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作者(外文):Wu, Meng-Shan
論文名稱(中文):台灣隱形冠軍的競爭策略 -以線性傳動系統元件廠H公司為例
論文名稱(外文):Competitive strategy of the Taiwan’s hidden champion -A case study in a Linear drive system of H company
指導教授(外文):Shih, Chin-Tay
Yu, Shih-Ti
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Tzu-Hao
Chuang, Ming-Hsi
Tang, Ying-Hwa
外文關鍵詞:competitive strategyinnovation and R&Dcase studyhidden champion
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究透過兩類架構來進行探討。首先,由德國經濟學家赫曼‧西蒙(Hermann Simon)所提到的隱形冠軍定義與成功模式為本,以H公司為個案探討的研究案例,對照有那些相吻合之處。其次以麥可波特的五力分析審視個案公司各時期間的內部資源與各方關係的競爭優勢,歸納出個案公司是如何成功邁向國際舞台並成為世界知名品牌。
The manufacturing industry prevails in the 1980s. And the unsung heroes who sustain the whole machine tool industry are key component industries. Through the implementation of various strategies, H company not only has successfully challenged the fates of small OEM factories but also retains its competitive edge and grows steadily in turbulent environments nowadays.
This research is explored by two types of frameworks. First, based on the definition and success models of hidden champions mentioned by German economist Hermann Simon, this research uses H company’s case study as the research scope, and compare those consistent elements and then examine the competitive advantages of the internal resources and the relationships between each aspect with Michael E. Porter’s five forces analysis theory to summarize how can H company successfully promote to the international competition arena and become a worldwide brand.
According to the analysis and findings of the two frameworks, the results of this research are summarized as follows:
With respect to companies of component industries, product power is the primary target. They need to recognize the position in this industry first in order to use appropriate competitive strategies.
In stage one, H company focuses on “enhancing product power” in order to understand the disparity between the world's top competitors and itself. Accelerate optimization through mergers and acquisitions and innovation and R&D to, and set up the brand to accumulate all the efforts for now and the future. What’s more, the global layout is the first thing to get close to the customers and to enhance their brand stickiness.
The second stage is to extend what they do in stage one. The key point is factory expansion to “increase production capacity”. By doing so, the company could capture a bigger market share by cost advantages, promote an electronic and transparent system between the company and the suppliers. Moreover, H company could meet and deepen the relationship with both customers and suppliers and continue to establish the brand image for the purpose of pulling away from the threshold of other competitors.
Finally, in the third stage, by “using differentiation strategies”, H company tries to develop possibilities in other industries, such as semiconductor, medical, new energy, aviation, and even transportation industries in order to find a large number of opportunities. They not only use moderate diversification strategies to create new enterprises, but also strengthen company’s risk management by spreading risks. Thus, when facing the changes of prosperity, they could reduce the impact on the entrepreneur.
Eight successful key points summarized by Hermann Simon can be applied to all development stages of H company. For example, they look out for the best interest of our customers, and serve the consumer needs as the basis of services. H company increases energy in various aspects such as corporate governance, global layout, talent cultivation, industry-university cooperation, innovative value-adding, and social participation could bring customers and the company long-term values. The entrepreneur could maintain and also constantly boost its competitiveness.
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法與限制 2
第四節 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 隱形冠軍 5
第二節 併購 9
一、 併購的定義 9
二、 併購的動機 9
三、 併購之型態 12
第三節 競爭策略 13
一、 策略起源 13
二、 經營策略之型態 13
第三章 傳動元件的產業分析 17
第一節 傳統傳動元件介紹 17
一、 傳動元件介紹 17
二、 全球市場份額 19
三、 競爭者分析 21
第二節 系統件介紹-工業機器人 23
第四章 個案分析 27
第一節 個案公司簡介 27
一、 公司理念、使命、品牌意義 27
二、 產品介紹 31
三、 營運狀況 32
第二節 個案公司-初創品牌奠基期(1989-1999年) 33
一、 領導者及目標 35
二、 專注 35
三、 全球化 36
四、 設立品牌 36
第三節 個案公司-快速成長爆發期(1999-2009年) 37
一、 深度 38
二、 全球化 39
三、 分權 39
四、 外部關係 40
第四節 個案公司-創新發展轉型期(2009年~迄今) 41
一、 創新 42
二、 高效人力 45
三、 接近客戶 47
四、 策略聯盟 48
第五節 個案公司- Covid19疫情下的世局變化與個案公司 發展 50
第五章 結論與建議 52
第一節 結論 52
第二節 建議方向 53
第六章 參考文獻 55
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