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論文名稱(外文):The Business of the Internet+ and the C2M Model of the Industrial Internet
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih-Chang
口試委員(外文):Lin, Bou-Wen
Chen, Chung-Jen
Tseng, Yung-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Internet +Industrial Internet C2MBusiness ModelResponsible Data EconomyInternet Finance
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:193
  • 評分評分:*****
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In the New Era,the Development of the Internet should follow the trend. Internet + is the Transformation of traditional Enterprises and the Rational use of Internet Technology. The Characteristics of the New Era: Big Data Era, Internet Era, New Business Thinking.This paper mainly discusses how enterprises strategically think about how to embrace the C2M Mode under the Digital Internet and Industrial Internet with the products and Services of Traditional Industries
How to make good use of this Internet + Technology. This paper discusses the Internet sharing economy, Internet + Traditional Industry, Internet finance, Internet Security Payment, Morality and Law under the Internet
Nowadays, the New Thinking of Internet Business Model has been developing for nearly 10-20 years, and many Real Economies are also suffering from the impact. Traditional Industries need to integrate with the Internet. The impact of Internet sharing Economy on Traditional services and the challenges of Laws and regulations seem to be disrupting the previous business rules, How can governments with different cultural and custom backgrounds formulate Laws and regulations suitable for their own national conditions.
It is the first to develop Internet technology to the extreme.
China is a big Manufacturing country of people's livelihood Industry, It is the first to Development of Internet Technology to the extreme. It is also the first to develop the C2M Business Model, which directly connects users and factories, reduces the intermediate circulation links, and provides users with more cost-effective goods and better service experience. Manufacturers only need to supply goods, and the platform is responsible for sales, without middlemen. C2M Model eliminates the layers of increase in prices by middlemen, and consumers directly connect with factories. In the Traditional Mode of Sales, a large cost is inventory. C2M Mode greatly reduces the squeeze of inventory and capital. At the same time, it also improves the management efficiency in product production. In addition, it can avoid the periodicity and unsalable of products. The factory has no inventory, and the price of products purchased by customers is lower, which maximizes the interests of customers in the factory. Today, the development of enterprises can only do something with the trend. The new infrastructure technology and big data accumulation of cloud, together with AI Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing, Serve the Platform Ecology, Whether it is artificial intelligence, cloud computing or quantum computing, Internet thinking, innovation and implementation of sustainable development strategy can always find a way suitable for their own Platform Ecology.
致謝詞 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 理論背景 3
2.1研究背景 3
2.2互聯網+商業思維研究動機和目的 7
第三章 互聯網個案研究 11
3.1 互聯網+共用經濟 11
3.1.1 共用經濟重要議題 12
3.1.2 共用經濟判決所引發的爭議 13
3.1.3 共用經濟法律與道德問題 14
3.1.4電動汽車無人駕駛 16
3.1.5 智慧醫療與大健康行業 21
3.1.6 互聯網的壟斷協議、不正當的競爭 22
3.1.7 生物識別資訊的道德與法律 24
3.1.8 負責任的數據新經濟 25
3.1.9 總結 27
3.2 互聯網+視頻 28
3.2.1抖音娛樂和線上直播帶貨 28
3.2.2 線上娛樂的廣告效應 29
3.3互聯網+金融 29
3.4 互聯網+的公共出行 31
第四章 C2M商業模式(互聯網+先進製造業) 34
4.1 C2M模式背景 34
4.2 C2M個案研究 38
4.2.1 阿里巴巴C2M的犀牛智造 40
4.2.2 京東多品牌和跨品類的製造工廠 42
第五章 工業互聯網和工業製造4.0 50
5.1 工業自動化在不同國家發展 50
5.2 工業自動化的背景 51
5.3 工業4.0和中國製造2025 53
5.4 總結 54
第六章 C2M商業模式個案分析 56
6.1 C2M商業模式SWOT分析 56
6.2 必要商城C2M工廠商業模式九大元素 56
第七章 結論 59
7.1 互聯網+的商業思維發展的對策 59
7.2 研究的限制 60
參考文獻 62
中文部分 62
英文部分 63
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