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作者(外文):Liu, Yi-Chun.
論文名稱(外文):How does Strong Culture Influence Organizational Commitment? A Case Study of wowprime Group
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
口試委員(外文):Lee, Shin-Jye
Weng, Jing-Jing
外文關鍵詞:Strong cultureOrganizational commitmentwowprime Group
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  • 點閱點閱:130
  • 評分評分:*****
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組織文化是指一個組織當中,成員共同展現出該組織特有的行為模式,以及一個組織的行為規律,管理大師彼得.杜拉克說『Culture eats strategy for breakfast』更是直接指出文化之於企業經營的重要;而「人是企業最重要的資產」,讓員工認同組織文化與價值觀,其行為舉止、思考模式將能自發性地符合組織願景,如此才會在工作上全力以赴,企業才能穩健經營。組織文化又分為強勢文化與弱勢文化兩大類,強勢文化的特徵在於文化本身能夠明確、一致的傳達出什麼是對組織重要的,且多數員工能夠闡述公司歷史或指標性人物的事蹟,並強烈認同公司文化與核心價值,表現在具體行為,稱之為組織承諾(或稱為組織歸屬感、組織忠誠度);弱勢文化則與上述相反。發展出強勢文化的企業由於對員工有顯著的影響力,故能更有效凝聚向心力,穩健營運,然而,強勢文化有時會阻礙員工嘗試新的方法,反而畫地自限、故步自封,若不及早調整,則反而會阻礙企業成長。
Organizational culture refers to an organization in which members collectively exhibit the unique behavior patterns and the behavioral rules. The management master Peter Dulac said "Culture eats strategy for breakfast", it directly pointed out the importance of organizational corporate culture to the corporate operations; " People are the most important asset of a corporate ", which allows employees to identify with the organization's culture and values, and their behavior and thinking mode will spontaneously conform to the organization's vision. Only in this way can they go all out at work and the company can operate steadily. Organizational culture is divided into two categories: Strong culture and Weak culture. The characteristic of strong culture is that the culture itself can clearly and consistently convey what is important to the organization, and most employees can explain the corporate history or the deeds of indicators characters. Strongly identify with the organizational culture and core values, which are manifested in specific behaviors, are called organizational commitments (also called organizational sense of belonging or organizational loyalty); The weak culture is the opposite of the above. Companies that have developed a strong culture have a significant influence on employees, so they can more effectively gather centripetal force and operate steadily. However, a strong culture sometimes prevents employees from trying new methods. Instead, they are self-restricted and self-contained. If not early Adjustments, on the contrary, will hinder the growth of enterprises.
This study adopts a case study method. Through in-depth interviews with the senior managers and senior employees of the case company, it shares how the company’s unique corporate culture affects the organizational commitment. The content of the in-depth interviews will be sorted, summarized, and mutually verified with the relevant primary source or secondary data of the company collecting the case. It mainly discusses how companies can combine work practices through a series of activities and management systems to successfully shape specific cultural patterns and become the norm for employees' actions, subtly regulate employees' inner thoughts, and enable employees to show high organizational commitments.
第一章 緒論 8
第一節 研究背景 8
第二節 研究動機與目的 9
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 組織文化的定義 11
第二節 強勢組織文化與組織承諾 12
第三節 餐飲服務業的競爭環境 14
第四節 企業成長曲線 16
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 個案研究法 17
第二節 研究對象 18
第三節 研究流程 19
第四章 個案介紹 20
第一節 王品集團簡介 20
第二節 王品集團企業文化 24
第三節 王品文化形塑歷程 34
第四節 王品管理制度 41
第五節 爭議事件 44
第五章 研究個案分析 47
第一節 王品集團的強勢文化 47
第二節 王品文化與組織承諾 48
第三節 組織承諾與營運策略 50
第六章 結論與建議 52
第一節 研究發現 52
第二節 管理意涵 53
第三節 結論 54
參考文獻 55
附錄:訪談紀錄 57

圖 1企業成長S曲線圖 16
圖 2研究流程圖 19
圖3陳正輝公開信 33
圖4王品集團訓練系統 36
圖 5連鎖七策 41
圖 6顧客感動方程式 43
圖7王品集團商業模式九宮格 46

表 1強勢與弱勢文化之比較 8
表 2組織文化定義整理表 11
表 3不同研究策略的相關狀況 17
表 4訪談對象表 18
表 5王品集團基本資料 20
表 6王品集團大事記 21
表 7王品集團旗下品牌一覽表 23
表 8龜毛家族 28
表 9王品憲法 30
表 10 化蝶五部曲 42
表 11王品爭議事件及應對結果 45
表 12王品集團SWOT分析 53
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