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作者(外文):Lu, Shao-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating the Impact of AIoT on Long-Term Care Institutions in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lin, Eric S.
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
Huang, Chao-Hsi
Chou, Ta-Sheng
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:141
  • 評分評分:*****
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第二次世界大戰後的嬰兒潮,因應時代的變遷與轉變,世界不少國家漸漸進入老人化的世代,高齡化已經是全球議題。國內家庭結構的改變,國人平均年齡不斷提高,即將邁入超高齡社會,目前我國長期照護之機構數量及照護人力已嚴重無法滿足老年人口之需求,如慢性病與功能性障礙的盛行使得照護需求已出現供不應求的狀態,在有限的專業機構與照護人員資源下,如何建立一套完整且符合機構管理者的使用情境,導入高科技物聯網、人工智慧不僅減緩照顧人力不足的壓力,讓每位長輩能夠獲得舒適的精準照顧,協助管理者每天繁複的針對長輩進行生理監控的工作。結合人工智慧物聯網 (AIoT) 走入長照的生活,透過不斷分析與探究,本以繁雜的量測過程,如何降低成本,減低支出,融入長輩的生活,解決照顧者的困境,使用者體驗就變得相當重要。
Due the transformation of the family structure, the life expectancy of Taiwnese citiznes have increased significantly and Taiwan will turn into super-aged society in the near future. Currently, Taiwan is suffering from a severe shortage of long-term care facilities and manpower as well. With limited professional facilities and care staff, the top concern will be how to develop a complete and appropriate management system for facility owners, along with hi-tech IoT and artificial intelligence to reduce the stress of manpower shortage; not only to provide seniors specific care service with amenity, but also to assist the facility owners to monitor the daily detail physical status of elderly as a whole package.
In this thesis, based on the quantitative analysis of survey result, which is collected from 110 long-term care institutions in Hsinchu and Tao-yuan area, we aim to evaluate the willingness of related facilities to appply AIoT, and to discuss the possible reasons together with critical facts that would affect long-term care facilities’ choices on different AIoT systems. Through the data analysis in this thesis, it is expected that there will be following policies to encourage the related facilites to implement AIoT and increase the range of applications and satisfactions afterwards. We look forward to making AIoT more popularizing in more long-term care facilities to enhance the facility service and efficiency; leading long-term care system in Taiwan to a better stage and provide our seniors a better living quality until the end of the journey of lives.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 我國長期照護發展背景介紹 4
第一節 長期照護基本概念 4
第二節 我國長期照護政策變革 5
第三節 長期照護服務項目 6
第三章 AIoT物聯網背景介紹 8
第一節 物聯網與長期照護 8
第二節 人工智慧技術背景說明 10
第四章 資料來源與變數說明 13
第一節 資料來源與說明 13
第二節 變數說明 14
第三節 敘述統計 16
第五章 實證分析與討論 18
第一節 建立迴歸模型 18
第二節 實證結果分析 19
第六章 結論與建議 22
第一節 結論 22
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向 23
參考文獻 24
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