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作者(外文):Chen, Li-Ling
論文名稱(外文):The Critical Factors for Innovating in the Fitness Industry: The Case Study of H Company
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih-Chang
外文關鍵詞:Organization and coordinationfitness industrybusiness strategytechnology applicationenterprise innovationcore competitiveness
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受到2020 Covid-19 疫情影響,全世界經歷了一波有史以來最大的經濟危機,因為各國緊閉國門,導致商業活動以及經濟活動被迫中止,旅遊業者損失慘重,民眾也為不能出國所苦,甚至在一些疫情較嚴重的國家,連出門購物都受到管制,公共場所都被勒令暫停營業。另外,根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)統計,截至2021/4/7,全球新冠肺炎疫情確診病例數已達到 1.32 億,死亡人數達287 萬人,而且因為疫情不斷變異,確診數量仍然不斷攀升,著實為全球帶來空前的災難。

企業處在瞬息萬變的環境中,日復一日,必須面對每天的挑戰,除了 Covid-19 新冠肺炎疫情的影響,近年來興起的中美貿易戰,更直接衝擊臺灣經濟環境,讓企業面臨著與日俱增的壓力。幸運的是,在健康意識抬頭下,面對龐大的環境變化帶來的壓力,人們已經覺得運動是非常重要的一件事情,各縣市政府更是不斷提倡運動對身體的重要性,紛紛設立的國民運動中心、連鎖健身產業、私人健身房,這幾年在臺灣如雨後春筍般不斷冒出。在競爭激烈的運動產業中,一間新式健身中心對於有創意、懂得科技應用、敢冒險的人才是求才若渴。在科技技術應用在健身領域上,並非真的需要知道每個科技運作的細節,健身產業的員工不用會寫程式語言,但會需要知道有哪些科技技術,可以應用在健身產業上,透過不斷蒐集新知,增加新科技認知的廣度,學習科技應用;而比起學理上的紙上談兵,對健身教練來說,更為要緊的是帶領學生親身體驗,實踐科技與健身結合,讓學生學會實戰演練,並相信自己,擁有充分解決問題的能力,才是運動教練以及健身業者能否創新跨界走出去的關鍵。現今健身產業業者想要永續生存,擺脫此競爭激烈的環境,從而脫穎而出,都必須要不斷思考創新策略,藉此提高經營績效,維持可持續的核心競爭力。本研究所探討之個案 H 公司,其領導人本身就是健身教練,並且從小就開始參加校隊,在運動領域耕耘許久,領導人除了要決定企業的目標和願景,還要負責建立教練團隊的要務,並帶領企業往前邁進,不斷推動創新變革。


