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作者(外文):Zhang, Ming-Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Social Partners on Lifespan and Physiology of Drosophila melanogaster
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Tsung-Han
口試委員(外文):Wang, Horng-Dar
Wang, Pei-Yu
外文關鍵詞:drosophilasocial partnerslifespanstress resistance
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動物的壽命和生理在很大程度上受到生活環境的調控。黑腹果蠅(Drosophila melanogaster)是老化研究中非常理想的模式生物,有研究表明果蠅壽命受許多 環境因素的調控,例如溫度或飲食成分。然而,社交環境對壽命的影響才剛開始 被探索。在這篇論文中,我們使目標果蠅與不同品系或品種的果蠅混居發現與不 同的社交夥伴居住可以對果蠅的壽命和抗壓性造成有益或有害的影響。與長壽的 夥伴同住可以延長自身壽命,與短命的夥伴同住會縮短自身的壽命。透過味覺突 變的果蠅實驗顯示這種壽命調控可能是依靠目標果蠅腿上和觸角上的味覺神經 元來傳遞的。總體來說,我們的發現提出新的證據指出不同的社交夥伴對果蠅的 健康和衰老產生顯著的影響。
Animal lifespan and physiology can be largely modulated by living environments. Research in Drosophila melanogaster, an ideal model organism for aging study, has shown that longevity can be regulated by a variety of environmental factors such as temperature or diet components. However, the influence of complicated social environments has just begun to be explored. In this report, we cohoused target flies with different strains or species and found that exposure to different social donors could lead to either beneficial or deleterious influences on fly lifespan and stress resistances. Animals living with long-lived partners tend to have longer lifespan, while animals living with short-lived partners tend to have shorter lifespan. Gustatory mutants, Poxn, further suggested that this lifespan regulation may depend on gustatory neurons in leg and antenna of the target. Together, our finding provides new evidences that different social partners could have pronounced impacts on fly health and aging.
摘要............................................................. i
致謝............................................................iii Contents........................................................ 1 List of Figures................................................. 2 Introduction.....................................................3 Materials and Methods........................................... 8 Results........................................................ 12
Exposure to different social partners altered yw lifespan.....12
Target lifespans are potentially affected by donor health.... 12
Exposure to pheromone from donors showed inconsistent results
from cohousing with donors....................................14
Taste receptors on legs and antenna are required for lifespan
modulation by social partners.................................14
Exposure to different social partners altered yw stress
The relationship between lifespan and stress resistance of yw
after cohousing with different social partners................16
Discussion......................................................18 Figures........................................................ 23 References..................................................... 50
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