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作者(外文):Cao, Ya-Wen
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Research on The Effect of Foreign Students on The Number of Tertiary Graduates in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Hwei-Lin
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shin-Chang
Yu, Min-Teh
Chiu, Shih-Yung
外文關鍵詞:Internationalization of Higher EducationNumber of International StudentsNumber of Foreign GraduatesInternational Education EnvironmentSchool CharacteristicsBackground of Foreign Students
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本文主要目的在藉由迴歸分析探討各校在不同特徵、性質、環境上,如何影響我國高等教育學校外籍畢業生總人數及外籍生總人數,以反思我國政府在積極招收外籍生來臺之教育政策應如何改進。本文的資料來源以教育部教育統計資料庫 (2015-2019年) 各級教育基本統計為主,其內容包含高等教育學校外籍生總人數、高等教育學校外籍畢業生總人數等歷史資料,統整各年度、各校之追蹤資料來進行實證分析,本研究採用外籍生畢業人數及外籍生人數做為本研究之衡量指標,期能將結果回饋為我國招收外籍生政策制定或施行措施之參考依據。
The main purpose of this study is to apply regression analysis to explore how the different characteristics, types, and environments of each school affect the number of foreign students and foreign graduates from higher education schools in Taiwan. Our findings can shed light on how our government could improve the education policy on actively enrolling international students into Taiwan. This study’s data are drawn from the basic statistics of education at all levels in the Ministry of Education Statistics Database (2015-2019). This study uses the number of foreign graduates and foreign students as the measurement indicators to yield advice to our government for formulating or implementing policies to enroll foreign students.
The research results show that schools can focus on the improvement of the international education environment, including emphasizing more on international education strategies by recruiting more “foreign” full-time faculty, and also establish appropriate staff in the administrative unit to take charge of international affairs for foreign students. These will help foreign students’ academic performance and the number of students studying in Taiwan from abroad. Secondly, our findings from the school characteristics variables suggest that higher government subsidies increase a school’s investment in international education and provide foreign students with more educational resources. These may attract more foreign students to study in Taiwan and help foreign students complete their education smoothly. In addition, when choosing a school, foreign students will still consider the factor of a school’s focus on a particular academic system. Finally, among the variables related to the background of foreign students, the aspect of how much experience the school possesses in enrolling foreign students has become one of the considerations for foreign students’ school choices. Schools enrolling students with “diversified” nationality backgrounds can create a foreign language education environment and stabilize the quality of education. It should help foreign students who come to study in Taiwan interact and communicate with their peers substantially.
論文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 高等教育國際化之意義與歷史發展 4
第一節 國際教育與高等教育國際化 4
第二節 我國高等教育國際化發展與沿革 5
第三節 外籍生來臺就學緣起與政策發展 6
第四節 本章小結 7
第參章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 「全球化」與「國際化」之差異 8
第二節 高等教育國際化對各國之影響 9
第三節 外籍生教育產值及經濟效益 10
第四節 本章小結 10
第肆章 資料敘述 12
第一節 資料來源與計量模型 12
一、 資料來源 12
二、 計量模型 13
第二節 變數設定與敘述統計 14
一、 變數設定 14
二、 敘述統計 27
第伍章 實證結果 31
第一節 影響外籍畢業生總人數之迴歸結果 31
一、 國際教育環境特徵變數 31
二、 學校特徵變數 32
三、 外籍生背景相關變數 33
第二節 影響外籍生總人數之迴歸結果 36
一、 國際教育環境特徵變數 36
二、 學校特徵相關變數 37
三、 外籍生背景相關變數 37
第三節 本章小結 40
一、 對外籍畢業生總人數之影響 40
二、 對外籍生總人數之影響 42
第陸章 結論與建議 43
參考文獻 45
中文參考文獻 45
英文參考文獻 46
附錄 48
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