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作者(外文):Wu, Cheng-Chi
論文名稱(中文):台灣地方自治- 從地方分權優劣勢之探討
論文名稱(外文):Government Decentralization in Taiwan — An Examination of Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Governments
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chang
Peng, Hui-Chun
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:80
  • 評分評分:*****
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1. 台灣多年來的民主化歷程,是地方自治進步的根基,更是世界少有的成功典範。
2. 不合時宜的地方選舉制度與層級,需從政府組織扁平化與現行地方自治的行政區域重劃與整併,做重大的變革。
3. 社會的快速發展及交通路網的不斷建構所帶來城鄉差距,人口老化、生育率低所帶來勞動力短缺的人口紅利消失問題與社會福利問題,是當下地方自治所面臨的一大考驗。
4. 中央與地方財政劃分須以實際人口數與行政區重劃後的規制作出重大的修法與調整。
5. 打破現有已經模糊的地方縣市界線,按人口移動的大生活圈分區整併,讓有限資源充分運用在對的地方。
6. 地方自治要再進化,需要從根本法源面上調修,目的是將政府組織層級扁平化,達到深化責任政治的目標。
7. 兼具環境保護與生態維護的國土開發規劃是中央與地方當下最重要的課題。
8. 地方自治需就未來長遠的人口變化,做出前瞻性的超前部署,以真正發揮地方自治原有的住民自治、住民自決基本價值。
Thesis title: Local Self-Government in Taiwan: An Examination of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Separation of Powers
This study explores the advantages and disadvantages of local self-governance through the historical trajectory of the past and the present, in order to understand the current situation and future development of local self-governance, and to help us understand the real problems of local self-governance nowadays, and to plan and reform in the future.
The specific research objectives of this study are summarized in the following two major items.
(1) To examine and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of local self-government in Taiwan in the modern era.
(2) To propose specific guidelines and strategies for the future development of local self-governance under the main axis of promoting economic development.
In order to integrate with the practice of local self-governance, this study adopts "qualitative research" and uses "expert interviews" to obtain multiple perspectives from various perspectives, including current and experienced public officials, heads of civil representatives, academics, and representatives of private enterprises, and uses "PESTLE analysis" to compile research results in six major areas.
In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of local self-governance in Taiwan from the perspective of local power sharing are examined, and eight main points are proposed for the purpose of the study.
1. Taiwan's democratization process over the years has been the foundation for the progress of local self-governance, and is one of the few successful models in the world.
2. The anachronistic local election system and hierarchy need to be significantly changed by flattening the government organization and redrawing and merging the existing administrative regions of local self-government.
3. The rapid development of society and the continuous construction of transportation networks have brought about the disparity between urban and rural areas, and the problem of disappearing demographic dividend and social welfare due to labor shortage caused by the aging population and low fertility rate is a major test of local self-governance nowadays.
4. The division of central and local finances should be significantly revised and adjusted based on the actual population and the re-designation of administrative districts.
5. To break the existing blurred boundaries of local counties and cities, and to consolidate them according to the large living areas where the population moves, so that the limited resources can be fully utilized in the right places.
6. To further advance local self-governance, it is necessary to adjust the source of the fundamental law, with the aim of flattening 7. the organizational level of government and achieving the goal of deepening the politics of responsibility.
The most important issue for both the central and local governments is the development planning of the national land with environmental protection and ecological conservation.
8. Local self-governance needs to make forward-looking plans for future demographic changes in the long run, in order to give full play to the basic value of local self-governance, which is indigenous self-governance and indigenous self-determination.
論文摘要 I
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 7
1.3論文架構 7
第貳章 地方自治發展 9
2.1台灣地方自治沿革 9
2.2台灣地方自治的現況 14
2.4中央與地方政府財政劃分 17
第參章 研究方法 19
3.1 PEST分析 19
3.1.1 PEST分析的由來與沿革發展 19
3.1.2 PEST分析的優點 20
3.1.3 PEST分析變體 21
3.1.4 PESTLE分析因素面向說明 22
3.1.5 進行PESTLE分析的步驟 25
3.2專家訪談 28
3.2.1本研究設定訪談計畫 29
3.2.2訪談題目設定說明 31
第肆章 結果與討論 33
4.1訪談結果分析 33
4.1.1訪談結果內容彙整 33
4.2 PESTLE分析彙整 33
4.2.1政治因素(Political Factors) 33
4.2.2經濟因素(Economic Factors) 35
4.2.3社會因素(Social Factors) 38
4.2.4技術因素(Technological Factors) 40
4.2.5法律因素(Legal Factors) 42
4.2.6環境因素(Environment Factors) 45
4.3 PESTLE分析模型 47
第伍章 結論 53
5.1研究結論 53
5.2未來研究建議 54
參考文獻 55
附錄 56
附錄(一)專家訪談表 56
附錄(二) 訪談結果內容彙整 57

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