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作者(外文):Chan Yenn Wen
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of High School Counselors’ Role Stress on Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Roles of Psychological Capital and Perceived Organizational Support
指導教授(外文):Chang, Wan-Jing
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Chuan-Chung
Hsia, Jung-Wen
Chang, Wan-Jing
外文關鍵詞:Role StressJob SatisfactionPsychological CapitalPerceived Organizational Support
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進年來學生議題逐漸年輕化與多元化,學生接受心理相關的服務逐漸上升(Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2019),從學生輔導法到 108 課綱,可發現社會越來越重視 輔導教育的趨勢,而高中輔導老師的工作內容與其他老師不同,需要處理學生議題、 行政工作與教書工作。由此可見高中輔導老師在這樣的角色壓力下工作,難免對其工 作滿意度有所影響。因此本研究的目的是以工作要求資源模式(Job Demand-Resources Model, JD-R)探討高中輔導老師角色壓力對工作滿意度之影響,並以心理資本、知覺 組織支持進行調節變項之探討。
本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為全台高中輔導老師,採取網路問卷方式,合 計 203 份有效問卷。運用階層迴歸方式,分別對高中輔導老師的角色壓力、工作滿意 度、心理資本、知覺組織支持進行研究假設驗證。分析結果驗證: 高中輔導老師的角色 壓力對工作滿意度有顯著的負向影響;角色衝突與角色模糊對工作滿意度有顯著的負 向影響;角色過度負荷對工作滿意度無顯著的負向影響;心理資本對角色壓力和工作 滿意度之間無顯著的調節效果,而知覺組織支持對角色壓力和工作滿意度之間有顯著 的調節效果。本研究以了解高中輔導老師角色壓力議題對工作滿意度之影響,闡述心 理資本與知覺組織支持的調節效果來填補過去的研究缺口,建立新的研究架構,同時 提出理論與實務意涵供後續相關研究及實務界成立企業社團之參考。
In recent years, students issues have gradually become younger and diversified, and students' acceptance of psychological-related services has steadily increased (Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2019). From the Student Counseling Law to the 108-lesson syllabus, it can be found that society attaches more and more importance to counseling education. High school counselors have a different job than other teachers, dealing with student issues, administration, and teaching. It can be seen that high school counselors working under such role pressure will inevitably have an impact on their job satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of high school counselor role stress on Job satisfaction by using the Job Demand-Resources Model (JD-R) and to explore the moderating variables of psychological capital and perceived organizational support.
This research adopts the questionnaire survey method, the research object is all Taiwan high school guidance teachers, adopts the network questionnaire method, a total of 203 valid questionnaires. The hierarchical regression method was used to verify the hypotheses of high school counselors' role stress, job satisfaction, psychological capital, and perceived organizational support. The analysis results verify that the role stress of senior high school counselors has a significant negative impact on job satisfaction; Role conflict and role ambiguity have significant negative impact on job satisfaction. Role overload has no significant negative impact on job satisfaction. Psychological capital has no significant moderating effect on role stress and job satisfaction, while perceived organizational support has a significant moderating effect on role stress and job satisfaction. This study aims to understand the impact of role stress on job satisfaction of senior high school counselors, elucidate the moderating effects of psychological capital and perceived organizational support, fill in the gaps of previous research, establish a new research framework, and propose theoretical and practical implications for future research and the establishment of corporate associations in practice.
第一章:緒論 1
第一節:研究背景與動機 1
第二節:研究目的 2
第三節:名詞解釋 3
第二章:文獻探討 4
第一節:角色壓力 4
第二節:工作滿意度 8
第三節:心理資本 12
第四節:知覺組織支持 16
第五節:角色壓力對工作滿意度的影響 21
第六節:心理資本對角色壓力與工作滿意度的調節效果 24
第七節:知覺組織支持對角色壓力與工作滿意度的調節效果 25
第三章: 研究設計與實施 27
第一節:研究架構與假設 27
第二節:研究對象與施測程序 28
第三節:研究工具 31
第四節:資料處理方法分析 33
第四章: 研究結果與討論 35
第一節:量表檢驗 35
第二節:描述性統計相關分析 41
第三節:假設驗證 42
第四節:結果討論 45
第五章: 研究結論與建議 48
第一節:研究結論 48
第二節:理論意涵 48
第三節:實務意涵 49
第四節:研究限制與建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄(一):專家內容效度評論表 76
附錄(二):學校名冊 90
附錄(三):項目分析結果 106

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