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作者(外文):Halim Budi Santoso
論文名稱(外文):Virtual Reality and Cultural Heritage Museum: The Role of Thermal Stimuli, Narratives, and Modality Interactivity
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chen-Ya
Kuo, Pei-Yi
Lui, Tsz-Wai
Windasari, Nila Armelia
Changkaew, Laphasrada
外文關鍵詞:Virtual RealityMarketingDestination PromotionThermal StimuliNarrativeInteractivity
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虛擬實境(VR)透過提供一個由數位多感官、技術和內容刺激增強的沉浸式環境,將旅遊體驗數位化。 由於在行銷中對定向行為追蹤的需求不斷增長,尤其涉及客戶行為、跨學科分析技能的發展以及傳統研究方法的有效性問題,VR應用具有很大的潛力。
透過三項研究,我們探討了在虛擬世界中利用熱刺激、敘事和模態互動來推廣文化遺產博物館。第一項研究從多感覺刺激的跨模態對應和感覺轉移理論的角度,來評估熱刺激在推廣黑暗旅遊場所的效果。 第二項研究從依戀理論和線索總和理論,來探討敘事風格和模態互動如何影響目的地推廣的結果。 最後,第三項研究透過效果層次模型和兩因素理論,來了解影響目的地推廣的說服力項目,包括注意力、學習和接受(態度和意願)。 這三項研究都提供了理論和管理的啟示。
Virtual Reality (VR) transforms the tourism experience into something digitally engaged by providing an immersive environment enhanced by digital multisensory, technological, and content stimuli. VR applications have a lot of potential because of the growing demand for targeted behavioral tracking in marketing, especially concerning customer behavior, the development of analytical skills across disciplines, and the problems with the validity of conventional research methodologies. These opportunities exist not just for comprehending consumers or applying virtual reality to advance theory but also for exploring prospective future research and projecting the use of technology in marketing. Through three mini-studies, we explore the utilization of thermal stimuli, narrative, and modality interactivity in the virtual world to promote cultural heritage museums. Study 1 evaluates the effects of thermal stimulation to promote a dark tourism site. This dissertation discusses it from a cross-modal correspondence of multisensory stimuli and sensation transference theory. Study 2 explores how narrative styles and modality interactivity can affect destination promotion outcomes, such as destination attractiveness and attachment. We explore this effect from two theoretical approaches: the attachment theory and the cue summation theory. Lastly, study 3 extends study 2 by understanding how repetition in destination virtual promotion might influence the information processing of persuasive destination promotion, including attention, learning, and acceptance (attitude and intention). Study 3 relies on two theoretical backgrounds: the hierarchy of effect model and the two-factor theory. Each of these three studies provides theoretical and managerial implications
Study Overview
1 Introduction 9
2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Stimuli in the Immersive Virtual Experiences 11
2.2 Cognitive and Affective Reactions in the Immersive Environment 15
2.3 Response in Immersive Technology Use 16
3 Study Overview 16

Study 1 - Virtual Dark Tourism Experiences and Thermal Stimuli: Crossmodal Correspondences Perspectives
1 Introduction 18
2 Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses 20
2.1 Dark Tourism Experiences: A Cross-Modal Correspondence Perspective 20
2.2 Virtual Dark Tourism Experiences and Thermal Stimulation: Cross-modal Correspondence and Sensation Transferrence Perspectives 22
2.3 Expectations as Affective and Cognitive Processes to Influence Tourists Motivation 25
3 Research Methodology 26
3.1 Creating Virtual Dark Tourism from a Volcanic Eruption Museum 27
3.2 Experiment Procedure 28
3.3 Item Measurements and Questionnaires 29
3.4 Emotions Measurements 29
3.5 Pretest and Manipulation Check 30
4 Findings 31
5 Discussions 35
5.1 Cross-Modal Correspondence Thermal Stimuli with Cognitions and Affections 35
5.2 Sensations and Expectations 35
6 Conclusions 36
6.1 Theoretical Implications 36
6.2 Managerial Implications 36
6.3 Limitations and Future Studies 37

Study 2 - Exploring and Connecting the "Dots": The Impact of Modality Interactivity and Narrative Styles on Virtual Museum
1 Introduction 39
2 Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development 40
2.1 Modality Interactivity as Perceptual Stimulation 40
2.2 Narrative Styles as Content Stimulation 41
2.3 Technological Stimulation and Cue Summation Theory 42
2.4 Narratives in the Virtual Environment and Destination Attractiveness 44
2.5 Cognitive Evaluation and Destination Attachment 45
2.6 Mediating Effect of Attitude Toward a Destination 46
3 Research Methodology 47
3.1 Creating VR Stimuli of an Indonesian Cultural Heritage Museum 48
3.2 Manipulation Check 49
3.3 Experiment Participants and Measurements 50
4 Findings 51
5 Discussions 54
5.1 Modality Interactivity and Narratives as Cues in the Virtual Environment 55
5.2 Mental Imagery, Destination Attractiveness, and Destination Attachment 56
6 Conclusions 56
6.1 Limitations and Future Research Directions 56
6.2 Theoretical Contribution 57
6.3 Managerial Contribution 58

Study 3 - The Moderating Effect of Repetitive Exposure on Modality Interactivity and Narrative Styles on Virtual Museum: Does the wear-in and wear-out effect exist
1 Introduction 59
2 Literature Review 60
2.1 The Effect of Narrative and Modality Interactivity in the Virtual Environment 60
2.2 Three Factors of Destination Promotion Information Processing: Attention, Learning, and Acceptance 62
2.3 Repetition and Its Effect on Three Factors (Attention, Acceptance, and Learning) 64
3 Research Methodology 69
3.1 Research Procedure and Tools 70
3.2 Manipulation Check 70
3.3 Item Measurements and Questionnaires 71
4 Findings 72
5 Discussions 81
5.1 The Impact of Narratives and Modality Interactivity on Attention 81
5.2 The Impact of Narratives and Modality Interactivity on Learning 81
5.3 The Impact of Narratives and Modality Interactivity on Acceptance 82
6 Conclusions 82
6.1 Limitations and Future Research Directions 82
6.2 Theoretical Contribution 83
6.3 Managerial Contribution 84

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