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作者(外文):Chen, I-Chen.
論文名稱(中文):兼任老師教學成效的實證研究 : 以國 、 高中生的數學表現為例
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness of Part-time Teachers on Math for Junior High and High School Pupils: Evidence from TEPS
指導教授(外文):Lin, Eric S.
Huang, Chao-Hsi
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
Chou, Tar-Zan
外文關鍵詞:part-time teachersubstitute teacherteaching effectivenessmathematics performance
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在我國以升學為導向的國、高中教育中,老師的教學成效一直受到政府以及社會大眾的重視。老師的背景、身分如正式老師、代理代課老師以及兼任老師,是否影響其教學表現,更受到家長們的殷切關心。曾雅雯 (2014) 檢視代理代課教師相對於正式老師的教學成效,然而,較少文獻針對兼任教師評估教學效果之良窳。

本文使用TEPS 1988/1989年出生世代的國高中生資料進行實證研究,我們的迴歸實證結果顯示兼任老師與正式老師的教學成效並無顯著差異性,若對比代理代課老師,則發現兼任老師的教學成效較代理代課老師佳。透過訪談第一線教育人員發現,學校中數學科兼任老師背景皆為擁有教師證的老師或是退休老師再度回聘,又因現今現行法令上規範兼任老師不能擔任學校導師或各處 (室) 行政職務,故兼任老師可免除各類行政職,也許得以專注於課堂上之教學。

In Taiwan's junior high school and high school education, the teachers' teaching achievements have always been evaluated by the government and the general public. Parents are more concerned about whether the background and status of teachers, such as official teachers, substitute teachers, and part-time teachers, affect their teaching performance. Tseng (2014) examine whether substitute teachers are inferior to formal teachers in terms of teaching effectiveness. However, there are less past studies discussing the effectiveness of part-time teachers.

The empirical results of this paper show that there is no significant difference in the teaching effectiveness between part-time teachers and formal teachers. It is also found that the teaching effectiveness of the part-time teachers is better than that of the substitute teachers. Through interviews with front-line educators, it is found that the background of the part-time teacher in the school’s mathematics subject is a teacher with a teacher’s certificate or a retired teacher who is re-hiring, and due to the current laws and regulations, part-time teachers cannot serve as school tutors or administrative staff in various places (rooms). duties, so part-time teacher may waive various administrative duty, perhaps to focus on the teaching of the classroom.

It is recommended that the future national and high school schools should consider hiring teachers with teacher certificates or retired teachers who are willing to return to the workplace as part-time teachers of the school. In addition to effectively improving the learning effectiveness of students, it can also make high-quality educational human resources continue to exert their influence to achieve the goal of retiring without rest.
論文摘要 i
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 兼任老師背景介紹 3
第參章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 老師的角色對學生的學習 4
第二節 家庭背景對學生的學習 5
第三節 其他因素對學生的學習 7
第肆章 資料來源與變數說明 8
第一節 資料來源 8
第二節 樣本資料結構及變數說明 10
第三節 敘述統計分析 11
第伍章 計量模型與實證結果 13
第一節 迴歸模型的設定 13
第二節 實證結果 15
第陸章 結論與建議 19
中文參考文獻 20
英文參考文獻 23
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