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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):Content Analysis of EFL Learning Magazines from the Perspective of Core Competencies
指導教授(外文):Luo, Wen-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Chien, Chin-Wen
Ke, I-Chung
外文關鍵詞:core competenciescompetency-basedEFL learning magazinescontent analysis
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一、 與7-9年级學生英語學習相關的核心能力的特色確實充分地呈現在標榜素養導向的英語學習雜誌中,包含不同的延伸活動、多元的溝通方式的呈現以及國內外文化的介紹等。其中培養學生學習策略和抽象價值的內容,或許因為其需要透過大量課堂互動和教師引導的特性,呈現的比例偏低。
二、 這些特色主要以輕鬆的口吻、生活化且新穎的內容、多元主題和不同體裁的方式,透過問題的形式展示在主要文本和其他學習內容中。
he study aims to examine the content of the EFL learning magazines labeled as competency-based used among Grade 7–9 students in Taiwan from the perspective of core competencies in English domain. Two research questions are explored through content analysis. Firstly, to what degree are the attributes of core competencies defined by the Curriculum Guidelines of the Twelve-Year Basic Education (TYBE curriculum) and English Curriculum Handbook (ECH) reflected in the magazines. Secondly, in what ways are these attributes presented.
This study tries to review the commonly used EFL learning magazines labeled as competency-based closely to evaluate whether the magazines truly reflect the attributes of core competencies. The results provide reference for publishers, teachers and students to enhance the development and application of competency-based EFL learning magazines.
The major findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, attributes of core competencies such as extended learning activities, demonstration of various functions of communication and introduction of foreign and domestic cultures are sufficiently reflected in the magazines. The content that develops students' learning strategies and abstract values is perhaps underrepresented due to its nature of requiring a lot of classroom interaction and teacher guidance. Secondly, attributes of core competencies associated with English learning for Grade 7–9 students are presented in a relaxing tone through diverse topics, life-scenario issues, and creative activities in the forms of questions. Finally, in view of the main findings, suggestions for developing EFL competency-based materials and the limitations of this study are discussed.
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Chinese Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Chapter One 1
Introduction 1
1-1 Background to the Study 1
1-1-1 The Rise of Competency-based EFL Learning Materials 1
1-1-2 Learning materials and Students 3
1-2 Purpose of the Study 4
1-3 Significance of the Study 4
1-3-1 Students 5
1-3-2 Teachers 6
1-3-3 Publishers 7
1-4 Research Questions 8
1-5 Definition of Terms 9
1-6 Outline of the Study 11
Chapter Two 12
Literature Review 12
2-1 Background of Core Competencies 13
2-2 Core Competencies in Taiwan 15
2-2-1 Dimension of Spontaneity 18
2-2-2 Dimension of Communication and Interaction 19
2-2-3 Dimension of Social Participation 21
2-3 Features of Competency-based Materials/Curriculum 22
2-4 Features of Core Competencies for English Learning 26
2-4-1 Attributes of Spontaneity in English Learning and EFL Learning Materials 27
2-4-2 Attributes of Interaction and Communication in English Learning and EFL Learning Materials 30
2-4-3 Attributes of Social Participation in English Learning and EFL Learning Materials 32
2-5 Features of EFL Supplementary Materials 35
Chapter Three 38
Methodology 38
3-1 EFL Learning Magazine Selection 39
3-2 Research Framework 40
3-2-1 Development of the Research Framework 40
3-2-2 Three Attributes and Their Corresponding Questions 43
3-2-3 Implementation of Research Framework 49
3-3 Procedure of Data Collection 50
3-4 Procedure of Data Analysis 52
3-5 Approaches to Analyzing the Data 53
3-6 Conclusion 54
Chapter Four 55
Data Analysis 55
4-1 Results of Quantitative Analysis 55
4-2 Results of the Qualitative Analysis 57
4-3 Conclusion 70
Chapter Five 71
Discussion of Findings 71
5-1 Number of Magazines Reflecting Attributes of Core Competencies 71
5-2 Ways of Presenting the Attributes of Core Competencies 76
5-2-1 Types of Questions and Core Competencies 76
5-2-2 Types of Stories in Relation to Core Competencies 80
5-2-3 From Travelogue to Culture Shock 81
5-2-4 Novelty and Creativity in the Magazines 82
5-2-5 Diverse Issues and Topics Reflected in News and Conversation 83
5-2-6 Charts, Tables, and Other Types of Communication 85
Chapter Six 87
Conclusion and Suggestions 87
6-1 Suggestions 88
6-2 Limitations 90
6-3 Conclusion 92
References 94
Appendix A 108
Appendix B 110
Appendix C 111

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