only affects school-age children’s academic performance but also affects their self-esteem establishment, emotion development and social interaction development. Fortunatelty, writing ability can be improved throughout effective writing intervention. Fistly, when it comes to goal setting of reading/ writing treatments, much previous researches have focused on improving word recognition performance, writing legibility, and self-regulation in the field of rehabilitation therapy. Secondly, literatures on the teaching materials of reading/ writing treatment shows a variety of approaches. The implementation of using paper-based practice has been widely investigated in recent research, however, using tablet-based practice has been scarcely investigated. Although still some therapists apply various writing materials in reading/ or writing treatments, the lack of evidence on writing effectiveness due to the small size of participants and the high heterogeneity in the case with WLD. In this paper, we explore the possibility and feasibility of integrating the tablet APP in the writing intervention to the Taiwan elementary students, who are diagnosed of WLD. That is, we compared the tablet APP with paper-based writing intervention from the aspect of student’s learning performance and parent’s perspectives.
In our study, we adopted a counterbalanced experimental design and included 21 Taiwan elementary students with WLD and each their parents. The students are divided into two groups based on their baseline abilites and medical histories. The experimental group first used tablet APP then paper-based practices as a writing material, meanwhile, the controlled group first used paper-based practice then tablet APP as a writing material. To develop the writing intervention program, the dose of this intervention is two sessions per week and last for a total of 6 weeks (total 30min* 12 sessions).
To evaluate the students’ learning performance and learning motivation, the pre-/post-writing assessments, the classroom worksheets, the parent’s questionnaires and interview were used after course. The results revealed that all of the student participants had an immediate effect on orthography knowledges of Chineses character acquisition, word recognition ability, and Chinese handwriting accuracy. In addition, there isn’t significant difference between using tablet APP or paper-based after 12 courses. Only after the first 6 courses, the students in the controlled group showed significantly higher Chinese handwriting accuracy than the experimental group. However, parents generally have a positive perspectives on the writing intervention with tablet APP as a teaching material;moreover, they confirmed the feasibility of applying tablet APP to the writing intervention
第一章 緒論 12
第一節 研究背景與動機 12
第二節 研究目的 17
第三節 研究問題 18
第四節 名詞解釋 20
第五節 研究範圍與限制 21
第二章 文獻探討 23
第一節 漢字文字概念發展 23
第二節 書寫教學策略 31
第三節 科技輔具輔助讀寫教學 48
第三章 研究方法 52
第一節 研究設計與架構 53
第二節 研究對象與場域 56
第三節 研究流程 68
第四節 研究工具 77
第五節 資料分析與檢核 83
第四章 書寫教學內容設計 86
第一節 「書寫策略教學」教學內容設計 86
第二節 「書寫策略教學」APP輔助書寫教學內容設計 93
第五章 資料分析與討論 101
第一節 「書寫策略教學」之整體書寫學習成效分析 102
第二節 實驗組與控制組之書寫學習成效分析 108
第三節 家長對不同書寫媒材之觀點分析 127
第四節 不同醫療診斷族群之書寫學習成效分析 146
第五節 討論 154
第六章 結論與未來展望 156
第一節 研究結論 156
第二節 未來研究建議 161
第三節 後記 162
參考文獻 164
英文部分 164
中文部分 173
附錄一 兒童研究知情同意書 177
附錄二 成人研究知情同意書 181
附錄三 前/後測驗內容 187
附錄四 紙本教材範例 193
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