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論文名稱(外文):Gender Equality Consciousness of Different Generations for SDG5 in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Kuo-Tai
口試委員(外文):Chiueh, Ya-Wen
Chang, Yan-Yi
外文關鍵詞:SDG5GenderGender equalityConsciousness
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, due to the development of transportation and technology, the relationship between countries in the world has become closer and closer. The problems faced by countries have become a solution that the whole world must face and think about together. Sustainable development and the birth of the 17 SDGs are the most urgent things that need to be improved in the countries of the world. This study explores the SDG5 - gender equality, and from the discussion of major current events in various countries and the current situation in Taiwan, it summarizes the family and workplace, education and culture, sexual minorities, and generational differences, and analyzes them in four aspects. In the form of qualitative interviews, we interviewed 10 primary school teachers of different generations in Taoyuan City. The results of the study found that: First, in terms of family and workplace, the concept of the division of labor and role status of the three generations has tended to be gender equality, but in terms of execution, the XY generation will still be affected by the traditional value of family division of labor. In the workplace, teachers experience little gender inequality, but in other industries, there is still inequality; In terms of education and culture, there are obvious differences in the gender equality education content received by generation XY and generation Z, and the content learned by generation Z is more diverse. In terms of traditional cultural values, the binding force of religion and tradition is reduced, but on the issue of premarital sex, there are obvious differences between generation X and generation YZ; In terms of sexual minorities, regardless of their own ideas, the three generations have shown respect for others, but in legislation, they will express their own positions according to their personal ideas; In terms of generational differences, generation Z is more willing to communicate and discuss issues of gender equality with others than generation XY. In terms of government, the three generations have no consistent policy concerns and no generational differences. Finally, based on the findings, this study proposes research recommendations and research directions.
第壹章 緒論...........................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................1
一、 研究背景...........................................1
二、 研究動機...........................................1
第二節 研究目的與問題....................................2
一、 研究目的...........................................2
二、 研究問題...........................................2
第三節 研究範圍.........................................3
第貳章 文獻探討........................................5
第一節 永續發展是什麼....................................5
第二節 性別平等的概念與學術內涵...........................9
第三節 各國與臺灣的做法..................................13
一、 美國—Me Too........................................14
二、 南韓—從《82年生的金智英》到N號房事件..................16
三、 日本—前奧委會主席的性別歧視言論看日本社會的性別平等.....21
四、 臺灣—日常生活和世界矚目的改變.........................27
第參章 研究流程與方法...................................44
第一節 研究流程..........................................44
第二節 研究架構..........................................44
第三節 研究方法..........................................45
一、 質性研究............................................45
二、 半結構式的深度訪談...................................46
第四節 研究對象..........................................47
一、 XYZ世代.............................................47
二、 研究對象限制........................................48
三、 研究對象來源與招募方式...............................49
第五節 研究工具..........................................49
一、 研究參與同意書.......................................49
二、 訪談大綱............................................49
三、 錄音工具............................................50
四、 訪談筆記............................................50
第六節 研究的信度與效度...................................50
一、 可信賴性............................................50
二、 可遷移性............................................51
三、 可靠性..............................................51
四、 可驗證性............................................51
第肆章 訪談資料分析.....................................52
第一節 受訪者資料........................................52
第二節 家庭與職場的分析...................................54
一、 家務分工—從原生家庭到今日............................56
二、 角色身分—是自己所想還是他人期望.......................59
三、 重男輕女............................................63
四、 學校教育和教育以外的職場.............................65
第三節 教育及文化分析.....................................68
一、 求學階段所受的教育...................................70
二、 性別教育內容的想法...................................73
三、 宗教習俗與禁忌.......................................75
四、 傳統習俗與價值觀.....................................78
第四節 性少數群體分析.....................................83
一、 多元性別的看法.......................................86
二、 同性婚姻合法化.......................................88
三、 當多元性別者為親人時..................................89
第五節 世代差異...........................................92
一、 世代間的價值觀溝通...................................94
二、 自我意識與意識轉變歷程................................97
三、 政府作為............................................100
第伍章 結論與討論.......................................104
第一節 研究結論..........................................104
一、 家庭與職場..........................................104
二、 教育及文化..........................................104
三、 性少數群體..........................................105
四、 世代差異............................................105
第二節 研究建議..........................................106
一、 加強家庭內教育......................................106
二、 政府應提升相關政策的宣導力道.........................107
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向.............................107
一、 研究限制............................................107
二、 未來研究方向........................................108
附錄一 研究參與同意書....................................115
附錄二 訪談大綱.........................................117
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