本研究旨在探討健身產業的領導者,如何在企業轉型升級的創新過程中制定成功的經營策略,主要運用 H 公司作為個案研究對象,具體分析與探討,企業如何通過擴大組織、運用科技技術等創新策略,提升企業的績效表現,並達到永續經營,來證明創新策略可以帶給企業實質利益,並探討企業在創新升級的過程中,面臨的挑戰與瓶頸及如何克服的方法,以做為其他公司參考該企業創新經營策略模式。本研究同時也能幫助健身產業的領導人在制定經營策略時,考慮企業成功創新的關鍵因素,讓創新成功因素與企業經營策略保持協調穩定,成功制定提升企業之核心競爭力的策略和目標。此外,為了艱鉅的企業創新任務成為一項明確且可控管的任務,本研究也希望通過個案展示,讓企業了解如何將能夠幫助創新的關鍵因素納入組織的各個面向,並轉化為目標、策略、文化和習慣,以及相關管理實踐。
Affected by the 2020 Covid-19 epidemic, the world has experienced the biggest economic crisis in history. Because countries have closed their countries, commercial and economic activities have been forced to suspend, tourism companies have suffered heavy losses, and people have suffered from not being able to go abroad. In some countries with more severe epidemics, even going out for shopping is regulated, and public places have been ordered to suspend business. In addition, according to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization) statistics, as of 2021/4/7, the number of confirmed cases of the global new crown pneumonia epidemic has reached 132 million, and the death toll has reached 2.87 million, and because of the continuous variation of the epidemic, the number of confirmed cases is still rising. It has brought unprecedented disasters to the world.
Companies are in a rapidly changing environment, day after day, they must face daily challenges. In addition to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Sino-US trade war that has emerged in recent years has directly affected Taiwan’s economic environment, causing companies to face Increasing pressure. Fortunately, with the rise of health awareness and the pressure of huge environmental changes, people already feel that exercise is a very important thing. The county and city governments continue to promote the importance of exercise to the body and have established National sports centers, chain fitness industries, and private gyms have sprung up in Taiwan in recent years. In the highly competitive sports industry, there is a great need for talents who are creative, take risks, and understand the application of technology. The so-called technology application does not really need to know the details of each technology operation. Employees in the fitness industry do not need to write programming languages, but they need to know which technology and technology can be applied to the fitness industry. Broad knowledge is better than depth. Comprehension and more important than prescriptive dogma is to lead students to practice, so that they learn how to practice, and believe that they have the ability to solve problems, is the sports coach and fitness industry can innovate and go global key.
Nowadays, fitness industry players want to survive forever, get rid of this fiercely competitive environment, and thus stand out, they must constantly think about innovative strategies to improve business performance and maintain sustainable core competitiveness. In the case of H company discussed in this study, the leader himself is a fitness coach, and he has been participating in the school team since he was a child. He has been working in the sports field for a long time. In addition to determining the company's goals and vision, the leader is also responsible for the establishment of a coaching team. And lead the company to move forward and continuously promote innovation and change.
Entrepreneurs must also create a positive and healthy competition environment for team interaction, set up a coaching incentive system, improve teaching quality, encourage teams to communicate horizontally, and achieve team goals. Therefore, this research focuses on leaders in the fitness industry. When formulating and implementing innovative strategies, how can they be orderly in a drastically changing environment, and what are the key factors that promote the successful innovation of enterprises?
This research aims to explore how leaders in the fitness industry can formulate successful business strategies in the innovation process of corporate transformation and upgrading. It mainly uses H company as a case study object, and specifically analyzes and discusses how companies expand their organization and use technology, etc.Innovative strategies, to improve the performance of the enterprise, and achieve sustainable operation, to prove that the innovation strategy can bring substantial benefits to the enterprise, and to discuss the challenges and bottlenecks faced by the enterprise in the process of innovation and upgrading, and how to overcome it. Other companies refer to the company’s innovative business strategy model. This research can also help leaders in the fitness industry to consider the key factors for successful innovation of the enterprise when formulating business strategies, so that the success factors of innovation and business strategies remain coordinated and stable, and successfully formulate strategies and goals to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. In addition, in order for the arduous task of corporate innovation to become a clear and controllable task, this research also hopes to demonstrate through case studies to enable companies to understand how to incorporate key factors that can help innovation into all aspects of the organization, and translate them into goals and strategies. Culture and habits, and related management practices.

致謝詞 I
摘要 III
圖目錄 X
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 11
第一節 研究背景與動機 11
第二節 研究目的 13
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 運動產業發展概述 14
第二節 運動產業的範疇與發展現況 16
第三節 臺灣運動健身產業商機 19
第四節 產業分析工具 24
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 個案研究法 38
第二節 研究流程設計與章節架構 40
第四章 個案研究 42
第一節 臺灣健身產業趨勢分析 42
第二節 健身公司競爭能力分析 48
第三節 健身產業的創新轉型 53
第五章 個案討論與結論 55
第一節 個案討論 55
第二節 結論與建議 57
參考文獻 58
中文部分 58
英文部分 60

圖 1 行銷 4P 25
圖 2 SWOT 矩陣 35

表 1 行銷備忘錄:優勢劣勢分析檢核表 36
表 2 本論文章節結構 40

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