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作者(外文):Cheng, Jo-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Is Taiwan’s Death Penalty System Effective in Deterring Crime? Empirical Study from 2005 to 2020
指導教授(外文):Lin, Eric S.
Huang, Chao-Hsi
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
Chou, Tar-Zan
外文關鍵詞:Death penaltyDeath penalty determinationCriminal casesDeterrence
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死刑制度存在臺灣社會已久,近年因人權保障思潮高漲,國際社會開始反思死刑制度執行及目的,重新思考死刑制度之存廢。過去較少有實證研究討論死刑對於刑事犯罪之影響,本論文欲以循證 (evidence-based) 的角度,藉由計量分析來檢視死刑對台灣社會的犯罪行為是否具有恫嚇效果。
本論文蒐集2005年至2020年度,長達16年的時間序列資料 (time series data),資料頻率為月資料 (monthly data),其中包括死刑 (是否執行死刑、執行死刑之數量、法院是否判決死刑定讞,以及判決死刑定讞之數量)、刑案相關變數 (含刑案案件總數、治安相關案件數、暴力犯罪案件數、殺人案件數,以及竊盜案件數量),並涵蓋社會、經濟、景氣等控制變數,輔以適當的計量模型從事實證評估。

The death penalty has existed in Taiwanese society for a long time. In recent years, due to the rising trend of human rights protection, the international community has begun to reflect on the implementation and purpose of the death penalty, and rethink the existence and abolition of the death penalty system. In the past, there were few empirical studies discussing the short-term impact of the death penalty on criminal offenses. This paper intends to examine whether the death penalty has an intimidating effect on criminal behaviors in Taiwanese society from an evidence-based perspective and through an econometric analysis.
The empirical investigation is conducted by collecting monthly data from 2005 to 2020. Our mostly interested variable is the death penalty (including whether the death penalty is executed, the number of executions, whether the court has sentenced the death penalty, and the number of the death penalty). We choose criminal case-related outcomes as our dependent variables (including the total number of criminal cases, the number of public security-related cases, the number of violent crimes, The number of homicide cases and the number of theft cases). This study also controls social and economic conditions for empirical evaluation.
The empirical results show that the execution of the death penalty has some intimidating resistance, which can reduce the number of criminal cases, but the number of reductions is negligible compared with the detection rate of the police and the deployment of police forces. Therefore, if the government provides more budgets or supports the police’s manpower allocation and equipment upgrades to increase the detection rate, it will be more helpful to decrease the number of criminal cases in the society as a whole, compared to the death penalty that deprives people of their lives. It is more economical and more in line with the spirit of the modern national legal system.
In sum, the death penalty is not effective in reducing crimes, but it does not advocate the abolition of the death penalty hastily. In addition to empirical research, there must be comprehensive supporting measures before the abolition of the death penalty, and the gradual build-up of social consensus can truly demonstrate the true spirit of the abolition of the death penalty.

Keywords: Death penalty, Death penalty determination, Criminal cases, Deterrence.
論文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 死刑之發展與歷程 4
第一節 死刑制度之歷史與理論 4
第二節 死刑於我國發展歷程 5
第三節 死刑於世界各國發展歷程 8
第參章 國內外文獻探討 12
第一節 死刑對於犯罪之嚇阻力討論 12
第二節 其他影響犯罪率的因素探討 13
第肆章 資料來源、變數說明與建立迴歸模型 15
第一節 資料來源與變數說明 15
第二節 敘述統計分析 17
第三節 建立迴歸模型 21
第伍章 實證分析與討論 25
第一節 「是否執行死刑」及「是否判決死刑定讞」之迴歸結果 25
第二節 「執行死刑人數」及「判決死刑定讞人數」之迴歸結果 26
第三節 實證結果與政策討論 28
第陸章 結論及建議 30
第一節 結論 30
第二節 研究限制及建議 31
參考文獻 32
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