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作者(外文):Liaw, Yi-Harn
論文名稱(外文):An Action Research about the Influence of Applying Social Media on the Touch-screen Generation’s Learning Motivation and Knowledge Sharing Behaviors
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chun-Min
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yang-Hsueh
Lu, Hsiu-Lien
外文關鍵詞:Social mediaKnowledge sharingCurriculum designLearning motivation
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學習評量是教學與學習歷程中的關鍵環節,在這個科技化時代中,教學者無法忽視「滑世代」(Touch-screen Generation)學生高度依賴社群媒體平台的學習習慣,因此本研究旨在探討以社群媒體進行知識分享作為課後心得繳交要求之教學設計,對大學生學習動機與行為之影響。因此本研究之研究目的是,探討影響學生上傳行為的原因與互動模式、課室實踐歷程與對修課學生學習動機與知識分享行為之影響。
Learning assessment is a key point in the teaching and learning process. In this era of technology, teachers cannot ignore the learning habits of the "Touch-screen Generation" students who are highly dependent on social media platforms. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the impact of course design using social media for knowledge sharing as a requirement for the submission of post-class experience on college students' learning motivation and behavior. Therefore, the research purpose of this study is to explore the reasons and interaction patterns that affect students' uploading behavior, the process of applying this course design, and the impact on students' learning motivation and knowledge-sharing behavior.
This is an action research, and the objects are the students who take the required course of the College of Education. The research is carried out for one academic year, and two rounds of teaching courses are implemented. After analyzing the results of the preparing phase, adjusts the course design based on the preparing phase for the formal action research phase of the next semester, and conducting semi-structured interviews and questionnaire surveys at the end of the semester. After analyzing the reflection notes, observation records, and both qualitative and quantitative data, we summarize research findings and reflections.
The study found that students value the sense of formality and privacy when sharing knowledge, and prefer sharing knowledge through the public Facebook fan page of the course. Letting students freely choose lecture topics they like for knowledge sharing while holding competitions, can significantly increase students' acceptance of this course design. This action research explores the practical process of using social media to share knowledge as a requirement for post-class experience submission as follows:
There are three reasons that affect students' uploading behavior and interaction patterns. First, students value privacy, and their peers' opinions. Second, the choice of social media platforms is differentiated according to the purpose of use. Third, they prefer the formality of using public Facebook pages to share. The assessment design of this course also has three influences on students’ knowledge-sharing behavior. First, students look forward to readers’ encouragement and want to share topics that resonate with them. Second, students think that this assessment design is in line with the habits of the "Touch-screen Generation", and it is convenient to read. Third, some students create separate accounts to conduct Sharing, losing the original intention of knowledge sharing. This assessment design also has three effects on students' learning motivation. First, adding points encourages healthy competition, and mutual observation promotes learning motivation. Second, learning motivation is affected by the scores students get. Students regard award-winning pieces as a shortcut to excellent performance in this course. Third, competitions are a boost, related to the course design that are complementary to each other.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 確定研究主題 4
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 社群媒體的意涵 9
第二節 知識分享的意涵 12
第三節 滑世代的意涵 15
第四節 以社群媒體進行知識分享應用於教學之相關研究 16
第三章 研究設計 21
第一節 研究架構與步驟 21
第二節 行動研究預備期設計與反思 24
第三節 研究場域與研究對象 30
第四節 研究方法與工具 34
第五節 資料處理與分析 40
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節 課室實踐歷程 46
第二節 影響學生上傳行為與互動模式的原因 48
第三節 對學生之知識分享行為影響和改變情形 63
第四節 對學習動機影響和改變情形 77
第五節 行動研究歷程遭遇之問題 83
第六節 研究者反思 86
第五章 研究結論與建議 93
第一節 研究結論 93
第二節 研究建議 95
參考文獻 97
壹、中文部分 97
貳、英文部分 99
附錄 102
附錄一 觀察事件概覽與觀察記錄表 102
附錄二 省思札記 107
附錄三 行動研究參與者知情同意書 111
附錄四 訪談同意書 112
附錄五 訪談大綱 113
附錄六 約訪記錄表 116
附錄七 基本問題之逐字稿內容 117
附錄八 社群媒體平台選擇面向之逐字稿內容 118
附錄九 知識分享行為面向之逐字稿內容 121
附錄十 社群媒體上的社交互動與按讚行為面向之逐字稿內容 124
附錄十一 學習動機影響面向之逐字稿內容 127
附錄十二 接受度面向之逐字稿內容 132
附錄十三 其他建議之逐字稿內容 137
附錄十四 學生字數統計折線圖 139
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