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作者(外文):Chuang, Hsiang-Jen
論文名稱(外文):Impact of Development of Renewable Energy on Nuclear-Free Homeland Target in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yu, Chao-En
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chang
Wu, Shih Ying
Huang, Ding-En
外文關鍵詞:nuclearrenewable energypeak-hour powermaximum temperature
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本研究蒐集自2015年9月至2020年12月的核能尖峰發電、再生能源尖峰發電、每日最高氣溫、淨尖峰供電量資料以外,並加入了包括執政黨輪替、815大停電、Covid-19發生、台商回流政策、中美貿易戰等總體經濟變數做為控制,使研究更佳完善。首先利用線性回歸方式,透過中介變數驗證再生能源與核能的因果關係。藉由上述結果探討我們所重視的被解釋變數 (核能發電) 並加入再生能源尖峰發電、每日最高氣溫、淨尖峰供電量及其他總體經濟變數做為控制變數,估計線性回歸,藉此了解再生能源是否對核能具有排斥的效果,且尋找是否有其他變數可以同時降低核能的發電量。最後透過結構迴歸方程式釐清最高溫度對核能發電的間接效果、直接效果及總體效果。
Ever since the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11st, 2011, every country globally is taking a different view of the hidden ticking bombs posed by nuclear power, long regarded as a stable power source, followed by fierce political or general public backlashes. Many came to believe that, apart from the large-scale disaster scenarios nuclear poses, the safe disposal of the produced nuclear waster from nuclear powerplant is so far without an acceptable solution in sight. As the Taiwanese Government announced its energy policy for a 2025 nuclear-free Taiwan, it aimed at using renewable energy to replace nuclear while striving for the two main goals of establishing 20GW and 5.27GW power generation capacities in solar power and offshore wind power, respectively.
From the peak-hour power generation of nuclear and renewable energy, daily maximum temperature, net peak-hour power supply data from September 2015 to December 2020 collected by this study, as well as having added the overall economic factors such as the transition of power between political parties, 815 power outage, COVID-19 pandemic, the escapade of Taiwanese business from China to Taiwan, the U.S.-China Trade War, as the control variables. First, by using the linear regression method to study the mediator of nuclear, we are studying with peak-hour renewable energy generation, daily maximum temperature, net peak-hour power supply, and other macroeconomics variables as the controlled variable for an estimated linear regression to understand whether renewable energy would pose a repulsive effect for nuclear while searching for other variables that can lower the need for nuclear supply. Lastly, the structural equation modeling seeks to direct, indirect, and total effect of the maximum temperature on nuclear.
From the empirical result, renewable energy and nuclear bear an obvious yet adverse relationship, indicating that by controlling the other variables, renewable energy can replace nuclear. Also, the net peak-hour power supply capacity and temperature indicate a positive correlation with nuclear, with an effect more prominent than the repulsive effect of renewable energy. The study result could serve as a reference for the “Nuclear-Free” energy policy for government authority.
論文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 2
第三節 研究限制 2
第四節 預期成果及效益 3
第貳章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 國內文獻 4
第二節 國外文獻 5
第參章 發電系統說明 6
第一節 台灣發電及用電系統 6
第二節 我國現況 6
第三節 能源調度能力 9
第四節 尖峰負載&備轉容量率 11
第肆章 變數選用及解釋 13
第一節 核能發電量 13
第二節 淨尖峰供電能力 13
第三節 再生能源發電及最高氣溫 14
第四節 總體經濟趨勢及政策影響 14
第伍章 敘述統計 17
第陸章 實證分析與說明 22
第一節 利用中介變數驗證因果關係 22
第二節 實證分析 24
第三節 變數控制與效果分解 27
第柒章 結論 31
參考文獻 35
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