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作者(外文):Lee, Lo-Tung
論文名稱(外文):Repeated transformation of skin appendage in domestic birds results from Z-DNA induced instability on PITX1 enhancer
指導教授(外文):Ng, Chen-Siang
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Hsu-Chen
Chen, Chih-Feng
外文關鍵詞:Repeated transformationZ-DNAchromosomal instabilityPITX1Penfeathery feet
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Repeated transformation of traits in skin appendages reveals ecological and genetic factors shaping parallel evolution. A genetic study has shown that the conversion from scales to feathers on feet of pigeons and chicken results from a deletion in the PITX1 upstream enhancer, Pen. A study in stickleback fish indicates that pelvic reduction is contributed by distinct Z-DNA structures, which are enriched at mutation hotspots, so we assume that DNA fragility may explain the repeated loss at PITX1 enhancer in some domestic breeds of chicken as well. To validate the role of Z-DNA in feathered feet, the avian RCAS retrovirus transgenic system was applied to knockdown PITX1 in chicken embryos’ feet. Furthermore, the correlation between Pen deletion and non B-DNA structure would be illustrated in Z-DNA density predictions and DNA structural determination tests. In the functional study of PITX1, embryos with PITX1 suppression did not show obvious feather-germs. Thus, we speculate that suppression of one single gene could not form feathers in chicken feet. Meanwhile, our results in Z-DNA analysis indicate that Z-DNA exists on Pen both in pigeons and chickens with the differences in number, length, and density, which might lead to the discrepancy of loci and scale of deletion between the pigeon and the chicken. Therefore, this study inspected the importance of Z-DNA in genomic stability and how it regulates traits of skin appendages among several avian species.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
致謝 iv
Contents v
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and methods 5
2.1 Z-DNA motifs prediction and Z-DNA density analysis 5
2.2 S1 nuclease test 5
2.3 YAC assay 6
2.4 Chicken breeds resource and embryos collection 7
2.5 Paraffin embedding, tissue section, and HE staining 7
2.6 RCAS system 8
2.7 Fluorescence detection 9
3. Results 11
3.1 Z-DNA motifs prediction and Z-DNA density analysis 11
3.2 Z-DNA structure determination and fragility assay 12
3.3 Knock-down expression of PITX1 through RCAS system 12
4. Discussion 14
5. Table 17
6. Figure 21
7. Reference 29
8. Supplementary data 33

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