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作者(外文):Cheng, Si-Ting.
論文名稱(外文):Correlation Between Lower Limb Proprioception and Motor Ability in Typically Developing Children
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yu-Ting
口試委員(外文):Li, Yao-Chuen
Li, Chun-Yen
外文關鍵詞:ProprioceptiveKinestheticposition sensemotor ability
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目的:本研究旨在比較10-11歲兒童下肢本體感覺運動覺在不同角速度、位置覺在不同側配對及位置覺不同角度之差異,並探討在運動覺、位置覺與不同面向之動作能力之關聯性。方法:研究對象為44名10-11歲兒童。所有受試者皆測量(1)踝關節運動覺和位置覺。(2)動作能力(立定跳、T型測驗、505敏捷測驗、20m衝刺、40碼衝刺及單腳立定跳)。統計方式以重複量數變異數分析探討兒童在不同角速度與不同側情境下運動覺和位置覺之表現,並以皮爾森相關分析驗證運動覺與位置覺與不同面項之動作能力相關性,統計顯著水準訂為α = .05。結果:本研究發現:運動覺在角速度0.3°s-1、0.6°s-1、0.9°s-1、1.2°s-1和1.5°s-1皆與2.7°s-1有顯著差異(p < .05)。而在位置覺上,單側和對側不同角度交互作用有顯著差異(p < .05),在絕對誤差(AE) 中發現46°和58°的角度誤差,單側配對都大於對側配對(p < .05);在變異誤差(VE)中發現46°、52°、58°的角度誤差,單側配對都大於對側配對(p < .05),而在AE或VE單側配對中58°的角度誤差都大於46°和52°(p < .05),在對側配對中58°的角度誤差都大於46°和52°、52°的角度誤差大於46°(p < .05)。踝關節本體感覺與動作能力(單腳跳、20m)有顯著相關(p < .05)。結論:本研究指出,10-11歲一般發展兒童運動覺當角速度越快動覺偵測時間越快;位置覺對側的角度誤差小於單側的角度誤差,單側匹配和對側匹配的位置覺目標角度越小角度誤差也越小;此外,下肢運動覺和位置覺與動作技巧呈現顯著相關,動覺偵測時間越快和單側匹配角度誤差越小,單腳跳的角度也越遠;對側匹配角度誤差越小,20m衝刺速度越快速。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in kinesthetic sensitivity during different angular velocities, as well as position sense acuity during ipsilateral/contralateral condition at different target angles in 10 to11-year-old children; and to investigate the relationship between proprioceptive functions (i.e., kinesthetic sensitivity and position sense acuity) and movement ability in typically developing children. Methods: Forty-four children aged 10-11 years were recruited in the study. All participants underwent 1) ankle kinesthetic sensitivity task 2) position sense matching task, and 3) assessments of motor ability (standing jump, T-test, 505 agility test, 20m sprint, 40-yard dash, and one-legged standing jump). The repeated measured ANOVA and correlation analysis were performed accordingly to verify the study aims. The statistical significance was set at α = .05. Results: The results showed that, during the kinesthetic sensitivity task, angular velocities of 0.3°s-1、0.6°s-1、0.9°s-1、1.2°s-1 and 1.5°s-1 were significantly different from 2.7°s-1 (p <.05). In terms of position sense, position sense acuity between the ipsilateral and contralateral were significantly different (p < .05). For absolute error (AE), the target position of 46° and 58° angular errors were found to be larger for ipsilateral than contralateral condition (p <.05); in variable error (VE), the target position of 46°, 52°, and 58°were found to be larger for ipsilateral than contralateral condition (p <.05); and in AE, the target position of 58° was larger than 46° and 52°(p <.05) during the ipsilateral condition. For VE, the target position of 58° was greater than 46° and 52° and 52°(p <.05) in the contralateral condition. Regarding the correlation analysis, there was a significant correlation between ankle proprioception and movement ability (single-leg jump, 20-meter sprint) (p <.05). Conclusion: Our results provided objective data on both kinesthetic sensitivity and position sense acuity of the lower limb in typically developing children aged 10-11 years. We found that children who had higher kinesthetic sensitivity and lower position sense error of the lower limb tended to have better posture control and faster speed of the 20-meter sprint.
圖 次...........................................................VII
表 次..........................................................VIII
第壹章 緒論.......................................................1
第一節 問題背景....................................................1
第二節 研究目的....................................................4
第三節 研究假設....................................................4
第四節 名詞操作性定義..............................................4
第五節 研究範圍與限制..............................................5
第貳章 文獻探討....................................................6
第一節 本體感覺....................................................6
第二節 兒童本體感覺的發展...........................................7
第三節 下肢本體感覺測量方式.........................................7
第四節 本體感覺與運動能力...........................................9
第參章 研究方法...................................................11
第一節 研究對象...................................................11
第二節 研究工具...................................................11
第三節 研究流程...................................................15
第四節 實驗方法與步驟.............................................16
第五節 資料處理...................................................21
第肆章 結果......................................................22
第一節 受試者基本資料.............................................22
第二節 不同角速度對下肢踝關節運動覺的影響...........................23
第三節 不同側不同角度對下肢踝關節位置覺的影響.......................26
第四節 下肢踝關節本體感覺與各項動作能力之相關分析....................30
第伍章 討論與結論.................................................34
第一節 本體感覺...................................................34
第二節 運動覺、位置覺與不同面項動作能力之關聯性......................37
第三節 結論與建議.................................................38
圖1 身體感覺的來源(修改自Riemann & Lephart, 2002)................6
圖2 主機........................................................12
圖3 儀器介面....................................................12
圖4 踝關節配對裝置...............................................13
圖5 本體感覺施測.................................................13
圖6 本體感覺施測示意圖...........................................14
圖7 研究流程....................................................15
圖8 T型場地.....................................................17
圖9 505敏捷場地.................................................17
圖10 20公尺衝刺.................................................18
圖11 40碼衝刺...................................................18
圖12 立定跳遠....................................................19
表1 受測者基本資料表(N = 44)....................................22
表2 不同角速度下肢踝關節運動覺動作偵測時間(單位:秒)...............24
表3 不同角速度下肢踝關節運動覺動作偵測時間重複量數單因子變異數分析摘要表 ................................................................25
表4 不同側不同角度下肢踝關節位置覺之反應角度(單位:°)..............27
表5 不同側不同角度下肢踝關節位置覺之反應角度重複量數變異數分析摘要表..28
表6 不同側不同角度下肢踝關節位置覺之反應角度AE與VE單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表...........................................................29
表7 下肢踝關節運動覺與各項動作能力相關係數..........................31
表8 下肢踝關節位置覺(單側)與各項動作能力相關係數...................32
表9 下肢踝關節位置覺(對側)與各項動作能力相關係數...................33
表10評估的關節位置感測試方法的特徵(修改自Naveen, Amanda & Jürgen, 2014)...........................................................36
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